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Advanced Aiming Engine (open source)
Author: Destroyer (CrobaSoft) Submitted: 29th April, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Engine Downloads: 687

Edited By destroyer on 4/29/2005

This is an advanced top down aiming engine, i once intended to make a game out of it, but it would probably be boring, so i thought this might be useful.

This engine features:

360 directional movment with 360 directional bullets.
Auto aiming.
Smart enemies with pathfind, and line of sight.
Advanced scrolling where the camera is centered in front of the player.
Crosshair centered in front of the player.
Health bars displayed over enemies heads.
Fully commented events.

Ok the pathfind is'nt exactly brilliant, but it's hard making good pathfind for multiple objects.

This engine requires the angle calculator.
And the direction calculator

Controls are shoot at CTRL, aim at shift and move on the arrow keys.

Review This Download (500kb )

Posted by Destroyer (CrobaSoft) 30th April, 2005

Posted by vortex2 30th April, 2005

Yes. Perhaps. No.
Posted by Destroyer (CrobaSoft) 30th April, 2005

if you wonder why i wrote no. that's because someone asked if i knowed someone i've never heard of. and the he deleted his post.
Posted by ChrisB 1st May, 2005

It would be nice if you made sure that pressing LEFT makes you turn LEFT. Apart from that it's not bad, but could do with work - making the movement and scrolling smoother etc. And why are you using Angle Calculator and Direction Calculator? You've got MMF, use the Advanced Direction object instead.
Posted by Destroyer (CrobaSoft) 1st May, 2005

The first thing is easy to change. Yeah, but i dont really know how to make the movment smoother, since im alredy storing the coordinates in decimals. I never tried out the advanced direction object, perhaps i should.
Posted by ben mercer 2nd May, 2005

All good apart from: -The scrolling is weird and kinda disorienting -The enemy line of sight is very thin; he doesn't see me until i jump infront of his face. This can be corrected by say subtracting 45 from the angle then adding 90, which would give a random FOV of 90 degrees. Another method which i use is you make the line of sight objects shoot, but the angle sweeps from side to side, kinda like how a radar works. I would have to post an example to fully explain this.





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