The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Klingon Fight

Klingon Fight
Author: leilei Submitted: 23rd May, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 218


However this game is just as old as Crazy Man ][ which I uploaded earlier - but the positive part is that this game is alot different, and plays much better more like a serious Star Trek game.

Basically, it's a top down 1-on-1 space combat shooter with an fed starship versus some klingon ship. It has a neat tractor beam effect too

This a rather old version though, i've done a version using the line extension before but can't find it lol.

Review This Download (4900kb )

Posted by Faithtoken 23rd May, 2005

R U sure there isnt a "zero" to much in the gamesize?
Posted by Yai7 23rd May, 2005

High 5! =)
Posted by axel 23rd May, 2005

490 Mb? XD
Posted by Johan Hargne (Wartagon) 23rd May, 2005

no but 4,9 mb
Posted by leilei 23rd May, 2005

Yes, you've read right. The game is 5 MEGABYTES big. It also takes a small moment to load on my Athlon950 too, as well as longer on the k6-2 500 i've developed it on.
Posted by Joshua M. 23rd May, 2005

That's not that big. :P Look at M-X. It's a demo and it's 96mb :o
Posted by wario 23rd May, 2005

pic looks lame, nah :P jk I'll d/l it, I got nothing to lose..
Posted by John Keyes 25th May, 2005

if it takes me 15 minutes to download a 7 mb game can u tell wat internet connection i have
Posted by John Keyes 25th May, 2005

sorry about off topic
Posted by leilei 26th May, 2005

A slow one.
Posted by John Keyes 27th May, 2005

i mean like wat connection broadband or like 56k





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