The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. Mario's collection (demo)

Mario's collection (demo)
Author: sizcoz Submitted: 22nd November, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 117

Edited By sizcoz on 11/28/2005

Edited By sizcoz on 11/24/2005

Edited By sizcoz on 11/23/2005

Edited By sizcoz on 11/23/2005

Edited By sizcoz on 11/23/2005

Edited By sizcoz on 11/23/2005

Ok, This is a game i have been working on for 2 weeks now, so now i think its time for some constructive critisism from you guys. The idea is basic, steer mario to collect the falling hardware, i.e GBA, DS, Gamecube, Rev, and score as many points as possible, I have limited it to only 3 levels and one Boss Battle, but if i get some positive feedback then maybe i will find time to add many more levels, anyways go ahead and try and get over 3000 points.

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 (895kb )

Posted by Bibin 26th November, 2005

Posted by Fragasnap 27th November, 2005

Here we go *Breathes in deeply*
First of all, don't use installers! Put a stand alone game in a folder with cnc32.dll and then zip it! (Or you can use .rar, which ever you prefer)

Secondly, this is not the place to post fan games.

Thirdly, this is the place comments come in.

Fourth, If you use sprites, try to make the graphics work together.

And fith, save things in the same folder you install it in. (Use 'Apdir$' I think that's what it was...)
Posted by Flava 27th November, 2005

Who said this isn't the place to post fan games?
Don't see why people have such a grudge against fan games - better than no games at all..
Posted by sizcoz 27th November, 2005

sorry guys, but i'm new to this so you will have to allow for glaring errors, still all comments are welcome
Posted by sizcoz 27th November, 2005

Questions, explain yourself
1 ) Whats so wrong with installers ?
2 ) Where is the place to post fan games ?
3 ) ?
4 ) ?
5 ) I imagine you are on about the .ini in windows ?

sorry just like some explanation seeing as these things made your blood boil some .
Posted by DaVince 27th November, 2005

1. Installers are annoying. you have to install a game, then find out it sucks (50% of the installer games do) and then uninstall it again.

2. This is. That guy isn't the smartest guy either.

3. Yeah, that was just stupid.

4. He means graphics fitting in well with the other graphics, but I don't really see any bad blending graphics in your game.

5. All files should be saved in the same folder, it's the best and doesn't leave any files behind when deleting the game. So INIs, text files, music etcetera. Use Appdrive$ + Appdir$ to get the game directory. So like this:
Appdrive$ + Appdir$ + "file.ini"
Posted by DaVince 27th November, 2005

btw, you can press alt+printscreen to take a screenshot of only the window. Also, remove the big black space in the screenshots.
Posted by sizcoz 27th November, 2005

Thanks for clearing all that up, it might not be a bad idea for this site to have an article on how to post downloads, and what is required. It is very confusing for someone with as little brian power as me, also what is required in the screenshot section, newbies like me would like guidlines, I better shut up seeing as I am new here. (smile)
Posted by Fragasnap 28th November, 2005

sizcoz: "my email is for comments"

I'm saying that we post comments right here! Sorry for not making that clear.
Posted by DaVince 28th November, 2005

sizcoz: There's this link on the left called 'are you new?'
It explains it all.
Posted by DaVince 28th November, 2005

No, wait. It doesn't. It should be in there. Any admin / editor care to add in pages for how to post downloads, links, articles etc.?
Posted by sizcoz 28th November, 2005

Yes i read all the "are you new" bit but it only gives you game making tips, still if anyone has the time perhaps a site Guidelines/posting link could be made.
I found the most confusing bit is getting your screenshots in correct format etc, still i managed eventually, sorry fragasnap, yes i agree comments should be here i will edit that bit out
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 28th November, 2005

With the exception of Peblo, you can basically ignore all the GAMEMINE brothers.
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware] 29th November, 2005

Hey!! Why does evryone have to be so negative? We just have our own style of making games, and to some people, that is bad! If we are at least MAKING games, isn't that good enough? Were improving every day, you just never see it. Secondly, GAMEMINE is spelled Game Mine. We arent "brothers" either. Were getting off to a rocky start, thats all.
Posted by Gus Stevenson 1st December, 2005

People here tend to be pretty tough on Mario games, cause there are so many on here. (They're the same way about Pong clones.)

This one's pretty good, though, considering you're just starting out. Keep working.

BTW, if you're planning on making another Mario-style game, you might want to search the downloads section. There are some very cool Mario engines you can use!
Posted by Peblo 2nd December, 2005

"With the exception of Peblo, you can basically ignore all the GAMEMINE brothers."

At least people know my name...
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware] 3rd December, 2005

Why does everyone ignore me?





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