The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Puzzle ::. CodeCracker 1.1

CodeCracker 1.1
Author: DaVince Submitted: 26th December, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Puzzle Downloads: 325

Edited By DaVince [Ectoprods] on 1/12/2008

CodeCracker (CodeKraker in Dutch)

CodeCracker is a word/letter puzzle game. You get a set of numbers varying from 0 to 26, each representing a number. You have to fill those numbers in to get a word. If you guessed the word correctly, you wil get a point. However, if you guessed wrong, you will lose a point...
Try to get the highest score!

CodeCracker comes with a default word list, and a word list editor so you can create your own words to guess in the game. You can also export the word list to a file so you can share it with anyone.

If you made a word list with a specific category (like sports, or people, etcetera) you can send it to me and I'll put it up on my site.

A new version may be made, which allows automatic uploading/downloading word lists from a central host. There must be enough players before I'll implement this, though.

Enjoy this little game!

EDIT: Now updated to version 1.1, which fixes a bug and allows you to create your own language for the game.

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Posted by Flava 27th December, 2005

I don't understand..
I've got a set up numbers - and each number represents a letter of the alphabet. A is 1, B is 2 .etc.. I don't see how this is hard?
Posted by DaVince 28th December, 2005

It isn't, really. You just have to fill in the correct numbers next to the letters. It is a very simple game.
Posted by Flava 28th December, 2005

Oh okay I thought that it was meant to be a difficult type of code breaking mastermind game thing
Posted by axel 4th January, 2006

It'd be better if the number code changed every time and stuff. (No I haven't downloaded it yet )
Posted by DaVince 5th January, 2006

Yeah maybe, but that'd be more confusing. And it's not aimed towards a changing code.
Posted by Zethell 3rd February, 2006

1 = A
2 = B ?
Posted by DaVince 4th March, 2006

Posted by DaVince 3rd July, 2006

Meh. Maybe I'll make a new, mor challenging version. Or a different word game.





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