The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. M.U.R.S 2 (1.912)

M.U.R.S 2 (1.912)
Author: pixelscope Submitted: 15th January, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 306

Edited By pixelscope on 1/29/2006

Society's fall - 20 years from now. After countless incidents of local wars and terrorist attacks the resistance force had grown bigger and stronger, but so had the Interpolice Corporation.
And so the situation was getting more and more intense. An eastern rage started to take form within the western communities aswell. History had finally proven what was the result of capitalism. The red sun stood high as the worldwar was coming to an end. Worldwar X. The final and definite war. Only a few living creatures would stand once all the others had fallen. On this matter you are to decide...

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Top down scolling shoot em' up game. Mainly for multiplayer gaming, but has an offline training mode aswell.

The game was originally released about two years ago but didn't live up to expectations due to various reasons. A messy server browser system was one thing, bugs another. This has now been taken care of and it's now a whole lot better.

Feautures an action loaded tile-based online system with a handful of weapons and stationary equipment, four different kind of gametypes and a whole lot of otehr stuff.

For information about Dplay and Direct X (DirectX: Ports required to play on a network) take a look at this:

Before you say anything - No I'm not using MOO. Why? Cause I wasn't the owner of 1.5 when I first started working on this.

I do realize the screenshots aren't that very informative but it was the best I could do. The game itself explains it a lot better. Have a go!

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Changes/Additions v 1.908 (06/01/15)
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[x]Several bug fixes (Lag, Directions, Fixed how red player couldn't use fake walls).
[+]Added a whole new server browser feature.
[+]Added a training mode with bots.

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Changes/Additions v 1.909 (06/01/16)
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[x]Bug fixes (Browser error, How bots was appearing in netplay).
[+]Added a News pop-up
[+]Added admin log file.

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Changes/Additions v 1.910 (06/01/19)
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[x]Mayor bug fixes (Fixed how you couldn't properly join the game when in "pre-match chat", Fixed how you sometimes spawned in the wrong map, Made the transition after death smoother, Fixed how the host's name would add the green tag one more time on each map change, Fixed mayor location bug with teleports, stairs and even health-zones.
[+]Added a 'You were kicked' screen instead of the confusing re-boot.
[+]Added a text-box above all characters to show the name of the player.
[+]Added an indicator for each weapon on the HUD.
[x]Various other changes.

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Changes/Additions v 1.911 (06/01/20)
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[x]Program termination-fix.
[+]Added some more code to the bot-AI.
[x]The quite poorly made portraits were replaced with new ones.

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Changes/Additions v 1.912 (06/01/2
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[+]Names are now showing above players' heads.
[+]The green and red player actually has a walking animation (!)
[x]Improved net code on shooting direction for a more accurate reading.
[+]Spectators can chat.
[+]You can now reverse, figured not being able to reverse before without strafing was a bit odd.
[+]Added a global chat-function in the scores frame.

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Posted by ben mercer 15th January, 2006

looks interesting... but the screenshots are down and so is the file link.
Posted by pixelscope 15th January, 2006

Ok, switched server. Try downloading it now.
Posted by Hempuli 16th January, 2006

Posted by 20th January, 2006

no one is ever on. you should set a date for like 20 people to be on.
Posted by pixelscope 20th January, 2006

That's actually a very good idea. The hard part is the time zones.

How about this, after this weekend.
Jan 24th 7pm(19:00) GMT+1(SWEDEN, which is where I live). To find out what time that would be where You live use this Timezone Converter:
Posted by pixelscope 20th January, 2006

Better up;
Posted by pixelscope 22nd January, 2006

Perhaps you did. At the time I was first on about it(two years ago) I was spamming it like crazy all over #k&p and #tgf.





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