The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Retro ::. Dizzy King Of The Yolkfolk

Dizzy King Of The Yolkfolk
Author: Mat_Dizzy Submitted: 28th January, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Retro Downloads: 317

Edited By Matthew Stapleton on 1/28/2006

A New game of a brilliant series, this my freinds, is dizzy king of the yolkfolk

Story Line

Village Of Yolkfolk - Calm, Peaceful, but then again BOOOM The yolkfolk villagers are struck by zaks powers, one by one each member dissapears!! you must find all your friends scattered around the world of yolkfolk, and Yolkville! to prove your powers to zaks. Once you have everyone he tells you that he did it of jelousey, from dizzy being prince! and as an award at the end of the game - you Dizzy - become King Of The Yolkfolk!!!

plot of the game

save all 4 members of the yolkfolk family, and save daisy



Andy Uk - Game Engine

Adz - Teaser Video Music Maker

Jacob Thorne - Beta Tester

Everyone on yolkfolk - For support

go to if you dont know anything about this little egg

Review This Download (546 kkb )

Posted by Mr Q 29th January, 2006

This is awesome!, Make more
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 29th January, 2006

This isn't totally terrible, but it's the wrong style for a Dizzy game - you've put too much emphasis on just passing obstacles and not enough puzzle solving, I think.
Posted by Hempuli 29th January, 2006

Posted by Jest 29th January, 2006

Oooh, classic graphics too. Did you rip them by anychance?

I'm a huge fan of the Dizzy series. So I'll download this when I have the time and give it a play. =

"and as an award at the end of the game - you Dizzy - become King Of The Yolkfolk!!! "

Oh damn, now you gave away the ending! You party pooper!
Posted by Mat_Dizzy 29th January, 2006

thanks for the positive feedback

theres the map, only look if you dont want to use your brain!
Posted by 29th January, 2006

Umm..Kind funny looking! >.< But the Graphics do fit in!
Posted by Strange Culture 30th January, 2006

I’m a massive fan of the Dizzy game’s especially the Spectrum versions, however as Wong says there is no object interaction in your version. The thing that set Dizzy apart from other plat formers was finding and utilizing different objects. Without this element the game is just another plat former which doesn’t feel like a Dizzy game and really isn’t that good.
Posted by AndyUK 30th January, 2006

You're getting better at these Mat.

next time try to include some puzzles and find some chiptune music for it.
Posted by Teapot 30th January, 2006

If you haven't played Andy's yet, do so. This is good, but as stated above: more puzzles.
Posted by AndyUK 30th January, 2006

He has played them.
Posted by Adz.M 2nd January, 2006

It's not bad Mat m8, the more games you make, the more chances they'll start to get more better
Posted by Mat_Dizzy 2nd February, 2006

quote from phizzy -

"Umm... I find this quite bad, really... "

ehem... take in mind i am only 13 years old, and this the engine itself is quite complex, even though i did not make the engine itself, getting events to work in it are still really hard, such as when you want dizzy to colide with an active object, and STOP i could not do it as the that works with the BUILT IN TGF engine...

sorry to hear it mate

maybe tell me how to improove more than Umm... I find this quite bad, really...

Posted by Mat_Dizzy 2nd February, 2006

if you havent got anything kind to say... dont say it!!
Posted by AndyUK 4th February, 2006

I think the best thing for you to do is start to learn how to make your own engines in TGF.

I made that engine after spending about 4 years learning about TGF so it's quite complex for someone unless they really know what they're doing. Also it's hard to understand someone elses engine because we have our own ways.
Posted by Mat_Dizzy 5th February, 2006

i have been using the games factory for about 4 years now, but im not as complex lol, but i do think using the built in TGF engine is bad! so, i wanted it to look nice!
Posted by AndyUK 5th February, 2006

It is commented, i think.

but it's still complex stuff.
Posted by fucop 2nd July, 2007

I reviewed the game, I came to this conclusion: SHIT






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