The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. I'm OK

I'm OK
Author: Raincoatduck Submitted: 5th February, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 400
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Raincoatduck on 11/05/2006

We'll admit it - when we first heard about Jack Thompson's "Modest Video Game Proposal", we thought it was just another lame attempt by a humorless old man to bring undue attention to himself in order to try and make up for a wasted youth and failing career. Little did we know that "Whacko Jacko" had laid out the blueprint for the seminal game of our generation - a game so gory, so brutal, so devoid of logic and morals that it would make Postal 2 seem like Ms. Pacman.

After reading "A Modest Video Game Proposal", we (Derek Yu of Blackeye Software fame, Chris Hanson and Phil Jones of Leaky Pig Productions fame, Alec Holowka of making awesome music fame) formed Thompsonsoft to create any game that Jack Thompson designed. Our first title, "I'm OK", is based on Jack's masterful design from "A Modest Video Game Proposal" and it's a murder simulator so cruel, so bloodthirsty, so horrifyingly violent that it makes Grand Theft Auto seem like Sunday Funday.

The gameplay is in the vein of old-school shoot'em ups such as the Metal Slug and Contra series with enough pixellated violence to satisfy even the most jaded gamer. It features 7 unique weapons including uzis, shotguns, rocket launchers, and a baseball bat. Players will visit numerous locales and single-handedly bring down the entire video game industry. It also has the distinction of being the first video game to star a middle-aged half-Korean/half-Japanese man who cries all the time!

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Posted by AndyUK 5th February, 2006

Well the graphics, music and all around presentation are all great. However I found the gameplay lacking. I beat level 2 and just got bored.
Posted by axel 5th February, 2006

I love it

However, you might want to take a look at this:
I fell off the screen, and a yellow thing appeared. Bugfixing time?
Posted by Noyb 6th February, 2006

This game got featured on, apparently with a response from Thompson himself.
Posted by Peblo 6th February, 2006

You guys are awesome.
Posted by contra 6th February, 2006

Absolutely hilarious. Topnotch graphics and spot-on humor. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it. MMF games crashes all the time :/ The readme said no cheatcodes but I'd loved if there were some levelskipping due to the replays because of crashes.
Posted by Bo Fu 6th February, 2006

Bloody brilliant, you guys. This inspired me to add five thousand percent more absurdist gore to my games as well!

I would have liked a save feature or something along those lines, or something to add more replayability. BUT. That said, this game is farking brilliant and a great stab in the ass to a guy who can't keep his big trap shut. I had a little difficulty against the final boss, but got over it quickly when I started buying a ridiculous amount of Uzis.
Posted by Hempuli 6th February, 2006

sick but good..
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 6th February, 2006

I enjoyed it a bunch, even though it is kinda repetitive, and probably should have some kind of level save feature. I hope more games are made based on this dude's proposal. If I had time, I'd make one myself.
Posted by Silveraura 7th February, 2006

Made Attack of the Shows; The Feed. Congrats...
Posted by Windybeard Games 7th February, 2006

Fantastic. gfx are some quality. game crashed though at the end of lvl 3
Posted by Hill Gigas 7th February, 2006

The graphics are top notch! Too bad it froze for me at the end of level 3 as well. Needs a save feature!
Posted by Mike Haggar 7th February, 2006

Now this is what I'm talking about! It's about time games/gamers make a political statement against crooked politicians instead of vice versa. I have to say although I was aware of the attacks on gaming since GTA and such I was not aware of this "modest video game" proposal for which this game is based. I just read the proposal over twice and this game deliciously follows its guidelines. Also, I read Thompson's response and him saying something like "cops are keeping an eye on cop killing games" or something to that effect. I crashed halfway into the 3rd level like someone else but up until that point you were only killing lawyers and game CEOs and their families right? It's just awful to depict the killing of a cop but murdering an innocent family as long as someone is connected to video games is ok I guess?? Anyway getting away from the excellent political parody goodness, I'd have to say the gameplay is simply O.K.? Graphics are good and more detailed in some places than others but I think the game serves it's purpose. Twenty severed thumbs up.
Posted by Mike Haggar 7th February, 2006

“Vengeance is mine, I will repay”
Posted by Teapot 7th February, 2006

Sounds fooking brilliant, will dl soon!
Posted by Jason Orme 7th February, 2006

We have a Klik N Create Revolution on our hands here.
Posted by Jason Orme 7th February, 2006

Amazing, simply amazing.

Video games have made me start peeing on brains
Posted by Jest 8th February, 2006

Hahaha, I folowed the Jack thing closey, being a Penny Arcade fan. So this is absalutely awesome. Has he contacted your "lawyers" yet like he said he would? =P
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 9th February, 2006

It's not exactly my thing, but well done for standing up to the lunatic.
Posted by Jason Orme 9th February, 2006

I thought Daily Click had been took down due to this game.
Posted by Jason Orme 9th February, 2006

Btw, I love the Konami code cheat on the start screen
Posted by DaVince 9th February, 2006

Bloody Hell!! Whoa.

And still, this was fun to play. Not a murder simulator at all, though.
Posted by 9th February, 2006

i didn't read the desc and i immediately understood after playing:
2d version of postal (yes, i AM a postal 2 freak)
Posted by X_Sheep 9th February, 2006

You sadistic sons of bitches.
Posted by Davide Mascolo 9th February, 2006

Great technically, not so great in gameplay but still fun, a lot of touches of class. The ending credits, aside from the music, are done in a style resembling the ending credits of Cave Story.

While the main purpose of the game could have been the satyrical one, they also managed to pack a nice product to play. Congratulations!
Posted by X_Sheep 9th February, 2006

The part with the bouncing brains is just genius.
Posted by Spram 10th February, 2006

This is funny. I love the graphics, Derek Yu you are a genius. The music is funny too with sprinkles of Zelda and Mario here and there.

But the game crashes after level 3.
Posted by GrieferSutherland 10th February, 2006

graphics are great, gameplay is boring
Posted by TPK 10th February, 2006

I love the MegaMan 2 Intro!

I do have to agree with everyone else as far as the gameplay goes, but great job none the less!
Posted by alex goss 10th February, 2006

the graphics are great. but the main guy is just anoying to look at and makes me sick.
Posted by Teapot 11th February, 2006

This game's so good it makes me want to kill people!
Posted by 11th February, 2006

i killd my reele sun aftre wotchin dis LMFAO
Posted by stickboybob 11th February, 2006

one word, two exclamations, three letters:
Posted by steve 11th February, 2006

alanmenot: "i killd my reele sun aftre wotchin dis LMFAO"
What the fuck!? Why are people unable to spell properly anymore!? Or is this some kind of "gangsta" talk?
Posted by 11th February, 2006

i guess it's the new 1338 lang
Posted by Teapot 12th February, 2006

The portrait on the map screen looks a little too much like a slitheen (or another raxicoracophalibatirian).
Posted by Teapot 12th February, 2006

Sorry, that's Raxicoricophalipatorian (I think).
Posted by Mike Haggar 16th February, 2006

Does anyone know how to keep the game from crashing at level 3? I kinda wanna finish the game but I got uninspired after having it crash 2 or 3 times.
Posted by Mike Haggar 23rd February, 2006

I'm taking that as a no...
Posted by Joey vvvv 1st March, 2006

Posted by BeamSplashX 8th March, 2006

THE END (of violence)

I really hope you people didn't find this too hard. I died on the VERY FIRST enemy in Super Mario Brothers (point: I'm quite bad at games) and I beat it! YAY for self-esteem! And it didn't crash on me either.
Posted by Lachie Dazdarian 17th March, 2006

Very impressive work guys. The technical perfection of the game is superb. From the graphics, the way it's compiled(animations, backgrounds, etc.) to the presentation and sound. The look of this game is close to the ideal I'm striving to and hopefully I'll be able to deliver something so well designed one day.

Someone said the gameplay doesn't work so well but I wouldn't agree. The game is fun to play, there are things to learn, strategies to use and it's not too difficult as well as not too easy.

The game is not too long but I don't consider this a flaw. Especially with games I didn't pay for.

The intro story is very funny.

The graphics are what impressed me the most in I'm OK although the quality falls on some places(like the end credits pictures). What I wouldn't mind are more extensive credits. Like, are all the graphics in the game original? If even a single sprite isn't I would like to see it credited. The defense lawyer, the prosecution lawyer and the expert witness look very familiar too me(I know they are based on the same image). Also, the travel screen looks very similar to the one from Super Nibbly. Were you inspired by that screen?

What I didn't like is your delusion with the originality and the controversy of the game design and the story. I think you are giving yourself too much credit here. I would understand if you were boasting about the graphics and technical perfection of the game but this approach puzzles me. Ultra-violence is so present it nowadays films and computer games that it became boring and too common. At least to me. Also, killing children in computer games is not something new. I remember a game from Amiga 1200(one of the last commercial games on that platform) entitled Damage where you play a mad lunatic, kill children in a day-care center among other things and on the end destroy the entire world. Sorry I can't think of a more familiar game but I'm sure there are other examples. The only original thing in the story is toying with the concept of game designers in a computer game. But even something similar on that topic was done in Super Ultimate Boppin(by Accursed Toys) where you fought against a deluded "good" bunny who imprisoned all the villains and monsters from computer games. That game also featured wicked humor and suicide deaths of main character when they lose a level. Check for that game.

As for the controversy guys, I can think of dozen of stories and designs that are way more provocative and politically incorrect. I'm sure some of my ideas are in the heads of some of you too so I'm returning to my amazement with your delusion about the controversy of I'm OK.

My point is that the design and the story is not something exceptional in the perspective of originality and controversy. Really. Why this game is good is because of the graphics, gameplay and overall technical perfection.

I think you managed to create a game nobody can score negatively without being tendentious and jealous. Great work.

I would score is 9/10. Nobody gets 10.

BTW, if that song from the end credits original? Really cool.
Posted by vortex2 8th April, 2006

Great game, I liked it alot.
Posted by gustav 8th April, 2006

i just skimmed through your post, lachie.
do you even know who jack thompson is? did you bother reading the description? for the most part this game is a joke. calm down, and don't take it so seriously.
Posted by Imadjinn 16th June, 2006

Christ, level 3 is just too hard... Wonderfully gory though.






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