The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Skating of DOOM! (public Beta 3)

Skating of DOOM! (public Beta 3)
Author: Rod F: The Engineer Submitted: 11th March, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 195

Edited By Rod F: The Engineer on 12/03/2006

(Tentative Title)

Public BETA 03

By Rod F - (c) 2006

-= NOTICE =-
In order for the music to work you need to place ALL the files from the zip in the under the same directory:
For example, "C:/NotMyPornFiles/Crappy3rdRateGames/SkatingOfDoom/..."

-= Basics =-

You must face off against and ever increasing hoard of inline skating drones.
To do this you first start off with your set of roller blades and your trusty bat.
As you begin to tackle and smash your enemies outside the field you increase your
'Pirometer'(A.K.A. 'Insane-o-Meter') to achive new levels and aquire new weapons.
How long will you survive before you are beaten senseless into the ground ?

The concept of skating of doom! is pure randomness. A not-so-complex plot is the
excuse for the display of large quantities of oddities and cameos by famous characters
of pop-culture (and some not so famous).

-= Controls =-

an 8-direction control type is used in this game.
W up Q previous weapon
S down E next wepon
A left Shift use weapon
D right Ctrl speed up

-= BETA 01 included =-

- 3 'weapons' that can be combined during combat
- 4 characters that pop from the sides (cameos)
- Expressive animations and much more

-= BETA 02 adds to the package =-

- A 4th weapon! The trip-disc wich is nothing more than an oversized Hockey puck. Use shift to send it out and press shift again to call it back to you. What would happen if you grab it?

- Text strings will appear on the side whenever you do a combination of weapons.

-= BETA 03 makes the deal even SWEETER! =-

- Background music! Thanks to the SPC player for MMF. Most of the background music comes from the Donkey Kong Country series soundtrack.

- A new type of drone! After pushing out 10 drones a batting enemy will come in the field and cannot be pushed out. Instead you must knock him out till you kill him.

- Main Menu and Weapons section! just for the fun of it!

- A 'Sand bag' on the Tutorial Room! (the one with the button configuration on the bottom)

-= Known Bugs =-

- Sometimes the drones get stuck on the walls but it had been slightly corrected
however this can still happen sometimes. [Hopefully FULLY Corrected in this version]

- Once you reach the level limit in your Pirometer (in this BETA it's 3) chances are that when
you knock a drone down it may spawn large quatities of knocked down drones. [Used to happen on BETA 01 more often, Hopefully FULLY corrected in this version]

- Sometimes a sprite will appear floating near you. e.g. a Drone's Corpse that looks stuck and moves aronud the play area with you. Just try throwing some Racoons around see if it helps it.[Will try to correct for next release]

- Other minor bugs will be corrected on future versions.[As long as new ones don't pop up!]

- If you encounter other big bugs or have suggestions on how to correct the previously mentioned
then contact me through my Daily Click user.

-= What will the next versions inlcude =-

- Flamethrower and Fire Extinguisher! For some 'elemental' fun!
- Other types of drones with more violent behaviors. Such as Drones with bats[CHECKED!], or Drones that shove taclked drones back to you[Working on it!]!
- High Score system, probably Web-based [Mhe.. ill scrap that, i guess]
- More levels where to play [Yes... at least another one]
- Way more cameos (currently plan to have 33)[Must get into that one of these days...]
- A 'Story' Mode with 'missions' such as 'Push 10 Drones out of the field in less that X minutes' or 'Make 5 Drones Agonize with a racoon on their necks before Drone counter reaches 20'. Like Tony Hawk Pro-Skater

Suggestions for the game are welcome. ENJOY!
If the link doesn't work copy/paste the text on your address box of your browser. You know the drill.

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Posted by Trey 11th March, 2006

Hey man, your chars drawing style is kickin'!
Posted by 11th March, 2006

looks coll ill try it
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 11th March, 2006

Any freaky idea for the gameplay is welcome... also level design, etc. I believe I didnt add the cnc32.dll to the .zip... if anybody is havign trouble running it please be my guest and squeal it here
Posted by 11th March, 2006

Lot's of bugs in this game and it need's a new backround but this is pretty fun.
Posted by Chaoz (Tri-Life Gaming) 11th March, 2006

You should be able to regenerate health(very,very slowly).Maybe icons for the weapons too?I really like the game anyways.Great job!

Chao,teh uber n00b.
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 11th March, 2006

You DO regerate health... u get 1HP back everytime you push a drone outside of the field.

Yes the background monotony is strikingly obvious.. I was thinking of placing a little logo or some stripes as if it were an actual hockey stadium or something of the sort. And that's also why im asking for new lvl designs

There are minor bugs... that i know of.. but if the one you came across is HUGE please let me know and ill see what i can do about it.
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 12th March, 2006

there's been a HORRIBLE mistake from my side and I uploaded the exact same version than before (BETA 02).. this HORRIBLE mistake is being corrected AS WE SPEAK and the real BETA 03 will be up soon.

Did I mention it was a HORRIBLE mistake?
Posted by 12th March, 2006

ok ill redounload
Posted by 12th March, 2006

good game but whats the spot light do sometimes it brings every onenin the stadium to me and i die also they dont move if you can't see them? why?
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 12th March, 2006

I don't know why that happens!! It's like they play a game of freeze-tag, as in they freeze if they are not on my play area...

The spotlight is meant to be an extra hazard... Imagine the classic spotlight for a runaway prisoner in a jail.. if the spotlight focuses on you then everybody knows where u are. So in this game all the enemies that are close to you know where you are if the spotlight catches you
Posted by Simon Colmer 15th March, 2006

simple runtime editing fixes that problem, all you have to do is right click the object/character in mmf, go to Properties->Scrolling and untick the box named "Inactive Object If Far From Window" and click ok - repeat for all objects and then they should keep doing stuff when they are out of the screen

Needs more gameplay to it If you press shift to many times it screws up the bat till you move! Maybe have different types of character/enemy's (like brutes with weapons) - also if an stationary animation is playing and press a directional button, you move while it looks like your stationary
Good work, keep it up!
Posted by steve 15th March, 2006

In addition to what Simon said above: go to storyboard editor, right click the level then select "Properties" then select frame and tick "handle background collisions even out of window" so that things dont go wrong outside the window (such as enemies flying through walls etc).
(I havent played this version yet)

Posted by Kazuma 15th March, 2006

The gameplay was fun, but the bugs and control scheme took too much away from the overall experience.

Perhaps you should add an options screen where the player can customize the controls.
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 15th March, 2006

Sweet! I thought people stopped downloading this ... I love the free ad i get when im posted on the front page... thank you oh kind webmaster.

I WILL use the tips you are givign me Simon. The 'handle collision even out of window' has been ticked already, thanks steve.

Control customization is on the way.. i was thinking about it. I just based the control scheme on a clasic FPS game (at least thats what im used to) because in those games, and also console games you control the direction with the left hand and actions with the right hand. and most of the time, weapon switching is a few buttons above the WASD buttons.

Did you defeat the Batting Drone, Simon? Im working on a 'spite' system for drones after you knock them down with a weapon. the spited drone will rise after being biting the dust and chase you furiously until it reaches you and swings u around (like you do when u grab a racoon then run into a drone). This move wont damage you but it will take away some health if you crash against other drones or walls during the process. Im working on making this 'spite' probabily get higher as you have more drones on the OUT counter.

The Flamethrower frames are under development too.. but the flame itself is yet to convince me. You can already imagine that drones will be running around engulfed in flames once reaching contact with your weapon (spray can + zippo...).

I will get to more gameplay features besides 'just beat the hell outta people' once I get these features done.

I've also been thinking of adding stage hazard..for example.. holes in the middle of the thing.. or large things that fall from the sky for either coherent reason or pure randomness. Once the falling debri hits the ground you may not be safe, the shockwave caused by the crash may cause you to trip or loose balance.

I dunno, im just spilling out some ideas.

Thanks for the support. I'll get to other character design once i get mechanics done... but since its like 'always getting new stuff' i think that the mechanics department will never be actually done.
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 15th March, 2006

Hmm.. about the "inactive object if far from window"... i cant untick the box.. it appears as locked..

It'll be great to know how to correct the animations problem too. bet it has something to do with 'run this once' or soemthing like that on the event editor..
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 16th March, 2006

it worked! nevermind! great!
Posted by Kazuma 16th March, 2006

Another bug I noticed is that if you're against a wall, you can hold the key to move away from the wall and Ctrl, and it will play the "bump into wall" animation and pull you backwards into the wall.

But keep updating and I'll keep downloading!

...but I'm not gonna play anymore until you add that customizable control feature.
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 16th March, 2006

... hey now that's blackmailing!

u can always try changing the control from the old "players Ctrl + Y" in the menu in the meantime

Now ill try to add a little string that will say what the hell just happened because now enemies bump into each other 'out of the camera' and one doesn't know what the hell happened.

Any ideas on how to make a string that after a certain event it just adds some words and keeps the old one. e.g. , the string says "hello" and after a certain event the string may say "hello, how are you" or if something else happens it say "hello, who is it?"
Posted by Djfuego 16th March, 2006

Heh I actually played the game until I died, very addictive game, the bat animation gets stuck If you keep batting constantly, I din't spot too many bugs. I would have been more impressed if you had made your own snes music instead of ripping it from other games. Other than that, I give it a big thumbs up.
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 16th March, 2006

It'll be great to know how to correct that animation issue.. i just dont know how
Posted by Simon Colmer 16th March, 2006

to stop the animation bug, the best is
when animation "bat" is NOT playing (have to negate the event)
+ upon pressing key "fire" = animation change sequence to "bat"
this means you can only attack when your not attacking hopefully meaning you wont get it confused as you can only attack once at a time! - well i hope
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 16th March, 2006

I understood it...and sadly THAT is already in the code...

Posted by Chris Macadam 18th March, 2006

Really wierd i can't get the link to woek how did u guy and girls........... it looks like a cool game.
Posted by Chris Macadam 18th March, 2006

Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 18th March, 2006

Still having trouble or it did work now?
Posted by Chaoz (Tri-Life Gaming) 19th March, 2006

i have dll'ed and played b3...nice! code u need...(for an alt. string,but you get teh point ):
+Something really evil happened
-set alt. string(hi) to "oh no!"

+Something even more evil happened
- set alt. string(hi) to alt. string(hi) + "something evil has happened!"

Do i get some pie for this?
Posted by AfterStar 23rd March, 2006

I'm getting a Server Failure error when trying to download it.
Posted by Rod F: The Engineer 23rd March, 2006

ummm.. I'm not... try it again.. or copy/paste the adress to your browser's adress bar...
Posted by AfterStar 24th March, 2006

It worked with Save as...
It seems the server doesn't like Download Accelerator





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