The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Within a Deep Forest

Within a Deep Forest
Author: Nicklas_N Submitted: 3rd May, 2006 Favourites:4
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 586
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Nicklas_N on 08/05/2006

Edited By Nicklas_N on 06/05/2006

Within a Deep Forest is a 2D platform game, with a lot focus on atmosphere. Dr. Cliché did two attempts to build a bomb capable of freezing the entire world to ice. His first attempt failed and resulted in a living blue ball. The second attempt was a success. The bomb is now activated, and now the living blue ball must travel through many dangerous places hidden within Pinewood Heights in order to retrieve the powers necessary to stop the countdown.

The things that I focused on, when creating Within a Deep Forest, is:

* Advanced gameplay, yet easy to learn - You only really use the arrow buttons, and A & S to controll your movements. Yet the use of the different ball materials makes both gameplay and logical puzzles quite tricky.

* Life - although there are not that many enemies to be found, there are a lot of harmless creatures all over the game, and most of them only appears at one place. I had the idea that it would make the game feel more alive.

* Atmosphere - This is the main focal point of this game, much more important than the actual gameplay. I tried to with as simple graphics as I could, give the game an unique atmosphere. I also tried to involve the best suitable musicians I could find, to create music for the levels. For example, Ilpo Tammi who did the forest tune, is in real life very captivated by forests too.

The game also features two secret games, and a speedrun mode. It's up to you to find out how to unlock the secret games. The speedrun mode is unlocked when you beat the game, and the purpose of it, is to beat the game as fast as you can. Your final time can be submitted to an online highscore database.

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 (20mb )

Posted by The Chris Street 3rd May, 2006

Could do with a better description before we accept this.
Posted by The Chris Street 5th May, 2006

I think everyone should download this, its a truly different platformer with a great physics engine. Pretty fun - although quite hard
Posted by ..:.Phox.:.. 6th May, 2006

looks cool!

Posted by Liquixcat 6th May, 2006

This game is really good. Definate thumbs up, I'd give two thumbs up if I could.
Posted by steve 6th May, 2006

1st class game all the way.
I've just unlocked the glass ball and wanted to post some comments now.
*Excellent movement, physics, collisions
*Perfect music and atmosphere
*Interesting puzzles and great design (I loved the spider puzzle!)
*Great graphics, very amiga era!
I havent found a single thing wrong with this game so far, the mine-cart part was a bit tricky at first but finding the glass ball afterwards was a great reward!
This is an excellent example of how great game design and a flawless movement engine can make for a highly compelling game.

Posted by Ganymede Graphics 6th May, 2006

This game is so beutiful it could make me get down on my knees and cry, not that i'm that weak, but it is truly amazing

ps: how do you manage to get so many people to work on this game
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 6th May, 2006

I loves it.
Posted by 6th May, 2006

Oh my god, this game is sooo awesome.
Its so.. so great! Great concept, nice graphics, incredible music, and really impressive engine/physics...
Good work! This must win GOTW, if it doesnt then theres something wrong with the world... oh well, ill vote atleast!

So, ive gotten 3 materials so far, and im in that underground level. Ill play it again later, but so far its really great!
Posted by 6th May, 2006

And i just have to say it:
The atmosphere of this game is incredible!
Posted by 6th May, 2006

First rate don't abandon it! Stick to it!
Posted by The Chris Street 6th May, 2006

Its abandoned so it's doubtful that it'll make the GOTW page.
Posted by steve 6th May, 2006

Abandoned!? huh!? WHY!
The game seems finished anyway... isnt it?
Posted by Luis Rubio {MegaMetalMix} 6th May, 2006

Posted by Mruqe 6th May, 2006

I think it would be a good idea to finish this game and submit it sometime later. This week Wong's Treasure Tower really deserves to get the GOTW title. So re-submiting this game later - once it's 100% finished - would be great AND fair
Posted by 6th May, 2006

Abandoned? Damn... had no idea...
So it isnt finished either, then?!
Posted by Mruqe 6th May, 2006

And BTW, this game is truly AMAZING! You've managed to produce such a remarkable, magic atmosphere. And it's engine is one of the best - if not the best - I've ever seen in a click game. I'm pretty sure that the phisics and the bouncing ball engine came first and just then came the game concept.

And I think I'm speaking for most of the users: I'd like to know in what ways this game hasn't been finished? Why does it have an 'abandoned' status? What's missing? Does it end half way through the game?

Also - a small suggestion from me - you should think about encrypting the savegame file in the final version. I hardly resisted the temptation to cheat

This is one of the most charming games (not only click games - but games in general) I've ever played. Congratulations and best regards!

Posted by Nicklas_N 6th May, 2006

Oh crap... I don't know how it happened, but I probably forgot to specify the "genre" thing correctly... I'm terribly sorry about this!
Posted by Nicklas_N 6th May, 2006

Thank you I didn't know that. Yeah, it says Platformer now.
Posted by 6th May, 2006

Oh, im so glad this is not abandoned.

Ive played more, and i can finally say that this is the best game ever submitted to this site. Nothing can beat this, nothing!

Ah, i just love this game... hope it never ends
Great work Nicklas! Thanks alot for making this.
Posted by Nicklas_N 6th May, 2006

By the way, notice that a bug was found in the first release, it's really an MMF/windows bug, causing the numeric keypad keys to get "stuck" sometimes. However, I found a way to get "around" this problem, which fixed the problem. Version 1.0.1 is now avaliable at
Posted by Henry GALE 6th May, 2006

oh my god! this game is amazing!
Posted by The Chris Street 6th May, 2006

Thats good - Treasure Tower has some competition now for GOTW
Posted by Mruqe 6th May, 2006

DAMN! So it IS going to be Treasure Tower versus Within a Deep Forest in this week's GOTW contest. This is going to be a HARD choice for me...

@Circy: How can this be good? Both of those games deserve to be GOTW. They're both very polished, fun and innovative. And they can't both win This is just not fair. In a slow week games as simple and - to be frank - not very fun, like my own Munchie Moves have a serious chance to win GOTW just because there is no real competition. And then two GREAT games come in one week and we have to decide...

Oh, the horror... the horror
Posted by 6th May, 2006

I know which game ill vote for.
And by the way, are you swedish Nicklas?
Coolt, i så fall.
Posted by Nicklas_N 6th May, 2006

Jo men visst, I am indeed Swedish. Umebo actually.
Posted by 6th May, 2006

Det finns faktiskt rätt många svenskar på den här sidan med, så.
Skitbra spel!
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 6th May, 2006

Perhaps to resolve Mruqe's dilemma, as this was accepted on the Saturday the GOTW was meant to go up, it could be part of the week after's GOTW poll.

Great work, by the way, Nicklas_N - and LPChip did some of the music for this, so I'm obliged to say "download it as soon as possible".
Posted by Nev6502 6th May, 2006


and no klik game made me say that
Posted by Nicklas_N 6th May, 2006 <-- btw, the game is very puzzling; if you get stuck, the easy way out is to check the forum for solutions.
Posted by 6th May, 2006

Yeah, im gonna do that now.
You know how to create frustrating puzzles.
Posted by Mruqe 6th May, 2006

I'm with Wong on that. This might have on 3rd of May but was accepted today. And GOTW was supposed to end TODAY. I think this might go in the next GOTW poll. It would be fair... please? I really want to vote both of this games.
Posted by 7th May, 2006

Posted by Spiriax 7th May, 2006
Rated :

Det är så jäkla ont om Klikkers här!
Har du Apberget?
Posted by 7th May, 2006

@Evil Kitty
Posted by Imadjinn 7th May, 2006

This is an absolutely phenominal game. I'm chuffed to bits that I got the 3rd ball before the 2nd (I dunno where the 2nd one is).

That spider bit be piss'n' me off, but that means it's a great game, 'cause I didn't just say "feh", give up and not touch it again!

Cert' for GotW.
Posted by 7th May, 2006

the kid is ugly the avatar is funny
Posted by Reno 7th May, 2006

Great effort on the game. Two thumbs up here
Posted by Roman-the-evil 7th May, 2006

This is one of best platform adventures I've ever seen. You indeed were able to create atmosphere in it and pick music awesomely, which is really hard to do and most game developers can not do that. Worlds are beautiful and living creatures which are found there add up to it to produce more of a one huge beautiful world instead of a set of levels. I completed the game, unlocked both secret games and I love everything you've done.
Posted by Dim 7th May, 2006

What's the use of the yoga ball and how do I use its special powers?
Posted by Noyb 7th May, 2006

Phenomenal game. You did a really great job on the atmosphere, puzzles, and sense of exploration. I'm currently on the underwater lair. Wow.
@Dim: Look around the main world, you should see a carving that reminds you of the guy that gave you the yoga powers.
Posted by KlikFactory 7th May, 2006

This game roooooocks, really really really awesome!
Posted by AfterStar 7th May, 2006

Excellent game with well thought puzzles!I played 5hours straight to finish it.Very addictive !

I found one of the secret codes in a cave or something where a Lion pop 4 numbers but I'm unable to find the second one.
I looked into the practise area and all I could find is a Block that looks like a "2" nothing else.
Any hints/tips for second code?
Posted by Mruqe 7th May, 2006

To the three people who voted thumbs down: if you voted thumbs up on any of the games featured on this site and then you voted thumbs down here - you're a moron. If you vote thumbs down just by habit - you're even more of a moron.
Posted by Jarzka 7th May, 2006

Nice game
Posted by Nicklas_N 7th May, 2006

AfterStarX: I can't spoil it in a public place though, so I have no idea to tell where the other code is... But I think there's a post about it at the game forum, at

Spiriax: Jo, kul att det finns någon till "klikker" här i stan. Tyvärr har jag inget apberget.
Posted by Bo Fu 7th May, 2006

Great game. Steep learning curve.

Mruqe: No need for harsh language. Maybe they like the game, but they felt that by voting thumbs down, they'd give the game a more representative rating.
Posted by Nicklas_N 7th May, 2006

Well, of course everybody won't like a game This one is quite hard after all, and you can certainly get stuck. But I'm happy so many people did like it.
Posted by Mruqe 7th May, 2006

"a more representative rating"? Give me a break.
Posted by 7th May, 2006

Aww, i have completed it now...
Why did it have to end?
Posted by The Chris Street 7th May, 2006

The game was submitted on 3rd May, so... sorry Wong! Besides I tend to add games to the poll on Saturdays anyway.
Posted by ..:.Phox.:.. 7th May, 2006


I only have to say that, OMG!!!

this GOTW the least it should make a draw with Treasure Tower! or make it have a diferent week, a diferent GOTW award.
Posted by The Chris Street 7th May, 2006

No because that's not how democracy works. You can't postpone a candidate just because you want to nominate another that is as good. They'll both appear in the same poll. Choose your preferred game.
Posted by Mruqe 7th May, 2006

Too bad. I'll have to vote for Within a Deep Forest. Treasure Tower is just as polished and originall, but this game kind of fits my taste more. Sorry Wong...
Posted by Iv4n 7th May, 2006

This is outrageous game!!!
Posted by Mruqe 7th May, 2006

Oh, and by the way, Circy - closing the poll in time would be a part of how the democracy works as well

And, sure, I'm mentioning that only because my game was wining in the poll just an hour ago and since then four people had a strange and sudden urge to vote for Prask.
Posted by Nicklas_N 7th May, 2006

For those who have beaten WaDF, and want a bigger challenge, perhaps you should try my earlier games; #Modarchive Story at it's sequel Operator Status at

They're not nearly as good as Within a Deep Forest, but the ball bouncing concept is similar. I have no idea why, but I love ball games.
Posted by Mruqe 7th May, 2006

Heheh Make that seven people Oh well. never mind.

I still can't figure out that yoga ball thingie. I found the picture of the creature that gave me it and I found a way to jump there. But I still don't know what else to do. That round gizmo hanging on the wall left from the picture seems to do nothing. I'm puzzled

Wait - scratch that - I've figured it out
Posted by Bo Fu 7th May, 2006

Honestly, how many smileys do you need in one comment?

And no, I will not give you a break, because you are calling people morons for disagreeing with you. While I agree the game deserves thumbs up, I know that some people will vote thumbs down on a game in frustration after they play it a bit and something is so difficult that they can't surmount it after numerous tries. I've done it on lesser games that were still good, but not on better games like this. It's not a good thing to do, but it hardly makes someone a "moron."
Posted by Nicklas_N 7th May, 2006

Well, I personally have no problem with someone disliking the game, and voting thumbs down for it I know that nobody could ever create something that everybody likes. And besides, it's best if all "thumbs ups" are honest ones.
Posted by phanto 7th May, 2006

A very nice game indeed. Very smooth movement and clean graphics.

Kul att se fler svenskar här ~~ Trodde det bara var några få men vafan de flesta über spel man ser här har ju gjorts av svenskar
Posted by Sephirenn 7th May, 2006

Amazing game, though the crystal place was sooo damn annoying until i finally beat it... then i went back in and got through it no problem.

I'm now in the underwater lab, and unlike 'figuring out' things in the game, this place is ALL SKILL.. and continually itting up is a pain in the ass. I have beating 0 of 4 of the rooms so far. But this game is amazing still... obviously
Posted by Mruqe 8th May, 2006

@Bo Fu: Giving a game thumbs down only because you were not able to beat it or got frustrated while playing is a childish thing to do. But it might be understandable. I was talking about something diferent. If a person voted thumbs up for any of the games presented on this site, should as well vote thumbs up here - because this game is as good as the best click games found on TDC. Thumb system is all about rating the game good or bad. If you vote thumbs down - you're saying this is a bad game. That IS moronic. If you really have to complain about the dfficulty - vote thumbs up or don't vote at all and give a comment to the author. And the second category of people I mentioned - those who vote thumbs down on all games, without even looking - do I really have to explain why do I think they're morons?

Oh look - I didn't need even one smiley this time. Not in the smiley mood, you know.
Posted by steve 8th May, 2006

Mruge is right; anyone who voted down on this masterpiece is either a moron or jealous.
Posted by renkin 8th May, 2006

Very nice concept (I really like exploration games of this kind), and the game is fun so far. And it does have a certain unique atmoshpere to it, which makes the exploration interesting. I only got a couple of new materials so far, but I'll keep playing.
Posted by Liquixcat 8th May, 2006

I finally beat the lab. By the way, your download size says 20kb when it's actually 20MB. You might want to change that.

After beating it, I must say. I want more.
Posted by Nicklas_N 8th May, 2006

Thanks for letting me know Fixed that.

If you want more, you should try my previous games, #Modarchive Story at and Operator Status at
Posted by Mruqe 8th May, 2006

Why don't you upload them to TDC? It would look good on you profile and it would give them some more publicity.
Posted by Nicklas_N 8th May, 2006

Yeah, I'll do it sooner or later. I'll just wait a lil while when my website isn't too trafficed.
Posted by BeamSplashX 8th May, 2006

I must say after playing this and seeing the concepts of your other games (Pteranodon and The Turtle Philosopher come to mind), you are probably one of the best klikkers around. Ever.

This game rules! I don't even like puzzle platformers that much and I love this!
Posted by The Chris Street 8th May, 2006

Mruge: Yes, closing the poll in time would be good. However, we couldn't actually upload the GOTW results until now.
Posted by Mruqe 8th May, 2006

Why don't you do it now then? The poll allready lasted 8 days. Have it your way, anyway - you're the admin. And for the record - it's MRUQE. Not MruGe.

Posted by Isbeorn 10th May, 2006

Kul att se att det är så många svenskar här!
Posted by 10th May, 2006

Posted by The Chris Street 10th May, 2006

If I did it now (read: Monday) then the contenders would only have less than 5 days worth of voting.
Posted by Jon Lambert 10th May, 2006

I dont get the spider in the tower. What do i do with it?
Posted by Jon Lambert 11th May, 2006

Posted by Liquixcat 11th May, 2006

Use the hidden blocks. Maybe the spider will help you instead of kill you.
Posted by Jon Lambert 11th May, 2006

... hidden blocks?
Posted by Reno 11th May, 2006

This very game took me 3 days to compleate because I would get stuck then come back to it later. I woud try e-mailing Nicklas but he didn't want to ruin it for me. I finally finished the game. This and Sub Zero Conditions are my favorite click games probalby made yet. Adventurers are my favorite and this game has style. The mysterious things that just makes you wonder untill it clicks all at once. I am voting for this game on GOTW and I think everyone else should too. There was not one thing that I didn't like about this game. Down to the last fireball this game was indeed perfect. Just tell me one thing, how long did the entire project take?
Posted by Jon Lambert 11th May, 2006

What are hidden blocks?

Posted by Nicklas_N 11th May, 2006

There are no hidden blocks. There are the red and blue ones, that you use the buttons to switch. If you think carefully, can you find out a way to use them to lead the spider?
Posted by Mruqe 11th May, 2006

This can be a bit frustrating though - specially if you choose a wrong ball for the job The trick is to take a ball that will give you the easiest acces to the buttons.

@Circy: Point taken. And anyway - you actually gave me time to make a whole new playmode and upload an improved version of my game, Munchie Moves 1.1. There are also new screenshots. One of them features the lowest score I ever seen Check it out.
Posted by Del Duio 11th May, 2006

CRAP! I can't play this because every time I go to select a save file to start the game, I get a critical error and it shuts itself down. I tried it 4 times =(

I still voted thumbs up, it's not your fault my cpu sucks LOL. Oh, and how many people helped you with this game? The credits were like 5 pages long, it looks like it was a large / pro project.
Posted by Mruqe 11th May, 2006

I've just noticed something increadible. When the game window is not in focus the music gets quiet, then it gets back to normal volume when you bring it back to the top. Nice touch!
Posted by Jon Lambert 12th May, 2006

... lead it where, and how?

Posted by Nicklas_N 12th May, 2006

For the solution to the spider puzzle, have a look at this picture:

That's how you get it to the bottom of that screen. Then continue to the next, and try to find a way to make it reach the bottom there too.
Posted by Whippers With 13th May, 2006

This is such an extremely well made game... I almost want to cry at the fact I will never be able to make a game even close to it. =

Excellent art, music and gameplay. A big, big thumbs up! Are the sound effects original as well?
Posted by renkin 13th May, 2006

Very nice game. Finished it now. It's easily one of the ten or so best "klik" games I've played. Cool puzzles, some tricky parts, good atmosphere in some of the areas... Also, the engine is very solid (which is too rare when it comes to klik games).

Roligt att du kallar en bana för Ljus.
Posted by Zethell 13th May, 2006

19 mb.. guess its gonna take some time to download as the speed remains down at 32kbps..

Heh, getting used to 2000~kbps now
Posted by Nicklas_N 13th May, 2006

>Are the sound effects original as well?

Well, I suppose it depends on how you define orginal. I bought a few sample CD's with the sound effects I needed, the ball bounces is basically different percussion instrument, but I've edited them to have the best possible stereo width.

Because the other sample CD's wasn't really good, I had to combine multiple sounds, and effect them, to turn them into what you hear in the game. Since I'm mainly a musician, I'm quite into that sort of stuff, so I think the result is ok
Posted by Mruqe 14th May, 2006

I think the result gives out clearly, that you are a musician
Posted by renkin 14th May, 2006

Agreed. Also: reviewed.

I hope I'm making sense. Reviewing at 4AM has its problems.
Posted by Imadjinn 14th May, 2006

Suffice to say, this is going to win the GOTW the way it's going... Unless all the opposition lovers aren't voters. :/
Posted by Whippers With 14th May, 2006

Yeah, what I meant was "did you just randomly grab them from the net?", and since you didn't, they are original in my book. Asbra spel, för övrigt.
Posted by Nicklas_N 15th May, 2006

Thanks for your review Lucid. It's great knowing you like the game.

Okey, now I'm gonna admit a thing about me that is actually one of my weaknesses. I'm sensitive to critism to such a degree that I mostly remember the negative things I hear. So basically, I'm gonna "defend" myself a little here.

The key thing here is that I don't have the time I need. Everything I do is a compromise, I try to think in a small scale. I mean, who havn't heard of people who's gonna make some super huge RPG they never finish. For every thing I focus on, I have to take that away from something else in the game.

For example, lastability was one factor I didn't prioritize. I rather create a short experience that takes a few hours to beat, if that experience itself is good. The best game I have ever played, Ico for Playstation 2, only really has 7-9 hours of gameplay, and one really small secret. Yet, the entire atmosphere, and the end of that game deeply touched me in a way no other game has ever done. If I would only play one game in my life, it would be Ico, despite that I can play Final Fantasy X for 120+ hours without finding everything.

So when I ask myself "how long does the game has to be to express myself", the answer is usually "short".

The secret levels were made so simple, because I didn't have time to add new areas to the game. Well, actually, when some musicians was delayed, I could either add secret areas, or expand ordinary levels. So I added Ljus, Utopioca Minor, Strange Place, and Crystalline. Assuming I would have made them unlockable secret levels, you would still have got the same areas.

Of course it would also take more time to make all ball materials really unique too. However, the game was orginally intended for Hard mode (I added the Normal mode later on), and in that mode, the balls is actually more different from each other, than in the slightly simplified Normal mode.

As for the graphics, although I know some consider them dull, I had the choice to either focus on life, by animating all those small creatures you see, or going for more careful details in the static graphics. And to be honest, I like one coloured areas, plain gradients, grey colours 'n stuff. Some consider it "bad", but I look at it a different way. Assuming I back then knew everything I know now, I would have still made the same choice. For me it looks exactly the way I intended it to look.

But I suppose it's all subjective. I mean, I honestly accept that you have another opinion, but I sometimes have to state my own view, rather than trying to "fix" my games for other people's opinions that I don't really agree with anyway - it's really nothing personal of course, putting words on things is just a good way for me to forget the negative critism sooner, so I don't lose the inspiration I might otherways do.

Yeah, I know a good person is supposed to handle critism 'n stuff, and I am really sorry about this and for writing this pointless "defencive" post. It's one of my characteristics that isn't known to be the best.
Posted by renkin 16th May, 2006

You're completely right. Making a game (or anything else) is a lot about compromise, and cutting the right things, some of which is unavoidably good things. Yeah, otherwise you'd never finish the game. And indeed I'd much rather see that I can play your game than you cancelling it after it's 20% complete. I hope it didn't seem like a big deal about the lastability, 'cause I agree with you; a long game time isn't worth shit unless the game is interesting throughout. Also, the speed run in WaDF IS a nice addition that made me play it through a second time (and maybe an upcoming third).

Now, I don't know how much of your post (if any) is referring to my review, but I'll clarify some stuff anyway.

Don't get me wrong about the graphics. I love how you use a simple style to capture the atmosphere, and you do it really, really well at some places, using colors and other things, like the creatures (and also letting to music do a lot of the work). Past the lake, Ljus, and the underwater laboratory are good examples. I just felt that some areas don't do it as well (thus coming out less interesting), which is probably unavoidable, but while wearing the mask of the critic, I tend to see all those little things.

Also, I did notice the differences between the materials in the hard mode vs normal when doing the speed run. I was cursing quite a bit when I fell in the same trap time and time again 'cause the ball didn't behave the way I was used to. Anyway, even though I might have preferred if there were fewer materials, each with more unique properties (like keeping the properties but cutting down the material number), I do like how even the more functionally similar materials sometimes have some unique properties, like the rubber ball being able to bounce on spikes, for instance. Even simple things like that adds depth to the game mechanics, for me, especially since they're things you can figure out by thinking logically. That's a great quality of your game in general.

And finally, you're completely right about subjectivity, as well. You shouldn't make a game based on other people's opinions, if you don't agree with them. (But I'd still rather have seen a new unlockable area instead of the two mini games. ) A game like that would probably come out really bad, actually, since it would've been created to fit some non-existant average audience. The best games are generally the games that are made for oneself. They often target a small audience, but fits that audience well.

So, despite some small complaints (I have complaints about every game, even my all time favourites, and not just "klik" ones), I will certainly remember your game as one of the rare, great ones that was fun and inspiring to play. It's got soul, and that's what really matters when it comes down to it.

Just to clarify.

I guess this post was arguably just as unnecessary as yours. Feel free to ignore it.
Posted by Nicklas_N 16th May, 2006

Well, I guess you have right about some things though. I have actually been working on an additional "secret", for a while now that's probably more interesting...
Posted by alastair john jack 16th May, 2006

wow, extremely well done game
must of been fun to make
Posted by axel 16th May, 2006

I don't play that many games from this site, but I guess I'll download this one, when it's gotten so good critisism.
Posted by Nicklas_N 16th May, 2006

I have to find a way to learn handle negative critism better though.
Posted by Airflow 17th May, 2006

Nicklas - "The key thing here is that I don't have the time I need. Everything I do is a compromise, I try to think in a small scale. I mean, who havn't heard of people who's gonna make some super huge RPG they never finish. For every thing I focus on, I have to take that away from something else in the game. "

It helps if you don't tell anyone about it. That way your not commited to anything.

Posted by Dim 18th May, 2006

I beat the game, too! Finally... Had a hard time getting the last ball material, as I did not figure out how to proceed in the ice level.

Excellent game, Nicklas!
Posted by Airflow 19th May, 2006

Great game! My hat tips in your general direction. I especially liked the cart ride. The control of the ball is strange.
Posted by Nicklas_N 20th May, 2006

Heh, if you want true strangeness, try the balls in hard mode The physics are quite different.
Posted by 23rd May, 2006

this game looks good. downloading...
Posted by 23rd May, 2006

but it takes too long to download
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 24th May, 2006

This is just amazing. An original idea, puzzles just the right side of frustrating, and put together semi-professionally.
Posted by Imadjinn 27th May, 2006

Congrats on the GOTW. As if there'd be any other result...
Posted by renkin 27th May, 2006

Grats. Well deserved, indeed.
Posted by 28th May, 2006

hey nice game will be on my web ok
Posted by Mruqe 29th May, 2006

It won't really fit there. With Geega.
Posted by Nicklas_N 30th May, 2006

Make sure you get the latest Within a Deep Forest version from - version 1.1 features a new secret "game", that's unlocked if you unlock both other secrets. It's a hidden part of the forest, where you can see some of Sara Sandberg's creatures that didn't make it into the main game.
Posted by renkin 31st May, 2006

Posted by Lachie Dazdarian 6th June, 2006

A really brilliant game. One of the best freeware games I had the pleasure to play. What impressed me the most is the wonderful design. The game reaches excellence with its original gameplay, polish, size, amount of challenging and varied puzzles and very good graphics. But you also managed to give the game that special mark with careful and stylish menu design, soft sounds and dreamlike music resulting in immersive atmosphere. Really cool intro and ending. And kudos for finding so many people to do the highly quality music for the game.

This game kept me glued in front of the monitor for 3 evenings, sometimes playing it till 4 in the morning.

Within a Deep Forest is another game that proves how in classic genres like platform you can create something new, something that opens so many options for new kinds of puzzles and ways to play a game. I must admit that original gameplays were and are my weakest side. Consider yourself lucky for having this talent.

The game is not perfect, but the only aspect where this game has space for improvement are the graphics, which are not bad but simply not "detailed" enough. You know, there is a lot of places where you could put more stuff. Still, you were really close to perfection with this game.

Anyway, Within a Deep Forest will be one of those games that will inspire me. An ideal to strive to. Mainly in design and polish.

A question.

The speedrun game? That’s a joke, right? How can I finish the game in one attempt? Are you nuts?

I also hoped to get one secret level unlocked as a reward for finishing the game. Gimme a hint for unlocking one of the secret levels!
Posted by tf76 6th June, 2006

This is an awesome game, and I think it's a contender for game of the year. I loved it so much I added it to my site. It's a simple concept, addictive, hard and time comsuming.

I love the fact that it's not easy and also you have to think a lot. It took me around 4 days to finish and I admit I did need some tips to complete some sections.
Three in total, from the authors site forum.

Can't wait for the next installment.
If he makes it, that is
Posted by Nicklas_N 6th June, 2006

> The speedrun game? That’s a joke, right? How can I finish the game in one attempt? Are you nuts?

Actually, one dude is attempting to beat my own record of 20 minutes and 51 seconds. He's currently at 24 minutes and 9 seconds.

The graphics though... well, it's also a question of taste I guess. I like very plain, simple stuff, with large one coloured areas. It's my style.

If you need a hint to enable the secret levels... check the Within a Deep Forest forums at
Posted by Lachie Dazdarian 20th June, 2006

20 minutes?!? I think we are not living in a same dimension.
Posted by NeoHunter 30th June, 2006

I'd just like to say, this game is fantastic. I wasn't expecting a great deal from this, but obviously looks can be deciving, as I was playing it from midnight, to around 5 in the morning

This is the game that convinced me that MMF could handle much more advanced gaming, and more so, that a game made with MMF or the like, could be just as polished as the games I buy in the stores.

Seriously, this game just floored me.
Posted by jpSoul 4th July, 2006

VERY addictive game, i played about 2 hours ! (normally i play only 1/4 hour on click games!).
i noticed that musics are very good, calm and pleasant
Posted by 22nd August, 2006

Lol make the sequal!!!!!!! NOW!
Posted by Tomssuli 4th October, 2006

This is one of the greatest games ever made with MMF... Only thing it could be compared to is Eternal Daughter. Fantastic! I love the atmosphere, the physics, music and everything!
Posted by DaVince 20th September, 2007

"Only thing it could be compared to is Eternal Daughter."

lol no
Posted by Spiriax 20th November, 2007
Rated :

This is a really really great game!
Posted by Farmer 17th August, 2008

Argh 404'd!
Nifflas, your link's broken
Posted by TheoX 21st June, 2023

necropost for my favorite indie game of all time!






Worth A Click