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Education : Bertje en de verdwenen schilderijen
Author: Hayo Submitted: 21st June, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 203

Edited By Hayo on 8/8/2009

Edited By Hayo on 6/21/2006

Bertje en de verdwenen schilderijen (Bertje and the lost paintings)

First of all, this game is in Dutch. I made this with a few classmates at the art academy, basically it's a quiz/platformer for schools.

The game is about Bertje, a schoolboy who is on a schooltrip in a museum, when some paintings from Courbet, van Gogh and Kandinsky appear to be stolen. Bertje has to go back in time to get the paintings back from the painters. The painters will ask questions, and only when all questions in a level are answered right, you will get the painting. The students have to find the answers in the booklet that comes with the game.

This was made in about 4 weeks, it only has 3 levels, and it's not interesting at all when you don't understand Dutch.
If you are interested anyway, the page you will be directed to when you click "download" contains 3 downloads:
- videospel: this is the actual game
- docentenhandleiding: this is the booklet for the teacher
- leerlinghandleiding: this is the booklet for the students

Julia Morriën: students and teachers booklet design, concept
Bettine Kalis: teachers booklet text
David de Looff: Students booklet text
Hayo van Reek: the game, concept

This project was rated "too wild" at the academy. Next time we have to make something more boring.

Review This Download (600 kkb )

Posted by 22nd June, 2006

Looks cool. Would download if it was in english.
Posted by Aptennap 22nd June, 2006

Yhea, dutch! mooi zo
Posted by Mruqe 22nd June, 2006

Nicely done! Too bad I couldn't understand half of the texts. But I like the idea and the graphics. I just don't understand the point of making the chacacter able to jump
Posted by Chaoz (Tri-Life Gaming) 22nd June, 2006

finished the game ^^,but how about making a translation for the english users here?

PS Oranje Boven! ^^
Posted by Hugo B. 22nd June, 2006

Nice idea, will check it out later.. Nederland wordt overigens zeker Weltmeister!!
Posted by Jason Orme 22nd June, 2006

Sorry, Ignorant UK member here.
Can't understand any language apart from

"le cheval est dans la bibliothèque"

So sorry, I'm going to have to pass.
Nice graphics though, is the answer B?
Posted by Hayo 22nd June, 2006

It's A

I might do an English translation if i ever have time for it.
Posted by DaVince 22nd June, 2006

w00t, hele zooi meer NL mensen hier dan ik dacht.

@Jason Orne: the horse is in the library?
Posted by Robbert 23rd June, 2006

Sja, ik vind het wel tof. Verdien je hier nou ook nog wat mee als ik vragen mag?

Nice game
Posted by Hayo 23rd June, 2006

@ Robbert: Nope I don't make money with this, maybe I will do something serious with educational games in the future tho.
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 23rd June, 2006

"too wild"?
Posted by Hayo 23rd June, 2006

Yeah as in "schools aren't ready for this, make books with large amounts of text".
Posted by DaVince 24th June, 2006

Nogal klein en erg herhalend per schilder... En de antwoorden zijn telkens op dezelfde letter. Ik kan ook nog op andere antwoorden klikken nadat ik er op één heb geklikt.
Posted by Hayo 24th June, 2006

uh ja..ik maak nog wel eens een serieuze versie
Posted by DaVince 26th June, 2006

Posted by DaVince 29th June, 2006

Yes. In the game, if that's what you mean.






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