The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Jason X

Jason X
Author: Carsten Submitted: 11th July, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 281

PLEASE NOTE: About downloading the game: Left click the url ( ) , scroll down and click on "free". You probably have to wait 20 seconds, when the countdown is over type in the code that is displayed and click on "download via Netz ...". Sorry about the trouble but I coudnīt find a better host.

This is my second fangame. This one is much improved compared to my first fangame (Friday the 13th: Jasonīs Rampage). You still play Jason and have to kill lots of people and fight some bosses.
Lots of individual characters with original death-animations and some surprises.
The game follows the plot of the movie ... with some alterations.

Review This Download (8 mb )

Posted by Hill Gigas 11th July, 2006

Why. For the love of all things good on this earth.... why?
Posted by 11th July, 2006

I dont know what to say. O_o
Posted by Carsten 11th July, 2006

Why what? There are a lot of such slasher-games out here (based on Halloween or F13th) so I made my own ones, too. I choose the JX-storyline with this one since a.) its one of my favourite F13ths and b.) it allows some nice story- and gameplay-elements
If you donīt like such games then donīt play them.

Keep it to constructive critisism, please.

Posted by DaVince 11th July, 2006

Nice "website"... lol.
Posted by Carsten 11th July, 2006

What website?

Like I said: I didnīt find a better host. I am not into building websites and I donīt intend to spend money for webspace. Sure, there is geocities etc. .. but their bandwith-limits etc suck.

Posted by Crimson79 11th July, 2006

Thumps up mate like i said before you know how to make slashers!! i really enjoyed this game jason rules!!! make more of them graphix are cool some bugs though sounds are the best thumpps up mate
Posted by Crimson79 11th July, 2006

i laughed myself to death here showed it to my friends they liked it too i'm gonna keep this one on my harddisk (good stuff)
Posted by Broomie 11th July, 2006

Ignore idiots like Davince, he's trying to be cool.

The game is good, I like it.
Posted by Strange Culture 12th July, 2006

The fact that every single enemy is individually drawn and has a unique death makes me think that a awful lot of time and effort has been put into this game however the game play is terrible and all the backgrounds are very poor. I have played the game all the way through only out of curiosity to see all the different deaths. The guy who gets decapitated and head fly's towards the screen is cool but apart from that this game is really bad.

Posted by Del Duio 12th July, 2006


That's pretty funny at least, is he a cyborg now? That would explain his lightning fast movements from outside in the woods to in the closet right next to the showering girls in less than 10 seconds.
Posted by Crimson79 12th July, 2006

the girl that get's her faced smashed was a pretty cool sight i liked it alot!
Posted by Roxbang 12th July, 2006

Carsten, I have to admit: I love you! Your games are pure FUN, since there are not many good klik-horror games around!
Congrats and keep the work coming. hey what about a Chucky game? That would be a blast!

Posted by 12th July, 2006

lol images.
Posted by DaVince 12th July, 2006

Broomie, wtf? I never try to be cool... Meh.
Just trying to tell him he'd better find some webspace where his file doesn't get deleted after two weeks...

Well, anyway, I played through this game, and it's not bad. The movement was sucky, but the graphics were ok and the game in overall was just fun to play.
Posted by DaVince 12th July, 2006

Oh, right. Some criticism for you:

- Don't use all those standard MSPaint colours, they're often either too bright or too dark. Use the TGF/MMF colours and try keeping the colours around the same. A good tip is to use dark colours and light colours where they are needed, and avoid bright eye-hurting colours or colours that don't fit in the scene/atmosphere.

- Fix the engine a bit. When I try to attack, he attacks only half of the time but I still hear all the hit sounds.

- The sound could use a noise reduction. Through my surround set I heard this horrible ear-hurting high-pitched sound through some samples. Which is why I had to turn off the sound, unfortunately.

- Avoid resizing the graphics. If you do, use a scale that keeps everything scaled nicely, for example 200%, 300% or 400%. If you resize really big, try using an image program for filtering the resized product, or fix the graphics manually.

- You can make objects slightly transparent (right click > ink effects > semitransparent) which might look better at a door exit for shadows.

- Don't use the random spray tool so much on backgrounds. Instead, look at a few pixel tutorials on how they manage to make something (like a background) realistic. I can't really tell it all here.

- There's no challenge! I realize that the game has to go like this, but at least add in the possibility that the player can die at a certain screen. When he does, you can choose to continue the game from that point or something like that, maybe even a game over screen. Not only this is a problem, but most enemies can be killed with one hit too. Add a status bar for every enemy.

- For non-MIDI music, convert the wavs you have to mp3 and play them with an extension like DMC2 or ModFX. Not only will the file size of the game be smaller, but it allows you to use high-quality music because you don't have to lower the quality for filesize.

- Maybe add in a bit of the story. You know, cutscenes, to tell the story a bit to the people who don't know the movie. They'd be like "wtf, a dinosaur and then two people I killed before are revived?"

- I can continue the game even if I didn't kill all enemies. This isn't right with the movie.

- The explosions after the first robo scene (before the gravity zone) are kinda fake. Try not using these default explosion effects, but instead shake the screen and let it fade in to red or white.

- Watch the collision, I oculd barely enter the stairs in the gravity zone because of difficult obstructions, even invisible obstructions.

- The game was very serious, but the ending was really funny where the couple gets snatched and says "no!". I don't know if it's intended, but it doesn't really go with the style of the rest of the game.

Some praises:
- The characters look really good. Could use a bit shading here and there, but they also look great without it.

- Well-chosen music and sound effects.

- The game was actually fun to play, even after the second time. I wouldn't play it a lot more than two or three times though.

w00t, I had a lot to say! Hope this helps you create even better games.
Posted by Nothing, Ok? 12th July, 2006

The death's are funny. Make an extra menu that you can unlock after you have finnished the game, and in that menu you can see all deaths!
Posted by Daymian T 13th July, 2006

I like it! The Cheeze factor is through the roof! Cheeze is a good thing. The head freeze/shatter is my fav death scene for sure. Nice work Carsten! Gotta check out Jason's Rampage now.
Posted by Joshua M. 13th July, 2006

Playing it now. Man, you should've edited the punching sound, my ears! There's very high pitched noise in that sound. Hurts.
Posted by Joshua M. 13th July, 2006

Aight, finished it. I don't really have a lot to say that DaVince hasn't, but I think some of the animations are done very well, for example, when you attack with a knife when facing to the right. That animation seemed pretty natural.
Posted by 13th July, 2006

All you really do it walk around and knock peoples head's off and tear there heart out.. Booorrriing!

Although the deaths are a bit enjoyable but it does need to improve on its gameplay.
Posted by yrudwayur 15th July, 2006

Actually, you know, I thought this was decent. You could have polished it up a bit more. I think the option to have slow motion deaths would have been cool. Or be able to kick around body parts. Play control needs work. All in all I had fun with it. Im sure as you make more games, youll gradually improve, learn new tricks, and I can expect a better game like this.
Posted by Airflow 22nd July, 2006

In the mean time, I'll resist a thumbs down. 33% is fitting at this point in time. I think it's better than 30% though.
Posted by Wilderness (Ultra Soft) 22nd July, 2006

Not as good as your previous one.





Worth A Click