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Multiplayer Online Server
Author: Silveraura Submitted: 19th July, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 611

Multiplayer Online Server is a small application I put together in Multimedia Fusion 2 as a nice simple way to host a server that can still be minimized without breaking the connection.

Server/User Lists.
Host on different ports.
Very easy! (Just open it!)
Useful and easy to understand information.
Clean Interface
Message of the Day
Run it minimized without breaking connection!

Please post suggestions or bugs for later versions if any.

Review This Download (439.2 kb )

Posted by Flava 20th July, 2006

Does minimizing usually break the connection? Because I've never experienced the connection break when I minimize the host client or the server client. But nice application anyway
Posted by Silveraura 20th July, 2006

MOS made in MMF 1.5 will pause the entire connection until the window is restored. No one will be able to connect, and all message sending/recieving will be suspended.
Posted by Flava 20th July, 2006

Worked fine for me in MMF 1.5.
Maybe I just did something weird like.
Posted by Silveraura 20th July, 2006

Try this, make it so that every one second MMF adds to a counter. Then minimize it (remember the number it was on) and restore it later. It will be on that number, MMF 1.5 paused it. When MMF 1.5 pauses, it also stops the server until it's unpaused.
Posted by Flava 22nd July, 2006

Yeh I understand that the counter pauses - but the server still works fine when minimized. I can still send data to the server and from the server to the client, even if it is minimized.
Posted by Flava 22nd July, 2006

Well at least it worked for TDC game.
Posted by Silveraura 22nd July, 2006

Never worked for me, I remember googling the EXE for the Jamagic MOS, because I was hoping that atleast Jamagic DIDN'T freeze when minimized. By the way, minimizing is not the same as losing focus! Just incase you were getting the two confused. You can still knock focus away from a serverside in MMF 1.5 and it'll keep focus, however anything MMF 1.5 wise, completely haults (including the server) when you actually click the minimize button!
Posted by chrilley 23rd July, 2006

In MMF2 you can make it not pause while minimized.
Posted by Tim camm 24th July, 2006

Hey it is Camm from Atu'los Online. I am very aware of the problem you are talking about and it is great that MMF2 has provided the solution.

Great work!

Oh, is the MooAPI improved at all in MMF2. Or at least is it more stable?
Posted by James McGlocken 24th July, 2007

WHY is this not open source?
Posted by moren11 9th November, 2008

nice!. i wonder how to mix it with: 2 players on the server -each one of them has a character + full platform movement





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