The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Role Playing Game ::. Dawn of Daria alpha 2

Dawn of Daria alpha 2
Author: thewreck Submitted: 14th December, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Role Playing Game Downloads: 213

Edited By thewreck on 12/14/2006

hi! thewreck here.

Me and oxeye game studio and a bunch of other people have been working rather hard on our alpha 2 release, and now its here!

The game is Dawn of Daria which is an mmorpg set in a unique world. Currently, the featurelist isnt super long, but its still a great opportunity to try out the engine and feel the atmophere in the world.

Right now, you can have pets, gather items, trade, fight, listen to music in the tavern, and some other things.

if this sounds like something for you, please try it out! (its free of course)

there are two downloads:
with music (27mb):

without music (11mb):


Review This Download
 (27 mkb )

Posted by Ski 14th December, 2006

hmmm looks interesting
Posted by CsaR 14th December, 2006

I didn't really get what I was supposed to do. Like if there are different jobs or whatever.
It was a good start nonetheless and the game looks alright.
Posted by Hempuli 14th December, 2006

looks really cool.
Posted by DeadmanDines 14th December, 2006

It's priiiiiiiddy!
Posted by Hempuli 14th December, 2006

This reminds me from Akarra...
Posted by Plooscva 14th December, 2006

amazing love the gfx really lookin forward to full version

Posted by columbo borgi :C 14th December, 2006

downloading immidiately
Posted by Reno 14th December, 2006

is this a MMORPG?
Posted by Ben 14th December, 2006

Hope the game plays as well as it looks!
Posted by Aptennap 14th December, 2006

Wow the graphics are great! Downloading...
Posted by Johnny Look 14th December, 2006

Looks great. It is going to be freeware ?
Posted by Daymian T 14th December, 2006

Very detailed pretty graphics. Look great! Nice Work!
Posted by Del Duio 14th December, 2006

Is karolina a Democrat?
Posted by BeamSplashX 14th December, 2006


This looks interesting. "Hey guys, human remains! Let's set up camp!"
Posted by JustinC 15th December, 2006

The title reminds me of something that happens when you eat too much chili.
Posted by thewreck 15th December, 2006

thank you for all your great comments, we really appriciate it!

ya, we know, there isnt much to do, its only the second alpha, we still got huge amounts of work to do! But you can get pets and run around a slay sparkles in the forest at least =

accually, both me and a couple of other guys were the developers of akarra, so its perhaps not strange that they feel abit similar.

yes! an mmorpg!

karolina is a [D]eveloper btw =...

its free now, later on we'll see.

all others:
thanks again for the comments!
Posted by Hempuli 15th December, 2006

OMG!!! Thankyou!!! Akarra is teh best morpg evarrr!!!
Download it now!!! ALLL of you!!

How nice to see that the developer of akarra is herre.
Posted by DeadmanDines 15th December, 2006

How did you do the apparent 'holes' in the environment overlay (eg. last picture). It seems like you've got a semitransparent overlay, but cut holes in it somehow around the characters...
Posted by Andy Hull 15th December, 2006

I am also curious about the lighting effect seen in teh fourth screen. Was this made in MMF2? Very curious on how you created that....
Posted by thewreck 15th December, 2006

no, this wasnt made in mmf2, its made in C++. but i like clickers = and i like clicking!
Posted by Windybeard Games 15th December, 2006

Looks sweet! gonna download this!
Posted by Del Duio 15th December, 2006

My God, this must have taken forever in C++!

It's too bad it's such a hefty download for my puny 56k to take.
Posted by Kazuma 17th December, 2006

Kind of boring, but pretty nice.

Do you get stronger in this? I can't tell without an exp/level up system.
Posted by DaVince 17th December, 2006

"The game is Dawn of Daria which is an mmorpg set in a unique world."

"is this a MMORPG?"

I'd say read before you ask.
Looks good, downloading.
Posted by DaVince 17th December, 2006


This game looked ok, but the gameplay was actually pretty boring. Also, having to switch between two windows (chat/battle) all the time was annoying.
Posted by Zethell 18th December, 2006

I think, i just THINK! your FPS meter might be of with x10
Posted by Zethell 18th December, 2006

@DaVince [Ectoprods]: 2 windows?.. i typed ingame without switching windows...

allthou i only played in fullscreen.
Posted by Zethell 18th December, 2006

Ahh, those 2.. Those tabs we'rent annoying at all!
Actually, quite nice, then you don't have to scroll up 10 miles after a fight just to see what your friend said.

Anyways! Great game!
Please continue on it!
Posted by thewreck 18th December, 2006

im sorry you didnt enjoy it, but this game has barely begun! this was just our alpha 2, and as you could tell, its been mostly about getting the basic engine up and running. We are focusing more on gameplay and fun now.

In our inhouse unreleased client you dont have to switch back and forth, (the messages in other tabs appear as a fading text-line above the chat window) So good news for the future! thanks for the feedback tough.

about the booring part, sorry you feel that way, but still, im not very suprised. As i said, we have mostly been working on getting everything up and working until now. There isn't that much to do currently. There is no progression, no skills, no equipment.. =P.

we are working hard! hopefully we will see you in the future when we have more to show!

thanks, we will continue on it! =D

Posted by Zethell 19th December, 2006

Will there be more player animations than "idle" in the future ?

And, will it be P2P?
Because i will cry if it is..
allthou an pricetag for the game is acceptable, but p2p.. thats just sad..
Posted by ben mercer 21st December, 2006

Nice to see you're a Monkey Island fan.
Posted by Plooscva 23rd December, 2006

If you really wanna do it P2P do F2P and P2P versions but P2P get more stuff
Posted by Tomssuli 28th December, 2006

I can't connect to the portal server... I'm tryin it on moms computer so I don't know if it's just this one... Gotta try it later when I get home.
Posted by Zethell 30th December, 2006

If you got NAV or any other Anti-Virus/Firewall try shutting them down or allow access to DOD.





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