The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Engine ::. Simple Begginner Save Game

Simple Begginner Save Game
Author: Ganymede Graphics Submitted: 23rd January, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Engine Downloads: 332

A simple, I repeat simple save game engine for begginers who want to stop using passwords and get onto somthing a bit more interesting. Its extremely easy to use and modify.

It works by using the data store object and a seperate save file. The alterable value of the data store is changed to the value of the level, and then that value is saved into a completely seperate file called Save Game.dat when you click save Save Game.dat is just a storage file. When you click load after closing the program and reloading it the data sore will read its value and goto that level.
Please don't go saying oh this is crap and everyone can do it because i'm sure many people relatively new to click will find it really helpful, also I was pretty damned proud I worked out on my own how to do it.

Review This Download (361 kb )

Posted by KevinHaag 27th January, 2007

So if your "pretty damned proud" that you could "work it out on your own" and this is for beginners, does that make you a beginner? lol
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 27th January, 2007

Kikkoman soysauce is great, but my ramen prefer Mrs. Chengs Japanese Soy. It really helps programming and artisteristery-ishy things. Just wanted to let you know.
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 27th January, 2007

Btw, It's a good save idea.
Posted by Ganymede Graphics 27th January, 2007

In a way. But its alot harder to create something of your own, than copy somthing else. I always find the save game object has to many lines of code and is a bit fiddly. This is nice and clean and simple.
Posted by KevinHaag 31st January, 2007

I know. Trying to help people out is always a good thing. Usually. Anyway, I was just bugging you lol
Posted by Fanotherpg 2nd February, 2007

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