The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Mr Blocko Super Tournament Edition

Mr Blocko: Super Tournament Edition
Author: Tobias Svensson Submitted: 25th February, 2007 Favourites:1
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 144

Mr. Blocko - Super Tournament Edition looks similiar to Tetris at first, but instead of controlling the lines, you control a little square guy who pushes them around. The goal is the same: Clear lines to gain points.
However, you only gain points for the blocks in your color, and the only way to turn blocks into your color is to push them!

Up to four players going at it, and only one can win! With either a time limit, score limit, or no limit at all, anything's fair and anything goes as long as you're the winner! Do whatever you can to destroy your opponents - jump on them, crush them, or trap them, and then steal their points!

Playing field too thin? Blocks fall too fast? Perhaps you'd like to triple the game speed? Blocko STE comes with the ability to modify the game to make it play however you want it to! There's never a dull - or fair - moment when there are so many falling blocks that your character can't fit on the screen, and guess what, you can make it happen!

If you're bored of the themes supplied with the game, you can easily make your own themes. Use the provided templates in the Themes folder and draw away! Draw swear words, scale down some porn, it's entirely up to you!
You can even draw your own clothes, hats or faces for the little guy, just go into the Accessories folder and hack away!

Other updates include new graphics and music, three different multiplayer modes, and coins for multiplayer - when you die, you will drop points in the form of coins, which your opponent can then pick up. Also, all custom things made for the old Blocko still works - you can find it at, look for "Custom themes and accessories" under the Projects or Download sections

Review This Download (2.3 mb )

Posted by steve 26th February, 2007

Fantastic presentation!
Music and sounds are all top quality. Graphics are fine too.
This is an interesting idea but in reality I found it hard to enjoy for very long - there is no depth or skill to be found here especially for a "tetris" game.

The amount of annoyance factor is quite high too as the blocks relentlessly fall down at quite a fast rate and you will often be trapped underneath one for no fault of your own (this is always a bad point in any videogame)

I'm a big fan of this kind of game, tetris, Super Puzzle Fighter, Puzzle Bobble etc but the basic gameplay here was not any fun for me, sorry.
Posted by robin90 26th February, 2007

Good for originality ! Bad for no new level.
Is this game designed for mutli-player ? I like the game play (single player) but after a while . it tends
to be same and there is no levels. Is it still in beta stage ?
Posted by Ski 26th February, 2007

I quite very liked this.
Posted by RedHades 5th March, 2007

I love this game. I played every day for a week until I managed to reach a 6000 score. It's true that it's very simple and might be some place for improvements. But it's intense fun at the core. Plus, the sweet chipy music sinks into your mind. Good stuff. Too bad there's no online game support or online scoreboard.
Posted by DaVince 30th October, 2008

"Is it still in beta stage ?"

Beta means you're not adding anything more to the features, just minor things and fixes.





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