The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Retro ::. Binary Land

Binary Land
Author: contra Submitted: 3rd April, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Retro Downloads: 364

Binary Land is an remake of an old NES action/puzzle game.
The goal of the game is to guide 2 penguins to opposite side of an heartcage.
The trick is that the you control both penguins at once and one of the penguins
movements are mirrored (left becomes right).


*Updated graphics (while remaining true to the original).

*30 stages of puzzle action.

*Brand new levels (better ones I might add, the start and goal are not set on top,
bottom like in the original. Making for more interesting and original levels).

*1 new enemytype (circling flames).

*Level editor (exactly the same that I used to create the levels that are in the game).

*Crappy oldschool ending!

Up arrow key - Both penguins move upward.
Down arrow key - Both penguins move downward.
Left arrow key - Blue penguin move left, pink penguin move right.
Right arrow key - Blue penguin move right, pink penguin move left.
Ctrl - shoot bugspray
ESC - quit game

(If you have a gamepad you can use this by changing
control type at the options screen. Ctrl key will be
set to joypad key #1)

Please check the ingame help file for further info.

This initially wasn't made for a public release.
I just wanted to try making an arraybased leveleditor.
It turned out better then I expected, so wth...
Hope you like it.

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Posted by Paul_James 3rd April, 2007

this is excellent, while not a fan of binary land - me = burgertime!!!

this is really true to the original. I love it. BRavo man.
Posted by jpSoul 3rd April, 2007

Posted by Plooscva 3rd April, 2007

Ooooh, brings back a lot of memories.
Posted by Reno 3rd April, 2007

a replica!!! I was playing this on my NESOAC
Posted by Bricnic 3rd April, 2007

This is really well done. Haven't found any bugs, and the graphics are very nice. Simple play style, but then it's not much fun if you ruin the original game's concept by complicating things too much.
Thumbs up from me!
Posted by contra 4th April, 2007

Thanks for all the nice comments!
Just thought of a couple of things I'd like to mention; You don't necessarily have to be on the opposite sides of the heartcage to win, you can win by having on penguin on top of it and the other to the right for example (in fact some levels are designed to be cleared in this way), the game automaticly saves whenever you get to a new round that you haven't played before. If you try to play a userlevel that you haven't made with the editor, it will just be a heartcage and the two penguins. This is supposed to happen, it's not a bug. The final round is really dull. Sorry about that one.

Posted by bladeboy 4th April, 2007

good stuff, plays very professional and the engine seems realy solid. always fun to make your own levels to.
Posted by Del Duio 4th April, 2007

Dual pengiuns and NES game remakes are tops with me, thumbs up!
Posted by Fadex 5th April, 2007

Ahh, nice NES-game remake
Posted by kingoftaurus 7th July, 2009

can you fix the download? seriously someone should go thru every download and make sure the files still exist.

stop taking your files away people!!





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