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The Imagination Works Desktop
Author: Ben Submitted: 6th June, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 287

Edited By Ben on 6/8/2007

We all have our moments when we're just plain bored. Often we sit there and twiddle our thumbs with nothing better to do than to play a game of Solitaire on Mine Sweeper. After thinking on this for a bit, it occurs to me that I would like to have a better variety of such programs, games and other things to do to fill in the time. Enter the original blueprint for the Imagination Works Desktop, a program that can sit on your desktop for those moments when all you want to do is play something simple and fun.

Imagination Works Desktop (iDT) is an desktop program designed to always provide "something to do", whether its play music, play a game or keep track of your day to day calender. The program itself serves as a shell to run other programs (modules) that can include anything from games to utilities. There are a number of "modules" already finished and available through the included "iDT Update" module.

You can use both your mouse or your keyboard to work your way around the interface.
A- Change selection
D- Change selection
Space - Select
Shift - Go Back

Give it a try and let me know what you think!

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Posted by The Chris Street 7th June, 2007

Could you possibly make the description a bit longer before we accept?
Posted by Elegios 8th June, 2007

It doesn't work. It just starts, shows the loading screen, creates a small blue rectangle that changes size when pressing space or shift. And it uses about 70% of my CPU.
Posted by Ben 8th June, 2007

That's what it supposed to happen, (other than the CPU usage which sounds quite high, I'll look at it). There's a button labelled "Tools" that you need to click, then ultimately run the iDT Update module to get new modules. In other words, try using your mouse.
Posted by Ben 8th June, 2007

I should also mention that you press "space" to select a menu option, "shift" to go back and the WSAD buttons control up/down, left/right respectively.
Posted by Ben 8th June, 2007

A fix has been made to the CPU usage problem, I'll post it a little later in case other problems are found that need addressing
Posted by Elegios 8th June, 2007

But just a blue rectangle with no graphics or anything at all in it?

Posted by Ben 8th June, 2007

That would be a new one to me, I've tested this on a couple of machines with clean installs, the first screenshot is a fairly accurate depiction of what you SHOULD be seeing (minus the listing of modules). Anybody else having any problems like this?
Posted by Elegios 9th June, 2007

there's only 1 download so no. I don't know how you did this "Desktop" but my guess is that you've forgot to uncheck the "center frame area in window" checkbox.

Posted by Elegios 9th June, 2007

Or is resizing the background wrong.
Posted by Torava 9th June, 2007

I downloaded three games, but I can't play those. What's wrong?
Posted by Simon Colmer 9th June, 2007

i just get a box and it resizes when i press shift or space, but nothing else!
Posted by Ben 9th June, 2007

To be honest folks, I'm a little dismayed by all these issues, especially considering I've never had any problems like those you've described, and on two seperate systems.

Elegios: I loooked at the checkbox you mentioned, and when checked, I can see the problem you've described, however, I'm not sure how that happened since I never had it checked to begin with.

Torava: I guess all I can ask is what does the program do? If it indicates that it is loading, and this indication lasts more than 2 or 3 seconds, it's probably an internal bug, but as I mentioned, I've tested this on a couple machines... Could you tell me what kind of PC (including OS) you're running?

Simon Col...: Sounds like you're describing the same thing Elegios mentioned

Sorry about this folks, obviously a rough entry for this (which sucks because that'll probably sink any chance it may have had), but I will look into the problems you're having. To be honest, I'm a little stumped though.
Posted by Ben 9th June, 2007

There are a few things I'm wondering of those who have had problems

1. What Windows version are you running?
2. What click products have you installed on your system
3. Is Vitalize! installed?

If you don't mind answering these questions, I may be able to narrow the field a little
Posted by Ben 9th June, 2007

Sorry folks, I think I found the problem, while testing worked just fine on all systems running with 1024 x 768 resolutions, 800 x 600 (and I'd imagine other resolutions) presents the exact problem that was described, I will fix ASAP
Posted by Simon Colmer 10th June, 2007

i changed my resolution and it works now lol!
the menu animations are real nice looking! Reminds me of a similar program i made called FLC
nice program, but u need to fix that bug! games work ok, needs more text and help as i just end up clicking stuff hoping it will work! also the help it available is in a extremely tiny i frame/explorer thing which well isn't very user friendly! I love the idea and the base of it, just needs some tweaks! B+
Posted by Ben 10th June, 2007

Thanks Simon, yeah, I spent a few hours trying to fix the bug, but I haven't nailed it down just yet (doing a lot of actual work lately) As for the size of the help window, it's actually module specific, use notepad to open up any *.idtmod file and you can see that the x,y size is among the listed items. I still may change each module myself at some point also though.
Posted by Ben 11th June, 2007

Resolution problem fixed, download and install new version to correct this problem, as well as CPU usage
Posted by Ganymede Graphics 15th June, 2007

um... so how do i like, play a game, i can't quite work the interface. i downloaded the games from the idt updater, but how do i exactly play them?
Posted by Ben 15th June, 2007

Well, the controls are listed in the help files, but I can also tell you that by default the games uses the WSAD configuration (W=Up, S=Down, A=Left, D=Right), as well as the space and shift keys. These controls are game dependant, but both the Snake and Blockbuster games I've made use this configuration.





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