The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. iron claw

iron claw
Author: setä tuomo Submitted: 23rd July, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 183

Edited By setä tuomo on 7/25/2007

Edited By setä tuomo on 7/24/2007

Edited By setä tuomo on 7/24/2007

Edited By setä tuomo on 7/24/2007

Edited By Flava on 7/24/2007

Hello TDC! Im new here im from finland and i have been using first tgf and the mmf to make games. My ''mentor'' had been hempuli who is a friend of mine he has helped me in important things. Anyway this game is a platformer where you need to complete puzzles / quests and fight 4 bosses. First of all ill have to say that i was so tired at the end of making this game so i guess there is bugs and sound quality isnt the best because i rushed at the just to get it done. Well this is a near playable demo and i think it should be played through before saying anything because i have concentraded in the bosses so play all of them. The saving system has been made by my friend hempuli. Ill be happy to recieve constructive critics and allso comments/questions about the game so if you stuck at any point of the game ill be happy to answer any reasonable questions. UPDATE -- Now you can complete the game but there are some occasional bugs in custom movement but those shouldnt bother you!

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Posted by The Chris Street 24th July, 2007

Please fix the screenshots before we accept!
Posted by setä tuomo 24th July, 2007

screen shots should be working now though theyr jpeg the should have been png ! sorry
Posted by Hempuli 24th July, 2007

Posted by bhlaab 24th July, 2007

wall jumping is really awkward and doesnt work half the time. the fact that you can claw through rocks wasnt intuitively introduced, i found it out by pure chance after wondering where i was supposed to go
Posted by setä tuomo 24th July, 2007

yeah the wall jump first worked fine but it was too good so i limited it. you must repeat while press shift while colliding whit wall and it works when your jumping animation is playing not when falling its just limited its not malfuctioning though it could be better and reqiers animation . Did you finish it?
Posted by Zezard 24th July, 2007

It is really hard to figure out what you are supposed to to in this game. The graphic was very nice, except that I missed a wall-jumping animation.

I got to the plant area, but couldn't figure out how to get down, then I fell through a wall and got stuck in the red area between the walls

There is a white stripe to the left of the level that feels as if it shouldn't be there.

Every problem I solved felt like I just randomly ran into the answer. I didn't notive the fire-ball thing with the fire breathing statue, before it was almost dead, I didn't realize that it was dynamite that I had picked up before I randomly dropped it where it should be used, etc.

I think this game needs to be more pedagogic, and a walljump animation, otherwise it's cool!
Posted by setä tuomo 24th July, 2007

I didnt knew a bout that white stripe or the thing u could fell through a wall! I agree they might be too hard ''puzzles'' and yes it needs an wall jump animation but i thought the puzzles are a bit obivous! your suppose to atack the flower like 2-4 then it shoots a red wine towards you and your supposed to stand near the rock with a x on it and the wine is going to hit that and destroy it and you ll have to repeat that process 2 time to destroy the 2 rocks i thought the x marked rocks where too obvious its hard to get the damaging systems cos they are unique . Its a near playable beta!
Posted by Zezard 24th July, 2007

Well, yeah, I figured that out, about destroying the rocks. But I don't know how to get into the room with the rose.

"How could you figure that out about the rocks if you don't know how to get in there?"

Well, I wall-jumped through a wall, and I have not been able to repeat that. Sadly, I died on the bird-thing under the rose after I managed to get in there...
Posted by setä tuomo 24th July, 2007

DISTURBING that you can get through walls has not happend to me yet!!

Posted by setä tuomo 21st August, 2010

any1 still own this game? idl ike to have it :3




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