The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Puzzle ::. Combo Block Bomber Rush *UPDATED*

Combo Block Bomber : Rush *UPDATED*
Author: Knudde (Shab) Submitted: 3rd September, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Puzzle Downloads: 335

Edited By Knudde (Shab) on 9/7/2007

UPDATED: New Version 1.10 - High Score Submittal Fixed, Various other small buxfixes.

The addictive gameplay of Combo Block Bomber is back for another round of frantic fun! Bomb those blocks and compare your scores online!


Basic Gameplay -

Clicking on a block plants a bomb. The bomb takes
on the same color as the block below it. When the bomb explodes, it shoots 4 flames out. These flames travel 4 blocks in distance before disappearing.

Building Combos -

After placing the first bomb, you can place up to 3 Linker Bombs. Linker Bombs must be set off by a flame, otherwise they only fizzle. When hit by a flame, they explode like normal bombs.

Time Bonus -

Just below the score, you'll find the Bonus Meter. As block are hit by flames and disappear from the board, this meter increases. If you manage to fill the meter to the appropriate level, you will earn a time bonus of either 2, 3 or 5 seconds. This meter is reset once there are no more flames on the board.

At the end of the game, your points and bonuses are totaled up, and you can upload your score to the arcade and compare your scores to other players!


Additional Controls -

F6 - Double Size
F7 - Normal Size
ESC - End Game



Game Coding and Original Design - Shabadage
Original Music - Chris Street
Testing - AndyUK, Phizzy, Flava, Hempuli, Jimbob, David Newton, Peblo, Liquixcat

Thanks to everyone! I hope you enjoy the game!


I realize that the gameplay description isn't the greatest, but give it a few rounds and hopefully it'll click for you. CBBR is definately one of those games that's just easier to watch someone play to learn the game mechanics. Knowing this, I'm making a short Youtube Tutorial video, which should hopefully be done in the next few days.

Review This Download (1.08 mb )

Posted by Knudde (Shab) 3rd September, 2007

There's a quick link to the high scoreboard.
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 3rd September, 2007

A Bug has just come to my attention, it seems that only the 45 second game will submit the high score properly. I apologize for the error, and will correct it tomorrow!
Posted by Ski 3rd September, 2007

Didn't you post this on TDC already?
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 3rd September, 2007

No...I think you're crazy. Only thing I posted here was a preview.
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 3rd September, 2007

I'll get a rapidshare link up for all those who can't download tomorrow; after I fix that annoying score submital bug!
Posted by Johnny Look 3rd September, 2007

awesome game !
Posted by Milo 3rd September, 2007

Ehhhh... Knuddle 45 Seconds is a hard game and 90 seconds is a easy game. It's switched on the scores
Posted by Hempuli 4th September, 2007

Yay it's ready!
Posted by Oliver Wilmot 4th September, 2007

How do I change it from easy to normal and hard?
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 5th September, 2007

Actually, it's just labelled as Easy, Med, and Hard because that's the way the ectoprods arcade works at the moment. The only difference is the amount of time you have.
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 5th September, 2007

Easy = 45 seconds
Medium = 60 Seconds
Hard = 90 Seconds
Posted by Flava 6th September, 2007

Just wondering, but shouldn't the 90 second mode be the easy mode considering you have more time to get points? Or are there some game elements that change in the 90 second mode?

Just it seems people doing the hard mode are getting way more points than those doing the easy mode
Posted by DaVince 6th September, 2007

Link is broken, but the one on the Ectoprods site works.
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 7th September, 2007

There are no easy/medium/hard modes. It's just the way it's labelled in the arcade. That's one of the reason I actually wanted to be able to name the scoreboards. If I switched it, I'm sure I'd get questions like "Why does the game start on Hard?"

But, just to clarify; Easy, Medium, and Hard mean NOTHING (Ziltch, Nada, Zip). Consider it a labelling issue, the game is exactly the same either way. It made more sense to me to have the scoreboard go from Low Time to High Time instead of High Time to Low Time.

Make sense now?
Posted by DaVince 10th September, 2007

Not bad. Feels a bit the same after a while.

Some bonuses, like a time adder and bomb timer would have been nice and enlonged gameplay. I couldn't even get a "good" (or whatever the lowest combo is).
Posted by Kazuma 1st February, 2008
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