The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Fields of Battle (2nd Demo)

Fields of Battle (2nd Demo)
Author: <<BaZzMaN>> Submitted: 18th January, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 82

Edited By <<BaZzMaN>> on 2/13/2008

Edited By <<BaZzMaN>> on 2/4/2008

Edited By <<BaZzMaN>> on 1/18/2008

WOO! This is a game like battlefield (hopefully) although it is not a clone at all. There i'snt much of a storyline at the moment, but i'm open to suggestions with that too. I think im going to make it a 1p game with a campaign... So there will be a lot of bugs with this game i'm sure, I haven't gotten all the sound files yet or programmed some properly yet, but i'll get there. Feel free to tell me what you think of it!


OMFG! NO MORE KEYBOARD MOVEMENT! I've introduced the good old W A S D for movement! WOOT! the game is still pretty buggy, but here's a quick update so you can get some sort of feel for where this is going . p.s. i'm actually going to do a storyline! YAY!


I never actually posted the new download, but I SURE AS HELL HAVE NOW!! YEEEHAWWW!!!... anyway, its got turrets, and all the other stuff that i said it had . the AI is still really basic (path movement) and you'll prolly pick up on a few little bugs. I still haven't added music yet cause i'm lazy, but i'm sure ill get around to it. the storyline is coming along very slowly (as you'll read) but its getting there. Tell me what ever you think of it and what it may need and ill see what I can fix or create:


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Posted by Pixelthief 18th January, 2008

Before your download can be accepted into the database, you need to fix your screenshot. The download link works, and the description is ok but could be more elaborative.

To fix your screenshot, go to and follow the instructions on uploading a picture. We can't view images directly from your harddrive, they need to be hosted. Once you have the link to the picture (the very bottom one when you host on imageshack), just copy that, edit the download, and paste it over your current screenshot entry.
Posted by SevenT2 - [GameStormers] 19th January, 2008

Dude! Awesome, you put it up! I LOVE the grenade debris so far, looking really cool. Maybe make the grenades fire a bit faster? but i like the idea that they take a while to go off.

Oooh, maybe you could do a HUD for the game as well?
Posted by Moonyjacob 23rd January, 2008
Rated :

needs custom movements and you should be able to aim with the mouse. and how do you get in the car?
Posted by SevenT2 - [GameStormers] 28th January, 2008

Ah, well, bazz forgot to mention that. (didn't ya bazz *rustles hair*, lol)

Umm, to get in the car press "e" and to get out press "w"

fire grenades with "g"
Posted by [EclektiK] 5th February, 2008

Thanks for the comment about my Project Citytown!
And, downloadng the game!
Posted by SevenT2 - [GameStormers] 29th February, 2008

Bazz in the next download include the CNCS232.dll file that is required for people to play the game if they don't have MMF.
Posted by Trooper_959 15th March, 2008
Rated :

Man this game is just awsome so far! I hope you can get the full game out soon!
Posted by sunraider3 7th December, 2008

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