The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. HardCity the Chronicals of Max Slade

HardCity the Chronicals of Max Slade
Author: Carnivorous id Submitted: 17th September, 2008 Favourites:2
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 442
176th Place     (3.58 / 5)

Edited By Carnivorous id on 27/09/2014

This is a welcome to world of detective Max Slade. Fight your way through 4 chapters in this DVD action movie clone. Dance, drink, turn on t.v.'s, and more in the hunt for a mysterious hidden boss. DVD features include Special Features: original script, sets, behind the scenes & creator bio.

The control scheme:
D-pad or Arrows to move
1 button or X key to shoot, punch and order drinks.
2 Button or Z key to open doors, corner shot, arrest and interaction


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 (10.8 mb )

Posted by Codemonkey 17th September, 2008

Yay! It's finally out!
Posted by Carnivorous id 17th September, 2008

I hope you enjoy it.
Posted by BeefCake! 18th September, 2008
Rated :

Great Graphics and game play! I can see you've been working on this awhile!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by BeefCake! 18th September, 2008
Rated :

Comment edited by BeefCake! on 9/18/2008
Posted by Carnivorous id 18th September, 2008

Thanks for the stars BeefCake. Hope you like it.
Comment edited by Carnivorous id on 9/18/2008
Posted by Aliashoj 18th September, 2008
Rated :

I just complete it
Posted by 3kliksphilip 18th September, 2008
Rated :

I like it. It's more of a mini games collection than anything, but a lot of detail has been added. 5 stars for the effort- even if it wasn't actually THAT fun to play. The animations are superb and shooting somebody so that they fly across the room makes me happy.
Posted by Carnivorous id 18th September, 2008

3kliksphilip this is my first game and I'm very open to idea's to making better games in the future. So if you have any idea's I'll keep them in mind in my future projects.
Posted by -Finn- 18th September, 2008
Rated :

so u finished it good job

ye it isnt so funny like pempiatt or dragons. am i right philip?
Posted by Carnivorous id 18th September, 2008

I was wondering if anyone found the mini mach gun at the club.
Posted by Aliashoj 18th September, 2008
Rated :

Posted by Carnivorous id 18th September, 2008

Follow your partner into the restroom

Posted by Carnivorous id 18th September, 2008

-Finn- If the comment was for me I say Thanks for the support.
Posted by Sketchy 18th September, 2008
Rated :

Excellent presentation, but the game itself is very short, and like 2kliksphilip says, just a collection of minigames. The hospital level is great - it would be better if the rest of the game was more of the same kind of thing.
Posted by -Finn- 18th September, 2008
Rated :

well, i say the game is very good i was talking with philip too
Posted by Carnivorous id 18th September, 2008

I'll shoot for more shooting and destruction in my next game. I've been playing around with a arcade style 2 player version of this game but it will not have much of a story. I only have one area finshed for it and thats because it was designed to be a hidden game for HardCity.

Posted by Carnivorous id 18th September, 2008

Oh, I'll try to make the games longer as well.
Posted by Va1entine 18th September, 2008
Rated :

This is brilliant!
Posted by Sketchy 18th September, 2008
Rated :

-Finn- What there is, *is* very good, but I can't give 5 stars to a game that takes 10 minutes to complete and has little replay value. 3 stars equates to about 60%, which I think is fair when you look at some of the other great games on this site.
Posted by Z D 18th September, 2008
Rated :

It stinks.
Posted by Va1entine 18th September, 2008
Rated :

Hardcity was a very unique and enternaining experience. Altough short was by far one of the best Click games i've ever played. I stand by my 5 stars, great job!!!!!! Looking forword to your next prject Carnivorous id!
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 18th September, 2008

Maybe you should elaborate on why you didn't give it a single star Z D.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 19th September, 2008
Rated :

I'd suggest having a more complex system for aiming and firing, possibly using the mouse to aim. Introduce different weapons, reloading, grenades... I know there's such thing as over complicating the system but if you're going to have the same game engine for the whole game you need to make sure people are rewarded for learning how to use it. This game wouldn't benefit from it, as you don't have time to get used to the gameplay before it moves onto the next style. Perhaps I'm wanting this game to be something you weren't intending to make it as. For what it is it's a good game, but minigames can only get a game so far. Final Fantasy 7 had loads of them, but between them was a large stage of RPGing, which made players appreciate the minigames even more. I think you've put too much work into too small a project and people can't really appreciate the amount of work you've put in because each stage only lasts a matter of seconds.

The graphics were fine- no problems there. I saw some library sprites, but they seemed to blend in well. The animations were very well done.

The storyline is very nice, I would like a save system so that you can replay the most fun chapters at the end.

It definitely had a cinematic feel to it, the music certainly added to it.

All in all I think this game is a great example of what can be achieved on The Games Factory. Some bits were annoying to replay because of the cutscenes you had to resit every time you died (Especially the lorry sequence, until I found a spot where the enemy missed me every punch- I think it was inside his body).

I liked some of the making-ofs, especially the set building stages. It would be better if you could navigate between the stages at will.

Some times I think the cinematic quality worked against it. The beginning I presume to be a television switching between channels, but I'm not sure. (CandC style?) The making of, with the green backgrounds and Special Effects designers isn't necessary in my opinion, either. It just doesn't feel right in a click game. It's cool that you're getting into the frame of mind for movie making but I just can't take it seriously enough. Is this a movie or a making of the movie within the movie itself?

Just ignore ZD's comment (You probably already have), he doesn't contribute and all of his posts are either super negative or stupid. Or both.

Very good game, you should be proud of making it. My suggestions are to focus more on a couple of gameplay scenarios and to extend them so that players can really appreciate each section. Perhaps you should invest in MMF2- you certainly have the patience to pull off some very impressive games.
Comment edited by 3kliksphilip on 9/19/2008
Posted by BeefCake! 19th September, 2008
Rated :

Just completed it! Good game!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish i could change the rating to 5 star, you've 100% got my vote for game of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment edited by BeefCake! on 9/19/2008
Posted by Aliashoj 19th September, 2008
Rated :

Clubb V pwns

4/5 stars btw.
Posted by Carnivorous id 19th September, 2008

Thanks for all the positive feed back. All sprites with the exception of the explosions and the GF logo were mine. I do plan on purchasing MMF 2 in the near future but will continue on with the games factory a little longer. I have a lot of little projects on the verge of completion. If I can salvage any you'll see'm soon. Also I put a scene select screen you can access with a code that you get for making 6 arrests in the game. My original concept was to make the game like a dvd that's why I added in the behind the scenes. 3kliksphilip Thanks for all your comments they do help.
Posted by Aliashoj 19th September, 2008
Rated :

I believe you made this in TGF, but have noticed the .exe file is actually an MMF application, right?
Posted by Carnivorous id 20th September, 2008

Yeah, it wouldn't play properly without the MMF build
Posted by Carnivorous id 20th September, 2008

I have MMF 1.5 and TGF2 I'm just not familiar with the interface of those programs yet . I got them a few months before MMF 2 was released.
Posted by RedEnchilada 20th September, 2008
Rated :

"I was wondering if anyone found the mini mach gun at the club."

I totally found it trying to finish the game.

Oh yeah, game's fun too. Should've been longer, though. But I like all the bonus stuff and all the detail that went into it.
Posted by Carnivorous id 20th September, 2008

Did you unlock the 6 arrests code? If so the code uses the 2 button for joypad but it's the Z key on keyboard.
Comment edited by Carnivorous id on 9/20/2008
Posted by snake2020 21st September, 2008

plz,never filefront again.i can not download.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 21st September, 2008
Rated :

Would it be better if the address was tinyurl'd ?
Posted by RedEnchilada 21st September, 2008
Rated :

"Did you unlock the 6 arrests code? If so the code uses the 2 button for joypad but it's the Z key on keyboard."

Yup. And about the (THIS IS A SPOILER I THINK) shooting gallery, the cursor moved too fast. Maybe move it at about half speed by default, but hold Z to speed it up?
Posted by Z D 21st September, 2008
Rated :

It stinks because I dont like it.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 22nd September, 2008
Rated :

What is there NOT to love?
Posted by Bad Panda 22nd September, 2008
Rated :

I thought the game was great espeicially the cutscenes
and graphics are superb. A lot of time and effort has been put into this and it shows. However there are some things you might want to consider improving for future projects. I thought the gameplay didn't work as well as it could've, the addition of a 'strafe' function would've been a good idea. This would make bullets easier to dodge, the other thing that did frustrate me playing the game was the way it was just assumed that the player knew what to do (the elevator shaft section) with no onscreen explantion, and a lot of the timed sections (where the buildings exploding) were so tight it took a few go's to get them right. If you didn't set off straight away then you would die. But this said I still enjoyed the game alot and think you've done a REALLY GOOD job on it.
Posted by s-m-r 22nd September, 2008

The cinematic quality to this game hasn't been matched, in my opinion. You mention above that you were attempting to recreate the feel of a movie, and with that you definitely succeeded. It actually reminded me of the Lethal Weapon series (to pigeonhole into a genre: light-hearted action featuring "buddy cops")...Way to go!

There was a lot of inconsistency in the captions, lettering and except for the DVD-style screens much of the interface. But the rest of the graphics were highly-detailed and fun to look at. The fact that the characters were all grapes wasn't distracting at all, since everything was consistent. At times, it was a bit disorienting to figure our how to accomplish your goal (the grab-partner-then-fire-hose sequence comes to mind), but other than that, the gameplay worked well. I would have found your game frustrating if there were a limited number of lives available for the player.

My recommendations for this one: tighten up the presentation a little bit; keep going in the cinematic direction; maintain your level of artwork in the rest of your games; figure out a way to make your puzzles and tasks easier to understand.

Very, VERY well done!
Posted by BeefCake! 22nd September, 2008
Rated :

Grapes? I thought they were purple M & M chocolates!
Posted by Aliashoj 22nd September, 2008
Rated :

There is no purple M&M ...
Comment edited by Aliashoj on 9/22/2008
Posted by OMC 22nd September, 2008
Rated :

I'm sorry, I just didn't enjoy it.

HOWEVER! You did do a wonderful job. Don't take my comment as just a mean person being annoying, I can see you worked hard on it, and you presented it well... it's just not that fun. And hey, it's your first game! I look forward to your next project. I would say that the most annoying thing were the uberdy loud sounds.

I always feel so bad giving bad ratings.
Posted by OMC 22nd September, 2008
Rated :

Btw, Graphics = AWESOME.
Posted by markno2 22nd September, 2008

You misspelled the title. It's meant to be 'chronicles'. D:
Posted by erghhhhx 22nd September, 2008
Rated :

It's ok. The graphics are very nice, but the movement is awful.

Wasn't enjoyable, in my opinion. But I'm sure you'll make great games in the future, you seem to have the much needed dicipline and dedication.
Comment edited by Toxic Avenger on 9/22/2008
Posted by Marko 22nd September, 2008
Rated :

Wow, the presentation, the feel, the vibe this game gives off - fantastico! How jealous am i?? The attention that has gone into this game puts most of us to shame. The game itself is great too; the variety in each of the missions is genius and the dialogue is top-notch. My only gripe was with the length of it - too short. But that's because it's so good and i want more. More! MORE!!

Carnivorous id has done a marvelous job here, hats off to him and the 'cast'

..... any chance of a sequel??
Posted by Carnivorous id 23rd September, 2008

Yes, part two is Max Slade 2 Blood Money. I'll have to learn more to complete it though. I don't know how to create save files yet. That's why I left the action sequences and took out the city roaming in this game.
Comment edited by Carnivorous id on 9/23/2008
Comment edited by Carnivorous id on 9/23/2008
Posted by [EclektiK] 6th November, 2008

woah I can't download it
Posted by Carnivorous id 13th January, 2012

I just add a new download link.
Comment edited by Carnivorous id on 1/16/2012






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