The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. Forest Jet - Model 4 (Demo Version)

Forest Jet - Model 4 (Demo Version)
Author: Frank M. Submitted: 16th December, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 285

Edited By Frank M. Minichini on 12/16/2008

Edited By Frank M. Minichini on 12/16/2008

Edited By Frank M. Minichini on 12/16/2008

This is a new Shoot-em up I recently made up. I was bored so I just quickly threw together some MMF graphics, and put together a game basically. It's only one level, but it is pretty challenging.

Use the mouse to move the plane.
Left click to shoot bullets
Right click to shoot missiles. (you get ten)

game is only 17 MB compressed, hope you enjoy!

Review This Download (17.09 mkb )

Posted by erghhhhx 16th December, 2008

The ugly graphics, the "I just quickly threw together" and the downloadsize tells me this is just a waste of time.

Not downloading, sorry.
Posted by W3R3W00F 16th December, 2008

Pre-fab graphics? It's OK(but still under-rated) if they're infrequently used, but all pre-fab graphics can hurt your name here. It's not a smart thing to use them frequently. Sorry man, but I think you've got better things to do in the mean time than making a pre-fab game. Download = N/A. Effort = BINGO BABEH.
Comment edited by W3R3W00F on 12/16/2008
Posted by Knockturnal 16th December, 2008
Rated :

I downloaded AND installed (Even though you know i hate installers), and it's not worth it. At all. The title screen is... a little neat actually but everything about the game sucks except for that.

0(.5) out of 5

Sorry man.
Posted by [DELETED] 16th December, 2008

17MB, compressed, is quite a large file-size for a quick game you've thrown together and one level.
Posted by W3R3W00F 16th December, 2008

That's what I was thinking. It's just too much for too little.
Posted by Frank M. 17th December, 2008

I guess you guys like originality and small file size on this website.

What is an ideal file size for submission on here, say?

Maybe i'll make a low-res version with different graphics for submission.

Posted by W3R3W00F 17th December, 2008

Well most of us would prefer KB instead of MB, but luckily for me I've got Some space on my computer so I honestly don't care that much.

And it's not about originality, (though we'd prefer it over cheap knock offs like the Chintendo Vii... ) it's about having YOUR OWN graphics. But I take it that's what you meant- so yes, you're right. We'd prefer that.
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 17th December, 2008

The main thing around here is that people tend to associate size with quality. In their eyes, the bigger the game is, the better it should be. It's kind of an outdated frame of mind, with broadband being so prolific nowadays.
Posted by AndyUK 20th December, 2008

Also downloading a game takes about as much effort as breathing. So if you clicked the link to get here you may as well click 2 or 3 more times to get the thing.

Unless your time is THAT valuable, in which case get off my goddamn intertubes
Posted by Frank M. 20th December, 2008

I see, thank you guys for all your feedback, despite it's negativity, hopefully the next thing I make will be a bit better.

Back to the old drawing board, if anyone is interested in the full version of this game i'll still make it the way it is and post it on here.
Posted by Frank M. 18th January, 2009

Can I just say pre-fab graphics? Do you mean because I used the graphics from the MMF library, it immediately makes it a bad game? If anything no game creator who uses MMF should be criticized of his gaming creating skills just for the fact he/she is using the graphic library. I mean, i'm pretty sure in most other games that are put on this website, use "pre-fab" sound effects. Heck, the game engine itself is pre-fab.. why aren't all games on this website created from scratch from using C++, Assembler,etc.

Those graphic libraries are there for a reason. Those sound libraries are there for a reason. That reason is to be used by that game creator to make that game.

Not everyone in the click community is a great artist, I'm probably the worst artist probably yet when it comes to making games. Oh and keep in mind, I don't have a team working with me for these games... it's all a "one-man show".

Well that's my two cents right there if you agree with it, that's fine if you don't that's fine too.
Posted by W3R3W00F 18th January, 2009

Well sorry dude, but I honestly can't agree, but at the same time I mildly agree.

Well, first off, Library graphics make the game look effortless, not very great, and it also gives people the impression that you can't draw. (I'm not saying you CAN'T, I'm saying it would just seem that way to people.) All in all... Pre-fab graphics are there for a reason. Mainly for people who can't draw, or are just too lazy to make their own original graphics. Here on TDC, people don't take to them too well. They're, Surely enough, OK to use, however I wouldn't recommending using them if you intend using them, then posting the game online. It's really your choice, man. You're free to use pre-fab as much as you want, but really, it's much, much better to draw your own.
Posted by Disthron 25th February, 2009

While I don't have any reall problem with people using the MMF librarys. I mean some people juat really can't draw. I mean would the game really go down better if it were all circals or realy badly drawn? Perhaps so, I don't know.

Riped graphics seem to be a bit of a no-no as well but I can understand that a little more as you can argue that it's stealing.

Personally I think the main thing is how much effort whent into making a game. Usually the look of it reflects this.





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