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Desktop Wars
Author: W3R3W00F Submitted: 28th February, 2009 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 181

Edited By ωξяξW○○F on 2/28/2009

I made this a few weeks back, making new builds every now and then, but I just lost interest so this is the last build. It's a screen saver where Blue droids and Red droids generally fight on your desktop. It's also slightly interactive, so if you feel like killing some time, or still have a bit more time left before... whatever, this is one way to go.


Z - Control Blue (Hold LMouse to fire)
X - Spectate
C - Control Red (Hold LMouse to fire)

1 - Create Blue Gunner
2 - Create Blue Rocketer
3 - Create Blue Blader
4 - Create Red Gunner
5 - Create Red Rocketer
6 - Create Red Blader

Del - Clear screen
Esc - Quit

Review This Download;13385241;/fileinfo.html (1.55 mkb )

Posted by Ski 28th February, 2009

Lol, not really ideal as a screensaver IMO. I wouldn't want that racket going off whilst I'm out the room
Posted by Jon Lambert 28th February, 2009

Screenshot's busted.

Let's see if this survives...
Posted by Clubsoft 28th February, 2009

(Edited to fix screenshot)
Posted by W3R3W00F 28th February, 2009

Lol I must've used the wrong URL.

I reduced the volume down to 25 but It doesn't seem to do anything for me. (MMF2 hates me with a passion.) I'll post a sound free version in the description.
Posted by Ski 28th February, 2009

What on earth is that screenshot? I don't even remember seeing that during the "gameplay" ?
Posted by W3R3W00F 28th February, 2009

That screen shot was for the project logo (I don't know what in heck posessed me to make a page. )
so I thought I'd just use it.

Also the download has been updated to play without sound.
Posted by Mr G 28th February, 2009

You should make this a game (which you can control one side). It might turn out fun
Posted by W3R3W00F 28th February, 2009

Hmm, that's not a bad idea. I doubt anybody would play it, but hey- it's not a game unless you yourself enjoy it.

I'll think about it but right now I'm working on a much bigger project.
Posted by [DELETED] 2nd March, 2009

I think it's a good idea, but a screen saver should never have to be controlled, as they idea of using screen savers is to have a placeholder while you are AFK, and therefore not able to use the computer.

As said previously, why not make it an actual game?
Posted by W3R3W00F 2nd March, 2009

I might make it a game, but right now I'm trying to get critisism on a new project of mine so that's what I've been at in the mean time.

The idea of having a game made... I had a stand alone app, but I found it kinda useless so I just stuck with a screen saver. And if I did make another game I have alot of good ideas in mind, but as I've said I'm working most on a much more immense project. If you want me to include the stand alone in the description I can.





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