The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Kliks Music Studio V1

Kliks Music Studio V1
Author: 3kliksphilip Submitted: 27th April, 2009 Favourites:1
Genre: Application Downloads: 509
169th Place     (3.67 / 5)
GOTM - MAY 2009 - 2ND PLACE!

Edited By 3kliksphilip on 1/18/2010

This is the first music maker that I've ever made using Multimedia Fusion 2. It's very simple to use and it includes an example tune.

*No limitation for songs length
*Save / Load feature
*Easy to modify the sounds by replacing the default '1, 2, 3' OGG files in the sounds folder (WARNING: needs to be ogg)

*Limited to one note per frequency
*Only 3 different instruments
*No ability to make a looping tune

*Makes a crackling sound if too many sounds are played at once
*Can't modify the length of notes
*Can't save as MP3 or any other normal format

Please post your feedback, or better still, the music tracks that you've made. I'll make a list of tunes made using this program, send the .arr file to


and I'll convert it and even post a couple of the tunes I like as videos on my youtube account (If that's okay with you. Of course, I'll say that you made the track)

Expect a player soon!

Review This Download (850 kkb )

Posted by Jon C-B 28th April, 2009
Rated :

The video makes it looks pretty simple and well made but, does it make a real music track or not?
Comment edited by Jon C-B on 4/28/2009
Posted by 3kliksphilip 28th April, 2009

I don't know how to save it as any other file format other than an array. But I'm offering a service, if you send (decent, finished) tracks that you've made to my email then I'll make them into an mp3 file format for you.

I'm also aware of the slowdown people are experiencing on slower PCs. Dual core or above should be fine, I'm working on a cut down version for slower PCs, my target is to get a complicated song working smoothly on a 1.6 Ghz eee PC.

It's probably the pitch modifier that's slowing most PCs down, unless I record each pitch individually I don't know a way around that.
Comment edited by 3kliksphilip on 4/28/2009
Posted by UrbanMonk 28th April, 2009

This looks awesome! I'm going to make a small tune with it!
If you could get this running more efficiently, you could create a widget to play the music from the array back, also you could compress the samples and the array into a single file to invent your own type of tracked music, lol

Also it should run faster if you lower the quality of the samples, or you could use some of the new audio extensions. I don't know if they are faster are not but it's worth a shot!

EDIT: I can't seem to download it now, mediafire has no open servers.
Comment edited by UrbanMonk on 4/28/2009
Posted by MBK 28th April, 2009

Wow! ... Is this the only music maker anyone has done so far with a Clickteam tool?

The video is great ... downloading.

Dang! ... what's wrong with MediaFire? ... it won't let me download it :/

Nothing is wrong with MediaFire.
All the stuff I have there downloads fine.

So that must mean that something is screwy with your link dude.

Comment edited by MBK on 4/28/2009
Posted by 3kliksphilip 28th April, 2009

Here's V1.2, with a nice shiny new 'Toggle fast/normal' feature which should help those with slow PCs. Here are two different links.
Comment edited by 3kliksphilip on 4/28/2009
Posted by MBK 28th April, 2009

Thank you 3kliks Phil !
The mediafire one worked!

Comment edited by MBK on 4/30/2009
Posted by Chloe Sagal 28th April, 2009
Rated :

thats badass. when i get some time ill make something with it.
Posted by Chloe Sagal 28th April, 2009
Rated :

it might be nice to have some kind of note interface, so rather than play higher or lower we could have something to go off of, other than that and the bad points youve already listed, its still pretty sweet. like i said if i had the time to get to learn the notes by ear and such, id do something, but ill wait untill later versions.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 28th April, 2009

The one with the line under is the C note, though to be honest I don't think it matters which note you start on with a song.
Posted by OMC 28th April, 2009

Knowing the notes helps if you want to make a song using what patterns you know of music...

Plus it helps if you want to figure out the tune later on an instrument!
Posted by Jon C-B 28th April, 2009
Rated :

Downloaded it and it works well! I think it would help if when you placed a note down, it would play the note, so you can tell if its what you want or not. If you add a real export music part and fixed the bugs, this would be completely awesome.
Posted by Jon C-B 28th April, 2009
Rated :

Forgot to rate... I've started making an awesome song with this, it does really good techno stuff. If I finish the song I'll be sure to post it.
Posted by OMC 28th April, 2009

Well, I made a neat little sound effect... but that was about it. I'm not going to rate it, but it's a cool concept.
Posted by erghhhhx 28th April, 2009
Rated :

GJ, but "speed" should be measured in bpm instead of whatever it is.

I'll try to make sum music with it, then I'll rate.
Posted by erghhhhx 28th April, 2009
Rated :

Important mistake you should fix... The first note is not played.

Also, the quality of the sounds are pretty low. Still an interesting project though!
Posted by 3kliksphilip 29th April, 2009

How do I make it do a certain BPM? Is that even possible in MMF2?
Posted by erghhhhx 29th April, 2009
Rated :

I have no idea, perhaps you could use framrate somehow...
Posted by UrbanMonk 29th April, 2009

BPM = Beats per Minute,

easily possible in mmf2
BUT can YOU implement it?
Posted by 3kliksphilip 29th April, 2009

By varying the frame rate? By getting it to move on every time an alterable value that's added to every 0:01 seconds is set back to 0 because it gets above a certain amount that represents how often it would have to move on for it to be a certain number of beats per minute? I think that would lead to dodgy timings, but sure, I'll implement it if it's so important.
Posted by UrbanMonk 29th April, 2009

Varying the frame rate? I didn't say anything of the sort, and no you wouldn't have to do that. You could easily make a BPM system without modifying the frame rate.

To tell you the truth though you really don't need to add that.
It's not advanced enough to really need it at the moment.
I tried making a decent song, but the editor is really annoying:
no way to listen to a tone before playing it
and the lack of notes further compounds that problem
The editor has no indicator of what note the cursor is over.
The tempo of the song is not constant, it slightly fluctuates based on the amount of notes being played at once.
Posted by Zode 29th April, 2009
Rated :

Daamn nice Ö_ö
im using mmf2developer and i cant get pitch changes from 1 single ogg file,
what extension you are using?
Posted by 3kliksphilip 29th April, 2009

Posted by Sumo148 29th April, 2009

BPM= Beats per minute. 60 BPM is a second long beat. 120 BPM is 2 beats per second. Try to make a formula that works with that.
Posted by RedEnchilada 30th April, 2009

Add (BPM here) to Beats

Beats >= (Framerate*60, precalculate this)
Subtract (Amount above) from Beats
+Other stuff that you do on beat

If you want it to move X pixels during a beat, multiplay BPM by X and move it one pixel on the beat event.

(Sorry if it isn't explained well, but I really need to make an example rather than explaining it.)
Posted by Lazernaut 30th April, 2009

3kliks - your program looks very nice

Regarding BPM, i had the exact same problem while coding this: for my final exam in school. It's made in Javascript so you can see the code that uses javascript's timer function and translates BPM.
Posted by Dark Link 2nd May, 2009
Rated :

to save it into an mp3 format.
try using the file object or the common dialog object
do open save dialog, and the it as name.mp3
Posted by 3kliksphilip 2nd May, 2009

How would that record the audio?
Posted by Dr. James MD 3rd May, 2009
Rated :

Way too limiting to be a music "studio". No ability to export as midi even? Needs to closer emulate musical timing.

It's a good start though and I think you really should try and fix all the crit you and others have found.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 3rd May, 2009

So if I just called it 'Note placer' it would have been good?

In all honesty I'm stepping into territory I've never seen MMF2 being used for before, it's not exactly going to be perfect straight away. If you can suggest an improvement it would be handy, saying that a midi exporter would be useful is like saying 'Oh it would be good if this game had 3D graphics as good has Half Life 2', it just isn't feasible unless there's actually a way to do it using MMF2. I'll just stick to making crappy platformers if you'd prefer, they're simple to make and nobody gets bored of the limitations with the standard 'jump on enemys' heads to kill them'.
Posted by Dr. James MD 3rd May, 2009
Rated :

I'm... sorry?
Comment edited by Dr. James on 5/3/2009
Posted by 3kliksphilip 3rd May, 2009

Don't be sorry, just think of a way to implement MIDI / MP3 saving into this program.

...Or of a naked woman.

/Obscure WWUK reference
Posted by Dkt 4th May, 2009
Rated :

Looks really awesome downloading now.
Posted by UrbanMonk 4th May, 2009

Mess with the MCI object you might be able to pull off wav with that.
For midi check this out

It's possible to save to midi but it'll take some work.
And you wouldn't be able to use your samples with midi.
Try first to make a program that can break apart an already created midi. And be able to show the instruments used ect.
Posted by Codemonkey 4th May, 2009

Looks cool, but I wish there was a crappy platform mode.
Posted by Ski 4th May, 2009
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Awesome stuff, was wondering how this could be done the other week
Posted by Fadex 5th May, 2009

Man, that's cool stuff, but you REALLY should add more instruments. But anyway - looking forward!
Posted by DaVince 5th June, 2009

<quote>*Easy to modify the sounds by replacing the default '1, 2, 3' OGG files in the sounds folder (WARNING: needs to be ogg)</quote>

That's honestly not very easy - could you maybe add a possibility to just load sound files?
Posted by Del Duio 5th June, 2009

Knowing the notes helps if you want to make a song using what patterns you know of music...

Or if you write something first on guitar or bass and want to transpose it after. I did that a few times and knowing which note is which would eliminate the guesswork IMO.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 23rd June, 2009

'could you maybe add a possibility to just load sound files? '

How do you suggest doing that?
Posted by The MPP 6th November, 2017
Rated :

This games is cool.





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