The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. eShooter Engine - Weapon Editor

eShooter Engine - Weapon Editor
Author: [EclektiK] Submitted: 6th June, 2009 Favourites:3
Genre: Application Downloads: 285

This is the Development Team's Weapon Editor, it is fairly limited compared to the upcoming Built-In Weapon Creator.

With the Dev Team version you can only create the specs of the weapon, load pictures of it but not GFX and you are limited to the following particles:

-Normal Bullet
-Shotgun Pellets
-Hydrogen Bullet

I made it available just to give something related to the Project. You can play with it and in the next eShooter Build I'll add a Command to load a Weapon file. Only if the map has "custom weapons" enabled.

Review This Download (1.01 mb )

Posted by [EclektiK] 6th June, 2009

Uhm... Still has minor bugs.
Posted by Sumo148 6th June, 2009
Rated :

pretty snazzy!
Posted by W3R3W00F 6th June, 2009
Rated :

I like playing around with it when I'm not doing the real guns. Sure is a fun little gadget.
Posted by Jeffrey Beyer 6th June, 2009
Rated :

it's pretty nifty, but I don't really know what I should do with it
Posted by Cecilectomy 7th June, 2009

its more of an internal project tool for eShooter. its pretty much useless to you unless you just want to play around with it
Posted by [DELETED] 7th June, 2009

All the work on this engine is super crazy!
Posted by -J- 8th June, 2009

To make a laser, Set shooting type to Auto, ammo to 400, fire rate to 1, reload to 500, recoil to 100, start time to 100, speed to 50, damage to 1, and particle type to hydrogen bullet.

This is fun to play around with, another thing to add would be ability to shoot in bursts.
Comment edited by -Julian- on 6/8/2009





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