Edited By Jon Lambert on 11/11,18/2009 Edited By Jon Lambert on 9/19/2009 Edited By Jon Lambert on 8/3,9,12,24/2009 You hang out here on The Daily Click, playing games, writing articles, reading up on the latest upcoming projects, and chatting it up on the forums with the friends you've made in your time here. So why not talk some more, all the time, in real time? That's what this is for:
Yes, yes, we have ourselves a new TDC Chat! Sporting the powerful Lacewing library as its backbone, this new application features a multitude of commands to use as you communicate with your daily brethren. From private messages to giving virtual gifts, from speaking fancy to reading news alerts, you can easily enjoy the day with your online companions!
This is Version 1.20 of the TDC Chat. If you are still using a beta version of the chat, or any version lower than 1.19, you will not be able to connect to the channel properly. If your version stops after checking username and password, then redownload.
- Version 1.20 supports formatting tags for your text, and background images!
- Version 1.13 now supports /game, allowing you to make your own games for use by the chat!
- Version 1.15 now supports graphical emoticons!
- Version 1.17 now supports embedded YouTube videos and chat buffer!
- Version 1.18 now supports bug reports, site searching, and a tray icon!
Please download the latest version of the chat to continue having fun!
The download should include a help folder, sounds folder, logs folder, updater application and TDC Chat application. The updater has itself been updated, so you might want to download the full zip folder to get it. If it doesn't, contact me through DC mail or the comments below.
If your version of the chat crashes when you double-click a username, don't do that. Also, when one person disconnects, everyone else will crash as well. A problem of OINC.
Disconnection problems are a fault of the powerful OINC extension, not the chat itself. Jamie is working on a new build to fix that. When disconnections happen OINC can crash.
"I'll wait until it's built into the DC site architecture and works with the regular site login area and is absolutely 100% official site chat."
Confusion is my name. It is the official one, what makes it not so? It uses your username and password just like the site and can tell your member status because it gets the information from the database. It can't be vitalized because OINC isn't vitalized. The rest I don't get, and OINC is just more powerful and better, and Jamie is working on that fix right now. At this moment.
The chat was in admin testing since July 21st and in VIP testing since July 23rd. The connection thing is really the only common debilitating bug.
Yes I think we experienced that this morning when I logged on with Jon Lambert and Matt Boothman. GamsterXII signed on too, but left and then subsequently the whole thing just errored out and stuff. I like it though, just has a few bugs I guess.
MBK: This does work with our regular site login, you enter your name and password as you do TDC. Therefore I would say it's "official" since it accesses TDC's databases and stuff to retrieve name and our status. As was said in the forums, even Facebook's page-integrated chat is buggy and they would have a team of very experienced coders who created that.
MBK as others have said this IS 100% official chat app for tdc. it IS built on the sites architecture using YOUR tdc site information. and its being developed by jon lambert one of our site admins.
what do you suppose else he use? moo is no longer supported. oinc is the only other alternative. so it has a bug, jamie is quick to fixing these things. thats what betas are for.
im hate to say it but get your facts straight before complaining. it needs some work but show your support man.
Hum if you don't like it, don't use it, nobody really cares.
People already corrected you, why are you still whinning ?
And Jon already said the only bug in the program was caused by the Oinc extension, why don't you try it by yourself instead of asking dumb questions ?
I like this chat program. Tried it out and just as I got in, Mr. Lambert logged off. I think I have "Get away from me" disease.
All very badly told jokes aside, I do like this. Already submitted one bug I found, which kept giving telling me "Unknown error", so I don't know what's going on there.
This chatroom is very irritatingly malfunctional. There's too many bugs to go through it all. I'm surprised to say that a basic chat I made worked a lot better.
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Jon, come on Gwerdy later. I can sort out that stdrt.exe problem within 1 minute (I know how to) and if all else fails, use my chatroom until the bugs are sorted.
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I'm dissappointed. I won't be rating this download as I expect this chat will improve soon.
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Good luck and ty! Comment edited by Ricky123 on 8/5/2009
Yeah, the updater doesn't work because I forgot to put in the " " delimiter, so everyone'll have to download it manually for now. The one you download will work, now that I have a place to host the bare .exe it can update itself.
I think you aught to make the chat window blink on the taskbar when a new message gets posted, that way when it's minimized I can see when people arrive. Also make the amount of users the only think on the title bar, so it'll show up when minimized as well.
Me and Solgryn are there right now. The OINC server I was using went down so it wouldn't connect. Now it's using server.klikfarm.com which works just fine.
I can't even log on... I'm using the same account I used for the previous versions but this says I have an incorrect username or password when I try to log on.
And yes, I'm positive I spelt everything correctly.
Edit: Aaaand all of a sudden it works... weird? Comment edited by -J- on 8/26/2009
And... what is going on with encrypting usernames?
I'm pretty sure that's not 'allowed'. o_ó
And blowfish is untrustable - use the Encrypt object.
Its not only not loading - its stalled. >:| Comment edited by Ricky123 on 8/29/2009
I'm connected just fine... and the usernames are not encrypted in the chat itself, just in the games. Encrypting names and channels is just fine, what's wrong with that? And why is Blowfish untrustable? It works just fine for me.
works fine for me, it replaces certain obscene words that can be annoying when u type in things like pass it changes it to pbutt and certain other obscenities are changed as well lol not that it freaking bothers me meanies
jon lambert a message- me and solgryn have a little wager
u see - when ive made chat things before i always save the conversations while connected onto an ini file to read at my leisure, Im saying you do the same , not in a nasty spying kinda thing way but as an eager to hear praise for your programme kind of way that all prorammers thirst for, and solgryn reckons it doesnt 100 points at stake
TDC Chat does no such thing. In fact, I wouldn't be able to get it to do so if I wanted to, because I could never get the FTP object to work, which is what it would have used for bug reports.
[13:35] ***Successful connection to the server.***
[13:35] ***Logged in as Phredreeke***
[13:35] ***Reattempting to name the client ***
[13:35] ***Successfully joined TDC Lobby***
[13:35] ***You cannot be called because . Retry in 17970 seconds.***
When that happens, you are in the chat room. Lacewing has a bug where both the Name set and Name denied conditions trigger when the name is set, so that appears. Nothing is actually wrong though.