The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Red Dwarf the starbug mission

Red Dwarf the starbug mission
Author: Mark McCauley Submitted: 18th June, 2010 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 154

Edited By Mark McCauley on 8/4/2010

a single mission taken from the red dwarf project im currently working on ,see full project and Instructions at-

just to give u a sample of the latest development on it
explore the starbug, repair the components repel the invaders, protect the innocent and lead them to safety, but most importantly save the vindaloos

Review This Download (20 mkb )

Posted by Hagar 4th August, 2010

I downloaded this but some notes on how to play this game (i.e. controls) would be nice. I have no idea how to play it

Posted by Mark McCauley 4th August, 2010

Ah All is explained on the maingame download page here-

This is just a single mission taken from the full a smaller download taster.

just realising now that the instructions and ability to reconfigure controls ie joypad are in the first screen of the main game, so am unsure whether this mission is joyad or keybrd..
but thanks for bringing it to my attention.

In time I will upload the more recent programme,
Posted by Mark McCauley 16th October, 2010

Controlling Crew Members on Locations

Default keys are as follows
Player 1 -Cat
A -Move Left.
D -Move Right.
W -Move Up.
S -Move down.

Z -Fire 1(Use currently held object)
X -Fire 2 ( Change currently held object)
C -Fire 3(Action-ie abandon mission(if all 4 crew members are under the starbug)or Change Command ie (Follow
me,Cover me) also used to climb and ride things for instance.
V -Fire 4 (Command) hold this down to issue command for instance to get others to follow you.)
Player 2 -Rimmer
J-Move Left.
L-Move Right.
I-Move Up.
K-Move down.

N -Fire 1(Use currently held object)
M -Fire 2 ( Change currently held object)
< -Fire 3(Action-ie abandon mission(if all 4 crew members are under the starbug)or Change Command ie
(Follow me,Cover me) also used to climb and ride things for instance.
> -Fire 4 (Command) hold this down to issue command for instance to get others to follow you.)
*Player 3-Kryten and Player 4-Lister use Joypads

On Location you can also switch off any players by holding Ctrl key down and pressing the corresponding crew
number 1-4
This toggles them on or off

To select a crew member as Leader press 1-4 without pressing Ctrl key

The screen will always follow the Leader. so when playing with more than one player the other players should try to
stick with the leader to stay in the frame.

Explore the Region,Save or Take Lives,Recover Elements, Destroy hostilities,press buttons, avoid numerous traps ,
shoot hostilities, and big bosses etc etc.
You can also access any locations' computer terminals, simply walk into them and type via the keyboard and
press enter.

All the keys are customisable via the first screen by clicking on the joypad or keybrd Icons.

You can also Change the names of your players by double clicking any of the other names. type in your chosen name
for that crew member and hit enter.

a little run down of some of the weaponry

should u come across any of them or buy at the shop
( a little tweaking here n there with regards to pricing i know is needed)

* normal gun-single shot
doesnt run out of ammo youll always have that trusty sidekick to rely on .

* mines -
you can drop a few of these buggers about the place , should any life form step on them - boom.

* grenades -
the longer you hold the fire button down the furthur you throw them

* tnt -
hold the fire button down and retreat to a safe distance, wait til a life form is near it and release the fire button to
detonate it .boom- also clears debris blocking paths

* bazookoid-
tap to fire a rocket propelled missile

* flamethrower-
hold down to spray flames be careful when running forward into the flames

* lazer gun single shot
does more damage to life forms

* speed pills,
make u fast

* medikit,

* shield power,
shields you for a short time

* shield,weapon,health, power ups,
stand on these to refill erm shield weapons and health

* more weapons in making
include sentinels, post a sentinel and they will guard that area with laser fire til the battery life runs out,
hunter sentinels, like the sentinels but they hunt life forms and many more Weapons to come.

Posted by Mark McCauley 31st December, 2010

Link currently unavailable sorry





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