The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Snowman Panic!

Snowman Panic!
Author: Ethan7 Submitted: 24th December, 2010 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 72

Edited By YOMAMA722 on 2/19/2011

My entry in TDC's Christmas Competition 2010, I hope everyone likes it, and I made the story mode for it to be hard, so don't be surprised, I have beaten it so don't go saying it's unbeatable. I have also made a Survival mode which can be used to obtain high scores. And remember to look at the instructions, I have had so many people ask me about the controls when they are right on the instructions page. I will soon have this game up with even better graphics and mochi scores after I get back my Flash exporter and add a little bit more to the main game. I would also like to give thanks to the amazing graphic designer who did my intro, titles, and icon, OwenE, you can find him under the user name OwenE at the Clickteam forums. If you want you can also check out my families website, where I'll post this after I turn it into flash: In addition to all this I hope you all have lots of fun melting snowmen with your flamethrowers and would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

UPDATE: Thought I'd mention I have updated to my latest version as of yet for Snowman Panic! So nobody go counting me out just yet for the GOTW this week!
UPDATE 2: Since my newest version of SP is a flash, and flash games made using MMF2 don't hide what's outside the frame if you just run the .swf, I'm just going to post the link to the .html which links itself to the .swf so you guys can play it with constrained frame size, just remember to open it in another window and not to try to download it.

Review This Download (4.04mb )

Posted by HorrendousGames 25th December, 2010
Rated :

The intro was cute. I've actually used the flamethrower picture as reference art before.

The flamethrower might've looked better if you had just randomized the angle of each flame, or perhaps made a few different flameburst animations thrown in there.

The snow flakes were a nice tough, although they are a little distracting, it might be a good idea to turn the size down on them.

Survival mode was probably the best thing about this game, after round 1 on story mode I gave up because I was bored out of my mind. I would go with short and intense, rather than what you've got going there. Perhaps if there were more snowman, yet easier to kill, that might go over a bit better, it's not like the graphics you have in game would kill anyone's processor.

The avalanches were obnoxious, not because you can get rid of them easily, but because it's difficult to tell if you've gotten rid of one or not, and that got me killed a couple of times. You can keep them disappearing like they are, but I would destroy them when they are halfway transparent, rather than when they are completely transparent. Perhaps even tinting them a bit so they don't blend with the backdrop as much.

I would definitely do something about those snowman sprites, they look more like ants than snowmen. That and work on your interface a bit, it's really bland.

Other than that I did enjoy it a bit, I hope this game doesn't get totally overlooked, although it doesn't really add anything to game development as a whole, it's a start. Good luck in the competition!




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