The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Engine ::. SupaStix's Level Editor

SupaStix's Level Editor
Author: SupaStix Submitted: 27th August, 2011 Favourites:0
Genre: Engine Downloads: 491

Edited By SupaStix on 9/6/2011

A nifty level editor I created during my summer break. It works equivalently to Podunkian's Almighty Paintbrush, but only with a few slight differences/new features like animated tiles, more layers, etc. I left it open-sourced so you can expand upon, improve, or change it to your liking.

Includes an open-sourced game template which works correspondingly with the editor. The template contains a workable yet incomplete, detector-embedded platform engine which can also be modified to your choosing.

This will be used for a new project I'm currently working on. I hope you all have fun messing with the code and whatnot.

Credit to Eternal Man and Zephni for the awesome scrolling engine and Mr. Podunkian for inspiring me to work on this.

UPDATE: Fixed how the editor externally loads graphics.

Workspace Controls:
Arrow keys: Navigate through canvas; choose a tile (w/ tile selector open)
Shift key: Opens Tile Animation Config (works on Layers 0-3)
Ctrl key: Opens tile selector (Layers 0-4); Displays entity information (On Entity Config)
PgUp & PgDown keys: Switch between layers

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Posted by UrbanMonk 28th August, 2011
Rated :

Very well made!
Posted by SupaStix 29th August, 2011

Hey, thanks!





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