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No More Hesitation
Author: s-m-r Submitted: 10th March, 2013 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 81

Edited By s-m-r on 3/12/2013

[This is a Flash Game]
[And yes, this is a parody game, too]

This is a point-and-click action shooter based on real-life shooting targets used by law enforcement personnel here in the 'States.

There are two categories of targets: solo and hostage. Solo targets are armed assailants on their own, while hostage targets have the added challenge of living cover.

The game keeps track of your shots fired and direct hits for each round you play. Strive for perfect accuracy!

Use your mouse to hover over options or web links, and to aim your target reticule. Click your LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to activate links and shoot.

Most graphics from Law Enforcement Targets, Inc.(click their link in game to visit their website). Event coding and cognitive dissonance by s-m-r. Sounds and SDK via MMF2 by ClickTeam.

Source code is available for this game (and it was rather simple to make). If you want to have a look at it or you have questions, just ask.


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Posted by UrbanMonk 15th March, 2013

I believe a lot of those targets were discontinued due to complaints.
Posted by s-m-r 16th March, 2013

You are correct, sir. But at least one pregnant lady is still available, as are the teenagers with guns and pipe bombs.

Serious question, UrbanMonk: Did you know about LE Targets and/or the big stink about No More Hesitation at all before you played this 'game'?
Posted by UrbanMonk 16th March, 2013

Yes I did. I didn't play the game.
Posted by s-m-r 17th March, 2013

Shortly after I learned about LET and their products, I wanted to spread the news. I think they're horrible, and I didn't want to see it all swept under the rug, like so much other news regarding the police.

I'm hoping more people have a chance to learn about this company and the targets it produced/produces, so I made a game out of it.
Posted by UrbanMonk 17th March, 2013

What will people do with that information though? Likely nothing. Just chat about it online. Most of us are too busy to bother with it.
Posted by s-m-r 18th March, 2013

Ideally, I'd like for this game to make it somewhere with more traction in the activist/radical organizer community. Some feedback and guidance from a larger organization can help motivate me to take on more ambitious projects.

It's another opportunity to dip my toe in the realm of "cognitive dissonance." I'm slowly shrinking my orbit around the realm of this kind of activism, and with my track record of mostly-incomplete projects, I know it'll take a while.
Posted by UrbanMonk 19th March, 2013

Good Luck!





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