Racism, does it offend you? Or does it give a high? If so, why are you racist? If you get offended, why do you get offended? If you don't give any other way, why? Do you think I'm racist? Do you think you are racist? Is that a racist comment?
People take racism too far these days, shit like not being able to use the name black-board and stuff like that.Plus, it's not the black people themselves who are offended by it, it's the stupid do-gooders who run around trying to make everything PC on their behalf. Also there's a massive double standard where racism against white people is totally accepted.
I myself an not racist, but to a certain degree I think I judge races as a whole in accordance with my own experience involving individuals from a minority. For example, I've yet to meat a ginger person who wasn't a twat, hence I don't like ginger people, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt - there's probably a ginger person out there who isn't a twat.
Let's not forget the ones who like to play the racist cards alot too, that make the "do gooders" have to be all upity. Such as, the black guys that yell that a cop or someone is picking on them because their racist, yet they have to say it in a completly retardet way like "Yo, why all dees boiz in blue gotta be hatin, all cuz i'm afrikan, yo." So, while I'm listening to him blather on incohearantly about his "problems", I'm thinking, "It's problably not because you're black, it might have something to do with your being an idiot."
Hell yeah, that pisses me off too. Especially when they use the racism card as a ticket to do whatever the hell they want. "You can't be arrestin me for murdering that guy, yo, it's cos I is black you rasist, man" etc.
Why does racism only apply to black people these days? what about the other ethnic groups?
I think Affirmitive action is a joke, why should people get help just becuase they are of a certain decent? If you favor one ethnic group over another, is that not racism? The call it "leveling the playing field" but really its just discriminating against everyone else......
Sure you COULD say that they have had some challanged thrown their way but certainly if everyone is equal then WHY should one group get help where as another does not? Does that mean we are all equal but they aren't AS equal so they need a bit of "extra" help to boost them up to "equal"? Isn't that like saying 1=2?
I think if everyone is truely equal, and I do believe that we are ALL created equal then we should all be TREATED equally. If an oppertunity exists it should be avaliable to ALL , not just an ethnic group simply becuase some activist says that they are being "opressed".
I got an advert for Chances, an "equal opportunities employer", through the computer science department here. I can't apply to be considered because I'm not black, Asian, homosexual, disabled or transgendered. That's not what I call equal...
But racism, on the whole, I hate - the meaningless hatred of someone because of where they are from.
racists suck, says the man from Oldham (us guys had massive race riots a few years back, thankfully i was in Spain at the time). but i hate how asians run around calling white people and get away scott free... come to think of it i bet thats how the riots started
"I got an advert for Chances, an "equal opportunities employer", through the computer science department here. I can't apply to be considered because I'm not black, Asian, homosexual, disabled or transgendered. That's not what I call equal... "
The programme isn't equal, but it is an attempt to level the playing field for employment where racism may have been prominent in the past.
I grew up ina very progressive city where I spent my whole childhood discussing racism. I was required to take a class in my 9th year called "Ethnic Studies" where we discussed peoples' prejudice. Basically I came out of it thinking that everyone is a little racist. Everyone has biases whether they are concious or not, and it it when people accept this fact that solutions for creating a less discriminatory society can come to fruition. I do think racism is less an issue now that discrimination based on religion and sexual identity.
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
16th November, 2004 at 18:10:37 -
yes, it is human nature to make judgements based on little or no evidence. everyone will have a predisposed stereotype about every racial group they know, inherited from some third party source. the source of course depends on whether that person will simply stereotype or be racist. it's not our nature to be racist per se. no one is born hating another race, they have to learn that hatred, and equally, such hatred can be unlearned.
Haha, it's fucking hilarious in hawaii, because here, everyone hates whites because they took the land from the hawaiians and generally fucked everything up. I'm white, so I get some guff, but it stopped as soon as I made friends with the biggest, scariest samoan you have ever seen. And everyone knows me anyway, but I feel sorry for the white kids who come from the mainland, and get beat up everyday at school, hahaha.
And about blacks, I'm friends with three of the seven at our shcool (whites,blacks, and hispanics are a minority. pacific islanders and asians make up 97%)
the race card comes in handy when you get in trouble. Like one time we were throwing firecrackers from the monorail at the mall, and a security guard stopped us, and Keenan broke out with "CUS IM BLACK!?" and that shut him up.
Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?
For the 10,000th time in a row, I agree with AsparagusTrevor. The double standard where it's ok to discriminate against white people is bullshit. I'm not racist, but I do make vague generalizations based on what I've been exposed to, and I don't mind a non-spiteful racist joke. Still, I've never heard a white person tell a black person that they're racist, even after they had slagged us off as a whole for almost half an hour, but a black person can drop the 'r' word without batting an eyelid if you so much as mention anything negative about an individual black person, even if what you said was completely unrelated to their skin colour. At least that's what our city's like at the moment. It's a shame, I really would like us to be equal. If only they knew we weren't all out to get them.
Yeh, I find it weird that if a black person says black power, nobody cares.
But if a white persone says white power, a whole bunch of people jump him.
Black people had it bad back then, but white people have it bad now. Everyone thinks ohhhhhh that poor black person, his family was a slave so lets go talk about stuff.
Now adays, white people are just screwed.
Why dont white people have a word that they can only say. Like black people have the overated "N" word!
"anyone seen the Spain v England football match?"
They were making monkey chants wernt they? I bet the spain international team get punnished off fifa.
Though youve got to remember that england used to be like that.
The real supprise here is that YOU were watching a football match.
I carnt stand racism. It happens alot towards pakistani people where I live. Some little prik has been going round spraying 'BNP'(british national party) and 'england for the english' on walls and signs in my area. When I hear people shouting things like 'paki', I just want to punch them.
Yes this is true, it's all very well to say negative things about pro-black/asian/non-white descrimination, and then say they always play the racism card, but this is only a small part of the story. I grew up in a multicultural school where there was no real racism (except that we occaisionally mentioned the asian invasion, but that was only because it rhymed and we were all friends with a lot of the Chinese people there) so I tended to think that racism was almost dead and positive descrimination was oxymoronic. But in the years since then I've seen a little more of the world, and racism is very real, and often accepted as normal, even healthy. Hell, look at the BNP. Sure, there may be black people who are more racist than I am, but that doesn't mean that they all call white men racist honkeys, and it doesn't mean that when they cry racism they're always lying. It doesn't even mean that when they can get a job and I can't it's a bad thing, I can probably get one elsewhere after all. We have to remember that the world is going through a big change, sure it's a long time since black people were slaves but they still have that to remember, just as we are burdened with the fact that our ancestry is responsible for this atrocity. While racism exists at all it will effect everything, for change to happen there must be an opposing force, so of course positive descrimination has to push a little harder to make the change happen faster. And of course there are people who will exploit racism just as people exploit the benefit system, but this cannot happen if it doesn't exist. And Nuklear, white people do not have it bad now. Are you really comparing your present situation to slavery?
Anyway that's my opinion. Thanks to anyone who read through all that.
Why the hell am I on the computer at 1 in the morning? No, don't answer.
Think about this: African Americans wanted to be equal to whites. I think that is great. I don't care what colour anyone is. But then they have a all-black comedy awards thing. There seperating themselves. Also, saying 'n***er' is a bad thing for a caucasion to say, but it's alright for them to call whites 'crackers'. And then they have minority scholarships, so now whites are being discriminated.
People are also so easy to offend. I think it's funny. You can say 'hey, I love the Taco Bell dog' or 'I like black humour' and then you're attacked for it. It's insane.
Then you have stero typing. I think stero-typing is funny to. People think it's so wrong and all. Family Guy was kicked off the air for stero-typing and what not. And then the DVD sales go through the roof. I bet half of the people who said Family Guy was bad bought the DVDs. Everyone has a sick sense of humour. They just don't want anyone else to know.
And then you have people blowing each other up (Pakastan, Isreal) because of religion and race. It's wrong.
I'm not racist, I just think the world has gone mad.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
I don't agree. Do any of you have minorities for friends? Or are you in your safe little circle of whitness. It's sick that I get different treatment than my friends do just because of my skin color, teachers trust me, cops trust me, store owners trust me, but when a samoan walks in they jump on him like a hobo on a ham sadwich. Say what you want, but racism is still going on, and hating blacks because they hate you for hating them isnt going to do any good.
Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?
Technically, a black person calling a white person a cracker isn't racist, its bigoted, because only the majority can be racist (which in many cases is white).
And, just like the minimum wage, the race scholarships/affirmative action laws are there because somebody abused the system. Does anyone remember the Poll Tax or the Grandfather Clause (In which your grandfather had to be able to vote)?
And why do many blacks live in the ghetto? Because they weren't able to get houses in the suburbs because nobody would sell it to them (because they would lower the land value).
Although I do have to agree that too many people use the race card today. It's pathetic.
Actually, the true definition of 'Racism' does not confine being racist to the majority, anyone who discriminates against another race is racist, whether they're a minority themselves or not. Bigotry is a more general term covering discrimination as a whole.
Lazarus: why censor 'nigger' but not 'cracker'? Aren't they both as bad as eachother? ;D
"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G
My best friend is black. What now? But he doesn't act like an idiot, use retarded slang, and all that other stuff. My roomate is mexican? What? I'm part Japanese!
Imagine this situation. There is a white guy and a black guy in front of a cop.
The black guy calls the white guy "cracker", and the white guy responds calling him "nigger". The officer is allowed to arrest the white guy, but not the black guy.
There is no such thing as the ghetto, or at least there shouldn't be. It only becomes the ghetto because there's all these gangs running around and so no one bothers to fix it up.
And it's not just black people, it's the gangster types, and that can be white, black, asian, and mexican or whatever. And rap pisses me off. Some one like In flames releases the album "Soundtrack to your escape" and it's not as good as there old stuff so people call them sell outs, yet all these rappers are on like every commercial, like right guard and shit, and that song by Black Eyed Peas is on like every other show and shit, but they arent sell outs, they're "Entrepenours(sp)".
Background info: The ghettos in the United States were created in the 50's/60's because all of the returning black veterans had no palce to go (because nobody would sell them houses in the suburbs). So the government built these apartments for them in the city. And they're still here today, even though some cities are trying to imrpove the situation (i.e. Chicago recently tore down Cabrini Greens).
one part you forgot to mention in your hypothetical situation is that the black guy only called him a cracker because the cop shot him in the leg for taking his wallet out to get his lisence. Haha, im kidding there ofcourse, but it is different because the n-word has an actual history, with a lot of strong emotions attached to it, cracker isn't offensive at all.
We just had a gangfight at our school yesterday, but over here we don't have many mexicans or blacks. It was a philipino gang against the micronesians and samoans. Meanwhile I was at the other side of the school, and only caught the tail end of it when everyone was being arrested. I was kind of pissed off because I heard it was pretty entertaining.
Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?
i was mates with the only asian kid in my school, but everyone was mates with him really. i went out with a chinese girl years ago who was so much nicer than anyone else there. hell! my godfathers black! probably the only one in the area and everyone loves him
man its like someone planted a racial equality tree near the resivour and we're all feeling the inter racial love
Ahhh... racism. Where do I start?
At school a lot of white kids like me cop racism from the Lebanese, Greek and Italian kids. But naturally that isn't racist because we're white.
A lot of people think that John Howard should say sorry for the mistreatment of aborigines and the stolen generation. These are things that happened in the past and had nothing to do with Howard, so why should he have to say sorry? It would hardly mean anything anyway.
I think it's the same with reparation payments in America. White families payin Black families money because, in the past, the Black family was enslaved by the white family. It doesn't make any sense. It reminds me of an argument I was having. Apparently, black people are allowed to be racist because 50 years ago we were racist to them. That's unfair, the young people haven't copped any racism, but they think they have the right to dish it out.
The best way to end racism is to start fresh, not 'affirmative action' or 'positive discrimination'.
The thing that pisses me off about racism is double standards.
For example i'm not allowed to call a person of ethnic decent (Asian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern or whatever)any offensive name or discriminate against them in my own country in the native language of my country, being English, YET they can say whatever they want in their own language, which I don't understand, which could be 10 times worse than anything I have to say.
I have a friend who's part Malaysian, and he says the racism me and my mates have and the things we say about other races ain't twice as bad racist comments as what some of his Malaysian relatives say about us. But we get our arsed kicked if we do say any of this stuff and it's heard by others.
Go fuckin figure I say!
Come and annoy me more at
www.muggus69.tk STOUT ANGER!!!
malaysia rocks. think i might have said but im quarter polish and half welsh, there seems to be a lot of people from north who'se grandparents are polish. probably because of WW2
I think a lot still needs to be cleared up with racism. In my area, there are districts where 90% are asians, and then some where there are none. Racist attitudes thrive on both sides because of the seperation. One guy, or nobhead I should say, once told all "pakis" should be kicked out of Rochdale because "all they are is taxi drivers". Try telling that to the asian engineers, businessmen etc! But then again one asian guy called me a white bastard for days on end, so one day I cracked and called him a black bastard. The result? I get seen by the headteacher for racial abuse.
I think there needs to be improvement on both sides. Many asians in Rochdale usually stay in their own districts, speak Urdu and don't try to make white friends. Then again, many white people don't make Asian friends either. All this can be sorted by bringing children up in a mixed atmosphere and being taught to respect each other (something my parents did, thank god). Only then will people not see colour.
Political correctness really doesn't help either. Things like pandering to the wishes of Abu Hamza and other terrorists who want a mosque at the cost of several million... great, no problem with that, as long as you build churches and synagogues etc. for the prisoners of other religions. But do you think they'll do that? The dogooders have absolutely no common sense, and are probably the most destructive of all in terms of race relations.
I'm not far from Newham (a London borough where less than 50% is white) and different races get along with no problems. However, recently there's been a gang that call themselves the Paki Panthers (you might want to put a Z or two in there to sound like a rood boy, innit) and go about mugging/assaulting people and threatening to drive out all whites and blacks. It's certainly not representative of all Pakistanis living in the area, it just happens that there's a group of tossers who want to cause trouble, but do you think the police are going to run after them in a hurry? It's about time they got their priorities sorted.
Just like 'nigger', 'cracker' is one of those once specific words that is used in a general term these days, it originated as an offensive name for white Southern Americans, or redneck trailer-trash dudes. It's common knowledge that there is a large black population down South America, so it's only natural the minority group would have a name given to them by the dominating populous.
It's funny, it's not PC to call a black-board a black-board anymore, but we can still eat crackers without feeling offended.
However, you can't take Christmas crackers into airports because they contain explosives. True story.
Hey, anyone realised that you still have whiteboards? Although they're probably trying to avoid having anyone point that out by installing 'smartboards' into all the schools. I still think the PC brigade haven't gone far enough until they finally decide to turn the Union Jack into a rainbow to 'represent ethnic diversity'. Not that I remember seeing any Smurfs in census records, whose colour makes up most of the present flag.
The only thing that irks me more than racism is reverse racism. Okay I understand that I'm white and there are black people, but the stuff that white people did to black people in America happened before either of us were even born. What's more, my family didn't even move to the United States until after the whole slavery thing fell apart. So when people tell me I should make up for what our ancestors did to each other... I don't understand that. I've never mistreated anyone based on the color of their skin and I never intend to, so I refuse to take responsibility for what happened in this country before I was even here to do anything about it.
Last time I had lobster, it reminded me of biology class. Except in biology class the professor didn't make you eat the frog when you were finished.
"Racism is the routine, instititutionalized mistreatment of a person based on
his/her membership in a group on the downside of power."
All the bad crap races have done each other is inevitable. If you get a majority and a minority, the majority will always bully the minority. It can never be stopped - unless there are no majorities or minorities.
Just a to interest you, look at murder rates for America:
White man: 1 in 205
White woman: 1 in 496
Black man: 1 in 27
Black woman: 1 in 117