How did you come up with your nickname u're using here at TDC? (People who uses their real names, are also welcome to join the posting)
Wartagon was an evil boss in one of my TGF-games 4-5 years ago. But since the game didn't got finished I decided to use the nickname. Not that it's cool or something, but it's just been my nickname even since then. Even my friends call me Wartagon irl.
Somehow I've always liked the appearance of sheep in games. I mean, Warcraft 2 and 3 have sheep in them, Worms has sheep in them, and there's even a game called Sheep with sheep in them. So I wanted to have Supersheep as a nickname. But because that name was already taken on most websites, I decided to do something else with the word Sheep in it. I'm not sure how the X_ got in the name
Its strange that i have to explain the whole Algamesuk name to people sometimes
(not all games suck). My name is obvious
My name is Andrew and i live in the United kingdom so Andyuk was chosen (to my suprise it wasnt already taken)
as for my Company name Algamesuk.
my initials are A.L games are what i make and again i live in the U.K
i know you didnt ask for company names but i explained it anyway
Came from 'flaming monkeys' (some joke me and friends made about setting monkeys on fire at the circus), but V-Cade had a 10 character limit so FireMonkey it was.
Circy: When I was back in N00bzville (aka, 2001-ish), my "group" name was under the name of Circlesoft, emulating Squaresoft. My "internet" name was "Team Ultimate" and it stayed that way until Spydaman of Natomic decided to call me Circy, and everyone else called me that instead. So that name stuck.
Euphoric Rush: Decided a long long time to redesign my website - from Circlesoft - and also thought I needed a name change. And while listening to ATB, I suddenly thought of the word "Euphorica" - because ATB stuff is like that. Euphorica Entertainment was born, but I got bored of it because a lot of peeps were saying that my games lacked the entertainment required for my name. Had a rethink and came back with Euphoric Rush, which is more drug based. And I've never taken a drug in my life, hehe. Yay me.
On another note (and a blatant plug), Euphoric Rush should be back up very soon; keep checking
One of the first things I did in Klik & Play is edit one of the games, I can't remember the name but it was a Space Invaders style one, with scanned in photgraphs of my family and the plot was a giant evil hand stole your body, so you had to control the head, and when you died you went to hell and got pecked at by penguins. I called this game Asparagus Trevor: An Adventure Beyond Any Sense, for no real reason and when I finally got connected to the internet I decided to use the name for myself.
"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G
Spiderhead erm... well... It was a character based on "Fishhead", a comic/computer game character created by Hayo Van Reek. Now it is my own mutant character, which has nothing to do with the Fishhead character.
Paul Paul is a follower of Jesus Skullgrim Skullgrim was a made up account when I was trying to play Diablo 2 over Battlenet (I still use the account now, even with warcraft3)
Well way back when, during the good ol years of Klick-Me (or whatever that site was named that died becuase of the MASSIVE flame wars ) I decided that I wanted to be called vortex. Then when I went to the old CT boards (not the current forums but before they moved to their current host) I decided to be vortex as well. Then when I came here, I picked vortex becuase I wanted to be called the same as everywhere else.
Then well vortex was a TGF loving noob way back when and he kinda got himself banned from the CT forums becuase of an incident. Later vortex was unbanned but with the death of n2mail and the strange logging out of his account, the CT password for vortex was lost forever. vortex tried to retreave his password for his beloved account but in the end created vortex2 as a replacement.
Through a strange twist although I have been vortex2 for several years on the CT forums, I never changed my name on the Daily Click forums. This accounts for why you see vortex and vortex2 around . VortexX however came later and isn't me at all. I suppose he figured that becuase vortex and vortex2 were taken that noone would be mad if he took the name and added an X to the end of it. This served to confuse people who thought I had locked myself out of my account again but soon they came to realize that A)I do not captalize the first letter of my account name and B)Im too lazy to captalize the first letter of my account name.
vortex has been around in many different forms throughout the years, and surely we can expect lots more from him in the future .
A bit of insanity with every bite!
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Registered 04/09/2004
Points 7998
4th December, 2004 at 14:32:30 -
My nickname would be DaVince, but it seemed that I switched the real name and nickname.
It's just because I'm intelligent (so people say), I like art and drawing and my name is Vincent. So I took the name Leonardo DaVinci and mixed it with my own.
Shabadage is a modification of my old name, which was Snabadage, which was a variation of a word that was typed sometime while I was banging my hands on the keys in 7th grade while futily waiting for the rest of the class to finish their typing assignment, I though Shab sounded better than Snab, so I changed it.
i started off as Z-Tek. phuck knows why. i was in France at the time, go figure. back when i was oh... probably 10
few days later i changed to Titanium Force. i used to always be interested in metals and stuff, i was a wierd kid still am i spose... anywho! that soon was shortened to just Titan. then my girlfriend called me Jay. put em together aaaaand! Jay Titan!
then i got bored of Titan.
so i stole the first half of my last name; White. cuz i love the colour too.
I can't remember. I've been using it since I was twelve. It was probably just something I liked the sound of, or the definition after flicking though a latin dictionary.
I started using AntiMatter as my klik group's name after I drew the logo for it first. I decided the original logo looked like a cross between an A and an M, so I came up with AntiMatter (I still don't know why I capitalize the 'M'). Before that, I used to call myself Achen Games, I think it's because I saw a movie made by a mock company called "Achen" in 3D Movie Maker and I liked the sound of it.
In real life, my family nicknamed me Razza, which comes from my initials: RAS. My mates don't really have a nickname for me though, they just call me Rick. I suppose if Rick-o or Rickus counts, then yeah.
Muggus has pretty much been my nickname with mates since 2000 when I first used ICQ and my name was Muggus after my email address.
But the origins of the word Muggus probably derived from Muggy, which was like some alter-ego character named by a friend of mine back in around 1994. I guess it just evolved from there into something a bit cooler sounding.
However, no one really started calling me since being on the internet, and yet strangely now alot of people I know and are friends with know me as nothing but Muggus. Strange how these things catch on.
Come and annoy me more at STOUT ANGER!!!
Hmmm.., the first sim game i liked was simtower and at the same time i became addicted to invaderzim(which im mostly based on). I made zimtower up by combining them together.Why do i keep this name? cause its a damn good sounding name.When i first came here my name was just invaderzim.
RapidFlash: I don't know how I came up with it, but it just sounded cool, so I decided to call myself that.
alebrain: My first name was ALEjandro and I was a "brain", so I just combined the two.
RapidFlash: I don't know how I came up with it, but it just sounded cool, so I decided to call myself that.
alebrain: My first name was ALEjandro and I was a "brain", so I just combined the two.
RapidFlash: I don't know how I came up with it, but it just sounded cool, so I decided to call myself that.
alebrain: My first name was ALEjandro and I was a "brain", so I just combined the two.
as for the undercover freakazoid part, with Kenneth/StenariaEnt he kept trying to get me to give him the ranking Undercover Mod on my old long dead forums, and I liked freakazoid(he is still 73h ubar 4we5om3!!!) and combined them. yay
oh, and for the name Comrade Tanto, I was wearing red one day in math and everyone called me a communist, and my name in class was already "Tanto" (don't ask, my other friend was crazy horse, most messed up math class ever, would've been more messed up had my science teacher been teaching it) anyway, they decided to tack a Comrade in front of it, and Comrade Tanto stuck, then I had communist appreciation day
and quite: Bromios: "The thunderer" or "he of the loud shout", an epithet of Dionysus.
Edited by the Author.
As a boy, I wanted to be a train. I didn’t realize this was unusual—that other kids played with trains, not as them.
Ehhhh............I was going to be red hot chily pepper productions but I changed it. Then I was nuklear. Then I was Downtowndragon,then i was nuklear, then I was goofy butters, now back to nuklear. Goofy butter came from a kid that is retarted and said your goofy! Then he yelled "GOOFYBUTTERS!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! then everone started calling me that!
Well there is an interesting story behind my name, so everyone gather round and prepare yourselves.
Well, I took everything letter by letter.
First I took the first letter of my real name (Craig), but didnt like it so I went back on letter in the alphabet and got 'B' next I thought to myself, I've got something from MY name, but what about YOUR name, then I realised there was no on else in the room and I was just with a computer. So then I thought maybe I was talking to the computer, by computer I ment computer people and by computer people I mean you guys. So I wrote 'U' because thats how computer people spell 'you'. So now I have 'BU' but thats no nickname. I needed somthing more. Then I suddenly remembered that I wasn't bitten by a snake today and thought of how terrible it would of been if I had of been! The thought terrified me. I had make an entry into my diary, but I dont have one so I just wrote an 'S' because I could only type with my nose (long story) and it would of taken to long to write down my entire experience. An 'S' looks a bit like a snake so everyone could understand what I had written anyway. The 'T' came from everyones hero Mr T, there is noway I was gonna forget him. Now i have "Bust" written down. I think great! my new name is "Bust". So there I am all ready to sign up when the computer tells ME the names not long enough! I got angry.. angry and tired so I decided to take my anger out on the computer monitor by ramming my head though the glass. ANYWAY, after 2 nights in the emergency room my brain started functioning again and gave me a chance to think of the rest of the name... thats when I notised the letters on the door... "E.R".
What a perfect ending!. That my friends, is how the name 'Buster' was created.... well at least in this story.
"Weston" is my real first name, and "L" is my last initial. And "Kake" came about when I had to sign up for something and I asked my friend what a good screenname for me would be and he said "I dunno, just think of something" so I put "kakemaster12" because it was some random thing that just came to mind. Since then, signing up for other things I shortened it to just "Kake" to save time on typing and such.
EDIT: Oh yeah - I used to just be called "Weston L" here, but since I signed up as "Kake" at Click Island, I wanted people to know it's me, so here I am as "Weston L (Kake)" which is actually longer than "kakemaster12"! So, you can call me either "Weston" or "Kake" or whatever is close enough to that so I know you're talking to me. But you won't ever be talking to me because I'm not nearly active enough on these forums for anyone to want to talk to me. Depressing.
Seriously, Noyb is an acronym for "None of your Business." I picked it just so that I can yell "none of your business!" angrily whenever anyone asks why I picked that alias. They get a little insulted before they realize that it's actually the answer. And because I don't like giving out personal information. But mostly the yelling.
Edited by the Author.
"Omg. Where did they get the idea to not use army guys? Are they taking drugs?" --Tim Schafer on originality in videogames
DaVince: I doubt it. I know what you mean though, it's Radix: Beyond the Void. Pretty cool game. I think I just picked it because it sounded cool. I wouldn't name myself after a game.
Salt: My nickname in the group, in DC, emails, websites etc. It came from a song named "Salt"!!! My favourite band is MADRUGADA and one of their greatest hits is "Salt". "No life... no life without a fall... now the wind has swept us all..."
Black Wizards</> : This is our group's name; well I don't really know how we ended up with this name. It was a night -after a lot of drinking- in me and my brother's basement in our country house in Nea Makri back in August 2000... Salt, Tzib, Apathy and Sin (DM back then) decided to create a group that will make games for fun!!! Salt and Tzib will do the programming, Apathy the sfx and Sin the website. 5 years later our group grows stronger but Sin is not an active member anymore; he's just a historic member. The group is bigger, better, with many games but with the same headquarters; our basement (the dungeon) in Nea Makri...
"cRew" or "crew" : Sometimes we pronounce our group "the crew"... why? Because between 1999 and 2001 we were playing a lot of "Advanced Dungeon and Dragons" and we had named our team (Salt, Tzib, Apathy, George, Gregory and Sin as the DM) THE "cRew" (cRew'99/cRew'00/cRew'01).
Salt, if Black Wizards gone better than before, how was your games before? I ment by thinking of the loads of bad comments about your recently submitted games.
Noodle - to cut a long story short, because some guy started calling me Noodle Boy and it stuck.
Scorpion Entertainment - my click group's name is because my star sign is Scorpio, and scorpions look mint. As far as the entertainment bit goes... I would have chosen Scorpion Studios, but the acronym had Nazi-related issues, Games sounds a bit amateurish, Soft is a bit too professional, Design is not game-related enough, so therefore Entertainment was the only suffix I could think of. I still hate it though - it's miles too long and doesn't really explain what we make. And as far as I known, we have yet to make any decent entertainment.
Good one Jay, anyway, my nickname is SuperSonic3000, I use it because at the time I made it, almost everything I did was Sonic related, I've got that under control now. Though I often still use the user name "GoldenSonic3000", its alot more original.
My DC name? Brandon Cassata? Well let me see, I was inspired by the fact that , my name is Brandon Cassata.
Well, I wanna change it to Demoras (TGFDomain), dunno why I like Demoras. If someone knows if it means something bad please tell me!!!
My current name is Joshua (TGFDomain). Well, Joshua is my first name, and TGFDomain is the name of my site.