Posted By
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporwareRegistered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
18th May, 2005 at 02:29:44 -
Who is your all time favourite superhero?
I would have to say that mine is spider-man. He's fast, looks cool and gets around by webs which are way cooler than flying.
Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.
Teapot Does he even go hereRegistered 02/10/2003
Points 2631
18th May, 2005 at 02:31:58 -
Batman isn't technically a superhero, but he is so freakin' awexome. Batman the animated series was kick arse, the new batman cartoon looks shite unfortunately.
Shme (Stupid Liar) Too late to fornicateRegistered 05/11/2002
Points 574
18th May, 2005 at 03:05:57 -
Spawn, he's too sexy for his shirt
Stinkiest click stuff
Teapot Does he even go hereRegistered 02/10/2003
Points 2631
18th May, 2005 at 03:11:38 -
Spawn sucks. Oooh, Nightowl and Rorschach (excellent spelling, teapot) and The Comedian from Watchmen. The Comedian, he rocks communist socks... then shoots them. The commies, not their soft protective footwear. Edited by the Author.
axel Crazy?
Registered 05/02/2005
Points 4766
18th May, 2005 at 03:52:49 -
Phizzy! He can blind his enemies with his violent man-whore look!
Joe.H Evil Faker Registered 19/08/2002
Points 3305
18th May, 2005 at 04:02:13 -
no! Phizzy is the ultimate villain!!! He brings nightmares to children all around the world!
My signature is never too big!!!
axel Crazy?
Registered 05/02/2005
Points 4766
18th May, 2005 at 04:16:00 -
oh... well... how about circy then? The great saviour of the daily click, who deletes evil downloads (like his arch enemy, billy bob or timecogs) with his powerful admin-powers and saves the day from mean forum posts that threaten to destroy the click community!
guri-n ha
Registered 16/04/2005
Points 245
18th May, 2005 at 05:08:20 -
i'm too old to have a favourite super hero
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
18th May, 2005 at 18:50:48 -
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
18th May, 2005 at 19:04:53 -
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
18th May, 2005 at 19:04:54 -
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
18th May, 2005 at 19:05:34 -
whoops it posted twice sorry.
AsparagusTrevor Mine's a pint of the black stuffRegistered 20/08/2002
Points 2364
18th May, 2005 at 19:36:19 -
You haven't got the hand of this 'typing' lark, have you?
My favourite superhero is Alanrick-Man, his special power is acting.
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
18th May, 2005 at 19:47:46 -
ChrisB Crazy?
Registered 16/08/2002
Points 5457
18th May, 2005 at 22:44:32 -
Kirby Smith Resident SlackerRegistered 18/05/2003
Points 479
18th May, 2005 at 22:51:51 -
Bluntman and Chronic!
Snoochy boochies. Edited by the Author.
XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir
Registered 16/12/2002
Points 43
18th May, 2005 at 22:56:26 -
buhbuh buh!
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
18th May, 2005 at 23:50:50 -
My most favorite super hero is strong bad. He can DELETE and email like nothing. Plus with his great side kick A DA Cheat!, he can do anything he wants.
See for your self!
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
19th May, 2005 at 00:53:04 -
homestarrunner is "Old"school. i havent been there in soo long. thanx for reminding me of a great site.
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporwareRegistered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
19th May, 2005 at 06:17:11 -
They're all pretty cool superheros, and thanks for reminding me about homesar wunnowr. But I think if we put them all in a box together and then encrusted the box in diamonds and liquid helium, spiderman would come out ontop.
Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.
David Newton (DavidN) InvisibleRegistered 27/10/2002
Points 8322
19th May, 2005 at 10:49:51 -
Iron Man beats all. - Games, music, living in America
The Chris StreetAdministrator
Unspeakably Lazy AdminRegistered 14/05/2002
Points 48588
19th May, 2005 at 11:14:26 -
Circy Claus is my favourite superhero!
Registered 18/04/2004
Points 994
19th May, 2005 at 11:31:01 -
Gambit from the X-men
I'm feeling a bit wella
Radix hot for teacherRegistered 01/10/2003
Points 3139
19th May, 2005 at 11:57:12 -
Matt Boothman The Nissan Micra of forum membersRegistered 20/09/2002
Points 109
19th May, 2005 at 13:11:43 -
Wai-Ai Man - does anyone remember him? - Listen to my music.
Hagar Administrator
Old klik fartRegistered 20/02/2002
Points 1692
19th May, 2005 at 13:56:59 -
Edd The Duck.
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
20th May, 2005 at 02:32:22 -
Nice pic radix.
Retired Kliker Lazarus The Ed Wood JR of TDCRegistered 18/07/2003
Points 7363
20th May, 2005 at 10:40:17 -
Jesus is my Favourite superhero! He can change water to wine, he can cure the possessed, he can walk on water!
@ÜberEchisketch: Orgasmo is my second faviourte.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
Registered 03/06/2005
Points 6
4th June, 2005 at 17:33:52 -
the grim reaper! lol
Remember, its Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
Knudde (Shab) Administrator
Registered 31/01/2003
Points 5125
4th June, 2005 at 17:46:29 -
He kicks ass. Lots o' ass.
Craps, I'm an old man!
Registered 03/04/2003
Points 853
4th June, 2005 at 17:54:52 -
I think superman is my favorite ...
Lol @ radix for circy claus comic ...
If you knew, I would have to kill you...
en kerro
Registered 21/10/2004
Points 578
5th June, 2005 at 06:19:03 -
Aargh.... My most favourite super hero...
Me super villains are The Early Wake-up and My Little Brother.
Current Projects: The Artillerys 10% Forgotten Legends 8% Earth Defender 20%
CsaR Old tdc fartRegistered 16/09/2002
Points 742
5th June, 2005 at 07:07:44 -
I would also say Spider-man for the same reason as Assault Andy.
I probably go for the person who looks the coolest in a movie so if the new batman movie is cool I'm probably gonna go with him.
(9*_*)9 o-(*_*o)
Matt Boothman The Nissan Micra of forum membersRegistered 20/09/2002
Points 109
5th June, 2005 at 07:29:58 -
My favourite superhero has to be Matthew Booth-Man. - Listen to my music.
Christodoulou Apps
Registered 28/07/2003
Points 1943
5th June, 2005 at 07:47:31 -
Well mine is Cookie Monster !
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegifRegistered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
5th June, 2005 at 09:35:06 -
Burnt Face Man!
Cazra Crazy?
Registered 24/07/2002
Points 4472
5th June, 2005 at 09:55:02 -
My favorite superhero is Ichiman!!! 一万
Muffin Batel [neonair games]
Registered 09/08/2002
Points 900
5th June, 2005 at 10:14:48 -
Captain Planet!!!
oh, and my favorite brand of fruit snacks is welches!! 100% fruit juice! Edited by the Author.
The Penguin Murder
Registered 29/05/2005
Points 16
6th June, 2005 at 08:51:01 -
Batman isn't technically a superhero, but he is so freakin' awexome. Batman the animated series was kick arse, the new batman cartoon looks shite unfortunately.
Thats what I thought, its actaully pretty good, though not even close to Batman TAS, the greatest action cartoon of all time.
Mine is Giant-Sized Man-Thing
Actually, The Flash, Gambit, Batman, and Rorschach (if you include him)
At Dragon*Con last year, I surveyed 100 costumed geeks who would win in a fight between Batman and Jesus, it was 50 to 50 exactly.
I like adventure!
Radix hot for teacherRegistered 01/10/2003
Points 3139
6th June, 2005 at 18:06:46 -
I vote batman. Now it's 50.495:49.515.
Penguin Seph
Registered 11/12/2002
Points 1338
7th June, 2005 at 08:17:36 -
I also have to vote for Burnt Face Man. Thanks Pete Nattress, at least someone has taste here.
Rox Flame Creative TalenticianRegistered 06/10/2004
Points 383
8th June, 2005 at 10:03:52 -
Yeah burnt face man rules..
Although i think frankenman is cooler
Hes a conglomeration of all superheroes PLUS steven seagal, so he gets a nifty ponytail and can't act
Current project:
Dynabrick (%70)