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Liquixcat Administrator
Lazy CoderRegistered 08/12/2002
Points 201
28th July, 2005 at 10:14:34 -
I just wanted to make it
Thanks TDC, I've never posted this much anywhere in my you're doing something right.
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.
Johan Hargne (Wartagon) Lover Of CircysRegistered 15/06/2003
Points 1289
28th July, 2005 at 10:15:24 -
and you've been a member since 2002 gratz
Music Composer.
Liquixcat Administrator
Lazy CoderRegistered 08/12/2002
Points 201
28th July, 2005 at 10:20:19 -
Yeah, I took about a 2 year break from TGF. Then got back into it and got MMF.
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
28th July, 2005 at 11:12:15 -
Post count milestones don't make great topics.
But you praised TDC in order to avoid getting it insta-locked, lets see if it works.
AsparagusTrevor Mine's a pint of the black stuffRegistered 20/08/2002
Points 2364
28th July, 2005 at 12:41:49 -
If I cared, I'd congratulate you.
Liquixcat Administrator
Lazy CoderRegistered 08/12/2002
Points 201
28th July, 2005 at 13:43:40 -
I sure did Andy....I sure did...
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.
Kirby Smith Resident SlackerRegistered 18/05/2003
Points 479
28th July, 2005 at 17:07:59 -
Yay for you. In related news, this is my 769th post.
XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir
Phredreeke Don't listen to this idiotRegistered 03/08/2002
Points 4504
28th July, 2005 at 17:21:05 -
This is my 288th post. w00t
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
Make some more box arts damnit!
Registered 07/06/2003
Points 1338
28th July, 2005 at 20:03:42 -
and my 1110'th post.
Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?
Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.
AsparagusTrevor Mine's a pint of the black stuffRegistered 20/08/2002
Points 2364
28th July, 2005 at 21:59:26 -
2337 for me. That's pretty sad actually.
Silveraura God's GodRegistered 08/08/2002
Points 6747
29th July, 2005 at 04:46:17 -
This would be my 934th post & I've been here sence 2002 also.
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
29th July, 2005 at 05:30:02 -
675 or something for me. IU have been here for 10 months.
Liquixcat Administrator
Lazy CoderRegistered 08/12/2002
Points 201
29th July, 2005 at 06:13:45 -
yes, nuklear, but I post when I have something to say. This being the first exception. You are a post-whore.
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.
Registered 07/06/2003
Points 1338
29th July, 2005 at 06:20:38 -
and i enjoy flame wars.
Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?
Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.
Yai7 Peace & LoveRegistered 28/01/2002
Points 3201
29th July, 2005 at 06:24:27 -
I won't say that I'm better, you chatter boxes!!!
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegifRegistered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
29th July, 2005 at 08:19:09 -
2521, go me. I have been here nearly 3 years.
Retired Kliker Lazarus The Ed Wood JR of TDCRegistered 18/07/2003
Points 7363
29th July, 2005 at 13:53:16 -
I don't care how many times I've posted. In fact, why do we have a post-count? That's pretty usless, I think...
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
Retired Kliker Lazarus The Ed Wood JR of TDCRegistered 18/07/2003
Points 7363
29th July, 2005 at 13:53:29 -
I don't care how many times I've posted. In fact, why do we have a post-count? That's pretty usless, I think...
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
Johan Hargne (Wartagon) Lover Of CircysRegistered 15/06/2003
Points 1289
29th July, 2005 at 14:16:21 -
Is that the reason to why you double-post ?
Music Composer.
Retired Kliker Lazarus The Ed Wood JR of TDCRegistered 18/07/2003
Points 7363
29th July, 2005 at 17:01:44 -
Haha... no. That was a mistake.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
29th July, 2005 at 18:34:30 -
2063 for me since august the 1st 2002.
And i'm yet to make an impact on the clicking world...
Muz Registered 14/02/2002
Points 6499
30th July, 2005 at 02:05:50 -
WTF? 1365? I used to be the heaviest poster on TDC
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
30th July, 2005 at 03:39:16 - POST PIMP!
Registered 30/07/2002
Points 684
30th July, 2005 at 03:45:39 -
I've been here since 2002 and this is my 116th post - guess I just can't be arsed posting stuff.
This is a signature. Have this one on me.
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
30th July, 2005 at 03:50:26 -
Liquixcat, I take back what I just said. All I wanted to do was be friends with you. Will you forgive me buddy?
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
30th July, 2005 at 03:55:05 -
I did not post that.
What about aggggge, she has been here for 5 months and she has 550+ posts.
Liquixcat Administrator
Lazy CoderRegistered 08/12/2002
Points 201
30th July, 2005 at 08:17:35 -
Then I'm your liquipimp nuklear, and you owe me 50 bucks nuklewhore.
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.
axel Crazy?
Registered 05/02/2005
Points 4766
31st July, 2005 at 11:26:59 -
w00t, this is my post #593
... since february 2005 Edited by the Author.
Phredreeke Don't listen to this idiotRegistered 03/08/2002
Points 4504
31st July, 2005 at 11:44:53 -
Three hundred! w00t
and Aggggge got almost twice in 1/6 the time. I need to spam more
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
Make some more box arts damnit!
Deleted User
31st July, 2005 at 12:16:08 -
Phredreeke Don't listen to this idiotRegistered 03/08/2002
Points 4504
31st July, 2005 at 12:51:27 -
73 posts to go aggggge!
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
Make some more box arts damnit!
Cazra Crazy?
Registered 24/07/2002
Points 4472
31st July, 2005 at 16:04:00 -
T|-|is 1s /\/\y 1337th Po5t.
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
31st July, 2005 at 16:39:46 -
leet post eh................Oh, liguipimp, I will pay you as soon as I am done with phizzy.
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
31st July, 2005 at 20:20:21 -
Oh............sorry phizzy. I was "rogering" someone else. It was elton john. Sorry for the mix up.
Retired Kliker Lazarus The Ed Wood JR of TDCRegistered 18/07/2003
Points 7363
1st August, 2005 at 14:50:24 -
Nice avatar, Snerlin!
'What about aggggge, she has been here for 5 months and she has 550+ posts.'
Is agggge a girl? OMG A GIRL KLIKER111!
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
Cazra Crazy?
Registered 24/07/2002
Points 4472
1st August, 2005 at 14:56:26 -
heh, stole the avatar off someone on the Insomniac Games boards.
Retired Kliker Lazarus The Ed Wood JR of TDCRegistered 18/07/2003
Points 7363
1st August, 2005 at 15:00:57 -
Phizzy - Oh, I should have guessed.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
Deleted User
1st August, 2005 at 15:49:45 -
No Aggggge just sounds like a girls name to me and him but he wont accept that aggggges a guy...
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
1st August, 2005 at 17:18:34 -
Did I say she........CHECKING ... I did, wow. I don't even mean to say that she is a girl anymore. I must really think that she is. that Is weird.
I even just said it up there.
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
1st August, 2005 at 19:03:04 -
Did I say she........CHECKING ... I did, wow. I don't even mean to say that she is a girl anymore. I must really think that she is. that Is weird.
I even just said it up there.
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
1st August, 2005 at 19:33:13 -
Worst thread ever.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or lessRegistered 05/07/2002
Points 185
1st August, 2005 at 19:51:34 -
I only have 327 because I don't make pointless posts (or many of them). No one better check that.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Deleted User
1st August, 2005 at 21:18:24 -
I only have 70 some now and i make pointless posts Edited by the Author.
axel Crazy?
Registered 05/02/2005
Points 4766
2nd August, 2005 at 10:34:19 -
come over here and say that, nuklear!
i'm as much girl as you are not gay, and i bet half the DC can assure you that i'm not a girl...
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
2nd August, 2005 at 11:45:45 -
How are we supposed to know?
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or lessRegistered 05/07/2002
Points 185
2nd August, 2005 at 12:03:29 -
From his avatar.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
axel Crazy?
Registered 05/02/2005
Points 4766
2nd August, 2005 at 14:42:44 -
Deleted User
2nd August, 2005 at 14:46:21 -
aggggge your name sound girlish ok who cares
Retired Kliker Lazarus The Ed Wood JR of TDCRegistered 18/07/2003
Points 7363
2nd August, 2005 at 17:18:43 -
This is the most pointless stream of usless comments ever to darken the forums of The Daily Click.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
2nd August, 2005 at 19:25:17 -
An avatar is not proof of gender.
Muffin Batel [neonair games]
Registered 09/08/2002
Points 900
2nd August, 2005 at 19:43:23 -
neither is a willy
axel Crazy?
Registered 05/02/2005
Points 4766
3rd August, 2005 at 08:40:49 -
Phizzy: well, posing in your mother's bra on the forums isn't really manly either
Billybobjoe...blah, blah: I see your brother's brainwashed you with all that 'big bad Aggggge' talk, you maybe even had sex, queer girl-haters as you are.
and we're all off topic and stuff ^^
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
3rd August, 2005 at 14:54:53 -
Heh, Your a girl.
The Chris StreetAdministrator
Unspeakably Lazy AdminRegistered 14/05/2002
Points 48588
3rd August, 2005 at 17:31:50 -
Administrative Message: This topic has been locked.
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