Posted By
Registered 13/09/2005
Points 11
15th September, 2005 at 11:33:29 -
I'm making a shoot em up which is 90% complete in TGF.
But I need some help when it comes to power-ups.
I want it so that if your ship goes over a power up icon then it will fire, say, missiles instead of a normal gun.
I've tried the following, which I'll try to explain ...
Ship flag is set to 0 - for normal bullets. (When flag=1 it should fire missiles)
Control is the fire button.
[Ship] collides with [missile power-up] = set [ship] flag to 1
Upon pressing [control] activate group [Fire weapon]
Group fire weapon...
Ship flag = 0 Shoot [bullet] speed 80
Ship flag = 1 Shoot [missile] speed 100
De-activate [Group fire weapon]
The above should work ... but for some unknown reason the "shoot object" field is greyed out in the events, so I can't select it. You can't shoot anything!!! But I did something similar with a smart bomb which allowed me to shoot objects.
Hope this makes some kind of sense to someone. Any help will be appreciated. Or even, any suggestion of another way to create power-ups!! Maybe there's a simpler way.
Dave Matthew (Jester Gaming)
Registered 09/07/2004
Points 148
15th September, 2005 at 15:02:48 -
why do activate and deactivate the fire weapon group?
Registered 13/09/2005
Points 11
22nd September, 2005 at 12:01:05 -
If I didnt have an events group to fire weapon it would keep firing a weapon constantly. The group fire weapon picks the right kind of weapon to fire then fires it.
Registered 13/09/2005
Points 11
22nd September, 2005 at 12:04:18 -
I've solved it. The problem was that in the properties of the group "GROUP GLOBAL TO GAME" option was checked, or unchecked (Can't remember which!) But anyway, it stops you from shooting objects for some reason. don't know why. but when i checked the box, or unchecked it , it now works fine.