Hopefully this might get a little more of a laugh out of people here. I made this not so long ago, but never posted it here for some reason. It includes one of my favourite things as a youngster (dinosaurs) and one of my favourite things nowadays (cartoons):
'oh yeah? he's thrown a kettle over a pub, what have you done?'
I hate to repeat what I said about your last comic, but I feel I'd be lying if I didn't. Lovely art and presentation and that, but once again, weak joke. You can't really expect to make people laugh like that. It is better than the last effort though, but seen as you did this one first, I guess you're going downhill. Keep at it though, wouldn't want this criticism to make you stop or owt.
I'm not really sure what you guys are looking for in a cartoon. You're welcome to your opinions, but I did in fact get many laughs over at Pixel Joint:
This comic is obviously smuttier than my recent one, but I don't see how I can be 'going downhill.' It's tongue in cheek and is pretty easy to relate to if youre male or female and been involved in sexual activities. Maybe you're just not used to the pacing or you need a really obvious punchline to get you chuckling.
I think perhaps I will keep my jokes to myself from now on. Nice knowing you all.
'oh yeah? he's thrown a kettle over a pub, what have you done?'
Deleted User
19th September, 2005 at 23:02:13 -
it was nice but not relly joky but stay again ivistan i think your pixil art is ausome!
Oh man Istvan, that is exactly the kind of reply I was hoping you were strong enough to avoid. Maybe the Pixel Joint laughs were all because they have an IQ of 5. Half of them didn't even get the joke. Not to offend you in any way, but "LOL great comic ... Hahaha clitasaurus..." says it all really.
I think the problem I have with this joke (and that's not to say I represent anyone else but me) is that the joke is a bit too obvious. He's a Clitasaurus, clits are hard to find etc etc. I do quite like the last frame, but the middle one lets it down for me.
Whatever you do, please don't stop showing your comics. Your artwork is always a pleasure to see, and you can hardly call whatever criticism you've been receiving as unconstructive. Maybe those two jokes didn't really appeal to me. Whatever, just keep on posting.