I'm doing a standard parallax (set position to XFrameEdge/2, 0), and the background object keeps leaving behind a trail of colour (the colour of the object). I have the newest build of MMF and everything.
its a strange bug but you need to have a static parallax object thats set to the very back. so say you want a cloud parallax effect you cant just have a blue background and 1 parallax cloud, the blue background would have to be another parallax that is not set to scroll. the smearing is caused by a moving parallax layer not over another parallax object. if that makes any sense.
Ah, well if it leaves a trail of colour you need to reorder the events. Place it near the top of the event list so that MMF can run it first. Or try moving the scrolling conditions (ie: set relative position to 0,0) just below the event.
I'm certain you just need to experiment with that.