Prat. The term "EMO" is a highly recognised label, like chav, Gangster, Goth, Greebo, Queen Elizabeth, Louise, I doubt my 50 year old mother would use it if it was a school saying.
Yeah, I know it's a label, and it's stupid. You can't 'label' someone just because of how they look and act. That's retarded. Just like Goths, 'Gangstas', 'Greebos' and all of the other shit-labels.
Who the hell are you, Martha?
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
Someone is Emo if they associate with the Emo scene. That's not even derogatory, or saying that all they are is emo. It's just saying that they associate with a scene. In Australia a much worse scene is forming around a total misuse of the word 'lad'. Basically, they wear polo shirts (often pink), got to the gym, beat up people (often emos)and have mullets.