It's again me.. I just want to ask do you know how to check if object hero with alterable value A=1 is in 2 px field near object hero with alterable value A=3.. If you don't understand I'll add screenshot..
Them I don't really ask for that.. this x and y wouldn't work because I've got planty objects with A=1 and A=3... last 4 lines are for checking where is one object and where second but I've got problem to precise in this event that this under 1 is with value A=3 and on under 2 with value A=1.. Please help I really need this
It could be even in two, three, four, five events but it have to work and check if object 1 with value A=1 pos and object 1 with value A=3 pos :/ Is there any possibility withnout any Fastloop etc. (no extensions )
So other question I make it somehow.. And it works changing events and adding for each object one more control value (thanks God for MMF A-Z values). If I have a Object 1 which is create for example every 1 second and his got two values B and C. And after object creates B and C are setting we say random.. And every 1 second If value B is different from Object 1 X position and C from Object 1 Y position. Object moves to get B=X postion of Object 1 and C=X position of Object 1. And I've got problem that when second Object B is creating and is setting his value B and C to different values that first one first also changes them !! And even when I add B value of Object 1 = 0 and C value of Object 1 = 0 pick one of Object 1 this first changes his values
If you don't understand this it's a gam file. And I want that a Object 1 sets always random place but if it's setted that he won't work..