Yeah, this is for the battle preparation screen in a mech game I'm working on. I know there's not a lot going on in this, but that's because you'll be reading briefing, choosing equipment, etc. I did a VR test one too, but I like this one better.
sounds good. but the bass is way too high. I suppose it's kinda difficult to know exactly what is too much bass if you don't actually sit with a subwoofer connected to your PC. Do you? Anyways, tone the bass down, and maybe clarify the pads that come in after 27s (which seems to be your main loop)
Nope, I definitely don't have a subwoofer. I'll turn it down before I put it into my game. This was made in Open ModPlug Tracker using VSTs entirely. Heck, the three I use in this song work really well for most of the game's music.
I'll post some of the other stuff when my game playing/making computer gets internet (I moved and stuff).