There's always the Lua object (MMF2), but you can also make your own. I doubt that you'll find any examples on this, simply because few people know how to do it, and because not many people are interested.
I've been messing around with it, quite a lot actually. It involves lots of string parsing and fastlooping though, (depending on how flexible you want the language/engine to be, or how you want to define your syntax) so if you don't have any experience with fastloops and that sort of stuff, then I really recommend you learn that first.
But I strongly recommend the Lua object if you don't want to make your own scripting engine. The syntax can feel a bit awkward if you're used to C-like languages, but it can be very useful when used right.
Well, I'd really rather make my own... I actually have a computer science degree, and have written scripting engines in C++, so I know how they work, and i have a fine handle on loops . What I am really curious about is what objects i should use to 1) read my script file and 2) parse the strings. I would rather not want to construct my scipt to conform to the ini format. Is there an object that will just let me read in all the text in a file so i can parse through it as i wish?
List object or Edit/Rich edit work fine for that sort of stuff. For string parsing, I recommend String Parser 2 and Regex object, they really help a lot. MMF also comes with some useful substring functions: Left$, Mid$ and Right$.
When you do online it can sometimes be like scripting, because you need to do things seperately and not at the same time (tickrates for example).. functions and such can work like scripts, but never like a 100% scripting language.
the LUA Object is something I've seen too, but hey, why script when this program isn't really meant to script?
If you're looking to simply read the text/data/whatever straight from a file, go for the Binary Object. It's made for file manipulation as bytes, strings, or variables.