There are an awful lot of games here but none that I really like.
My favourite kind of games are generally 2D platformers. But most of them are from the NES/SNES/MD era when they were kind of repetitive and modern GBA/DS games have a habit of taking after them. I'd love to play a really cool platformer or maybe platformer-esque shooter that didn't get repetitive but doesn't rely on lack of repetition being removed by one or two gimmicks or complicated interface.
I'd love to see some Metroidy Games. And I mean more like Super Metroid, not the NES ones. I tried Plasma Warrior and it didn't catch me.
Check out my Telekinesis'em'up Thread and the ALICE Machines -
Chalk was actually quite nice in theory but far too disorientating to be enjoyable in the long term. It's a fantastic concept, though, it'd just work better on something like the DS.
Check out my Telekinesis'em'up Thread and the ALICE Machines -
Maybe so, but Id expect a game that's actually ok to get over rated. Lyle in Cube sector was the most boring crap I ever played, and really can't stand the miss-match graphics.
Haha, it actually is an emoticon. Your'e the first one to get that right.
I have uploaded it so many times, and each time it gets about 5 downloads. So I'm kinda sick of that darned game, hence the Dx. But now Im finally getting around to making a sequal! Woop!
This probably had the most promise, having original gameplay, nice graphics(probably my favourite graphical style so far, but there were some... anachronisms? Not sure how to put it) but the fact that you couldn't save your actual position was too frustrating, so I gave up on it. It's also very hard to know where to go - this kind of "free roaming" is only good if it's genuinely free roaming, and you don't have to go over and back for power ups. It's the one thing that annoys me about Metroid games, though they're generally a bit clearer on where you're meant to go.
A Game About a Kitty:
I thought this was kind of adorable, but I got stuck on the first level. Not sure it's my cup of tea, to be honest.
Grinning Darns:
Very repetitive. If it had mid level saves, it might help. It's kind of what I "wasn't" looking for - repetitive gameplay with a gimmick thrown in that doesn't really help. It has a kind of consistancy to it that's very respectful, though.
I'd played this one before. I basically can't figure out how to beat the second boss. It's probably the most inspired of all the ones I played.
Bernard and Hank:
This game is one big WTF. Does this guy(yeah I know he posted in this thread, but still) know what a "Liberal" is? I read his website and he did post a letter someone sent him on it, but it doesn't change the game's premise being entirely whack and not in a good way. I can "sort of" see where it's coming from in it being an anti-intellectual sort of thing, and that doesn't please me too much. I'm guessing the whole game was made to take the piss out of some guy on a forum who's called "NationalLiberal" who has the bizarre set of qualities of the "Liberals" in this game.
I played it anyway, and found it a little basic and repetitive. Mostly just typical jumping and shooting. Sorry.
Sorry everyone if I've been harsh on your games... I can't really make games myself :/ I'm going to try though. I have an idea for a game that won't be too repetitive at all. I just need to figure out how to make objects bounce properly when you hurl them.
Check out my Telekinesis'em'up Thread and the ALICE Machines -
Err, no. Unless you're confusing NeoLiberalism with Liberalism.
A lot of Conservatives would complain about "Big Business" and Conservatism getting automatically lumped together as being unfair, but in reality it's an emergent property of it's prolonged defense of right wing economics.
I've never known any or many liberals to be fat glasses wearing businessmen that steal deeds from farms, or any real life non-video game equivalent of that. Liberal is generally used to describe a socially progressive viewpoint. Which probably would be very much at odds with a couple of gun totin' hicks, but for very different reasons presented in your game. Some people have obsession that things "really" mean something different to when most people use them.
But the people it describes remain the same.
Edited by the Author.
Check out my Telekinesis'em'up Thread and the ALICE Machines -
You really sound like that woman who sent me that letter, are you sure you're not her?
I know what liberalism means in america, but that is not the original political meaning of the term and not how it's "generally used" in other parts of the world. I don't have an obsession, but I am a history teacher and am supposed to know these things.
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Registered 04/09/2004
Points 7998
1st August, 2007 at 18:41:15 -
I like the part where he thinks that you're taking the piss of a guy called "NationalLiberal", especially considering that's just your fake account.
"That's actually a really over-rated, boring game IMO.
Here's what Id play:
Eternal Daughter
A game with a kitty (Still my favourite to this day I think)
Noitu Love"
Congratulations on mentioning three MORE overrated games. Overrated != you dislike it
Now again, yes they may be slightly over rated but hey, they have reason to be.
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Registered 04/09/2004
Points 7998
1st August, 2007 at 19:42:59 -
I compiled a list of all the platformers I enjoyed (minus the ones already mentioned).
Special Agent - Okay, a very nice game to play is Special Agent. It's based on a pretty old MS-DOS game called Secret Agent (which is kinda like Crystal Caves, maybe you know about one of those games). The level design's pretty intelligent.
Then there's Treasure Tower, a one-of-a-kind game where you have to get through a lot of floors in a castle as quickly as possible. Be too slow and die. Smart level design once again, and it doesn't become boring quickly because of all the different floors.
A Mini Falafel Adventure, the original game which inspired Zan-Zan. I actually find it less fun to play than Zan-Zan, but you can try out both anyway.
Spuds Quest - A Dizzy-INSPIRED game where you die less quickly and the environment feels more like F-Dizzy than the older ones is Spuds Quest. It's a pretty long (~4 hrs) puzzle/platform game in which you have to get three golden items for the king. Very enjoyable (a newer, even longer version is in the making! )
Buzz the Squirrel 2 is a SNESish/Mega drive-ish platformer, with some nice level design and things to play with. Having to restart the level when you die can be pretty frustrating though.
[quote]I know what liberalism means in america, but that is not the original political meaning of the term and not how it's "generally used" in other parts of the world. I don't have an obsession, but I am a history teacher and am supposed to know these things. [/quote]
Bullshit, I'm from Europe to begin with(as are you I presume from your name) and I still know what Liberal means. Liberal, as a literal meaning, to be liberal with things, matches up somewhat decently with the western US definition, so I need no reason to force an older definition. Liberal is Liberal in the same sense that "Liberation" is used; Liberals are those who are interested in securing the most, or more often the best(as many conservative "rights" crusades tend to involve things like heavy arms and the freedom for religions to persecute people) freedoms.
The problem is that even if you definition of Liberalism is historyically valid, most people won't know it. It comes off as rather arrogant when there is something else that's best described by "Liberalism".
There are times when name definitions annoy me - for instance, I listen to Goth music which conjures up images of Marliyn Manson and Slipknot and mall kiddies, not the expiremental alternative rock/ambient genres that fell under that umbrella in the late 70s, 80s and 90s. But this is annoying because one is a direct and almost purposeful misrepresentation of the other - it's not a generic word that best describes both "scenes".
Most people playing your game will be endlessly confused and just see it as shooting liberals that have been somehow miscast(especially since the main characters are hicks).
The American use of the word Liberal "makes sense". You've still yet to explain what your version of Liberal actually means, you claim to want to spread History yet seem to show little to no actual interest in doings so.
Again, what's universally referred to as NeoLiberalism much better matches up with what you're saying. Economic liberalism, which is right wing, usually makes better bed mates with social authoritarianism(keep in mind that "small government" doesn't automatically mean less authoritarianism, as many for small government still want old traditions forced on people, whether it be socially or directly through government.)
Edited by the Author.
Check out my Telekinesis'em'up Thread and the ALICE Machines -
Maybe the Liberal thing is ironic? I dunno, when I played Bernard and Hank I just left my pomposity at the door and played a fun platformer without reading into any political connotations. Maybe that's just me?
Wow dude, I just took one meaning (the meaning generally used in my country and indeed connected to a fake account) and used it in my game. People who get upset by that CRACK ME UP. Especially people who use words like "hicks" when they are talking about family farmers. There is no "best described". Some people like to be liberal with economy, some people like to be liberal with culture and some of them like to be liberal with their penis. It's just a stupid little game, get over it.
"you claim to want to spread History yet seem to show little to no actual interest in doings so"
I don't claim to want to spread history, I AM spreading history on a highschool, which I do with love and doesn't have anything to do with my freeware games. I am a nice intelligent guy in the classroom and an arrogant asshole on the internet.
I am confused also by Hayo's definition of Liberalism. Economic liberalism, as Roseweave says, is a kind of right-wing capitalist thingy, sort of tying in with the enemies in B&H - but why would the Liberal enemy forcefully steal deeds from the farm when the idea of economic liberalism is non-interference by the government? Or perhaps NationalLiberal (the character) is not in a governmental position, and the whole idea is that the government have turned a blind eye to rampant capitalism??
In my experience, liberal means freedom, whether that means individual or economic (which kind of confuses things). The only parties I know called Liberal (LD in UK, Liberals in US) both are socially progressive, individual liberty kinds of guys, unlike Hayo suggests.
Maybe I am reading too much into it, but I would still like to know Hayo's viewpoint on things.
@Trev: If someone takes the time to include social commentary in a click game, I think it normal to take notice of this.
i give a flying shit as that game turns it all around the fat guys should be CONSERVATIVES not LIBS and those redneck guys are racist knobs. apart from that this game SUCKS i keep getting stuck and every level is the same, THATS A FACT, JACK
Well obviously Hayo does, otherwise he wouldn't have included it in the game. Roseweave and I do also, so that's three.
And PeterD too. Just because you're too <insert adjective here> to care about politics doesn't mean you can dismiss them with some gay smilie and that overused heart symbol.
But it's much worse that you're using a word that you know would be provocative, and didn't even use it in a witty or entertaining manner. Again, it's just culture clash, it's just confusement. And if you're not interested in spreading history, then using the fact that you're a history teacher to back up your decision makes no sense.
Check out my Telekinesis'em'up Thread and the ALICE Machines -
I also disagree strongly with anyone saying anything is "Just" anything. It's the same excuse that turned Transformers into a crappy action flick(that proceeded to break records) instead of the epic sci-fi it could have been, based on the Marvel comic book. "It's just a comic/cartoon/toy". It's an excuse.
Nothing is "just" anything. Going to that level of being "Laid back" isn't something to celebrate - it's much worse to never get worked up about anything "small" than to get worked up often. Things always have knock on effects, nothing exists in vacuum. People are impressionable and subconciously absorb messages that alter their behaviour all the time. People don't want to believe it, but it's a fact of how our brains work.
Check out my Telekinesis'em'up Thread and the ALICE Machines -
Overrated or not, I liked Eternal Daughter the most of all platformers here... Except for the final boss, because I haven't still been able to beat him even after many years trying > : (
Roseweave, cut the crap this is a freeware game comunity where people hang out to enjoy themselves and to post games and play other peoples games for the FUN of it. No point in being too much of a critic on these kinds of games. If it was so and if you'd played some of the games I've seen here with racism and all that shit you'd go crazy. just relax, take a break, play some games and have a laugh at whattever is wrong in them or whattever is not correct in real life.
these are just little games made by people that enjoy making them to let other people play. don't be affected by it.
have a nice day
Profile edited as it messed the layout of the site up.
A good example would be the Jesus Christ beat 'em up with KKK enemies.
You have to develop a thick skin for some of them, but in the same token the freedom TDC gives here allows developers to make kinds of games that you'd never see anywhere else. Whether it be good or bad, it's true.
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