Me current project; Gridquest. Its really getting there, so I mostly need someone to make sure it runs on computers other then my own (had that exact problem with my last game). Shouldn't be too terribly long so far, since you'd only be seeing the first couple areas. And heres a screenie of the current build in action:
I think I'll just need the first person who volunteers, and I don't need any advanced help, just a basic "Oi it works, and your mum smells" kind of reply.
I dc'mail'd all 3 of you, so hopefully someone gets a chance to play it through
I need to figure out if its worth adding the tile renderer as an optional feature... See how fast it runs for you :/
I gave it a very quick blast but will be testing it properly tomorrow. One thing I couldn't get working was the advanced tile drawing. Was it just rpessing "T" will in game?
Oh, yeah. Pressing T just toggles it on/off. Right now, it only affects the forest tiles, like in that screenshot; it draws them with borders instead of just being blank 24x24 tiles. Problem is it takes 5x as many loops as the normal 81x refresh, so it slows down like a mofo >
It's alot more pronounced when you enter the forest levels, to the east.
I've been playing it a bit now and did notice what I beleive is a slight glitch of sorts. The cave in the village, I went sporlin' down there with the cheap lantern and noticed that some of the green tiles in the upper left corner of the area would not show with the advanced tile effect off.
There is good news though I've been running the game full screen with and without the advanced tiling and theres no slow down at all
It's looking like a very fun and interesting game, though I keep on dying in the eastern forest! I can't seem to damaged the enamies often enough. Is there a certain technique? Also, how do you save the game?
Oh yeah, you can save the game by hitting ESCAPE, then clicking on the save button. Its just a temporary menu >.> But yeah, that was actually an oversight on those tiles in the cave; you're not supposed to see them with or without the tile thingy, its supposed to be only if you have the magic lantern that you can see the whole area/walls. So good catch on that- I'll fix it
So yeah, are you getting alot of misses when you attack the enemies in the forest, or just not enough damage? If its a whole bunch of misses, I can nerf their armor, so they are easier to hit. For now, I'd suggest collecting enough money to buy a dagger or scimitar from the smith guy. Its like 480 silvers.
Yarr, you might want to be at least level 3 before going into the woods, and you can get LOTS of money from the chests to the north of the town (by the witch), and in the graveyard. I plan on putting alot of simple block-pushing puzzles into the game; you can see one at the bottom of the spider cave, if you get that far.
Okay, I've been playing some more and I can't find anything majorly worng with it
... Other than one small thing, which is that when battling one of those green spear thorwing/arrow shooting goblin things. It backed out of the map up into the darkness which leads to another map so I couldn't get him without being forced to exit the map.
Edit: Sorry it took so long for a reply - I had temporally forgotten about this!
Hasn't anyone else got anything to say about the game? =/
Oh, yeah I heard from alot of the other people; via PM's.
But yeah, so far a couple things people have noticed:
*Enemies can walk on empty tiles, like you just said (gotta change that)
*Theres a black pixel in the middle of the screen (was a detector I forgot to make invisible)
*I should make the keyboard controls customizable
*May want to make it so you have to turn to face directions before you walk that way
*The advanced forest tile option makes them override the line of sight with a lantern
*The advanced forest tile thingy runs too slow to be worth adding at all
*I did a horrible job butchering the "goblin with bow", har har har. Better redraw that one
One more thing; I only finished 19/20 of the spells. I need ANY idea for #20; its the White magic level 4 spell. The other white spells are mostly healing/protective stuff. So I'm really stumped on what the last one should do.
Cure - Restores HP
(Cure 2/3/etc - Restores more HP?)
Refresh - Gradually Restores MP
Revive - ... Revived if spell cast before death with some kind of minor punishment? (Loss of exp/silvers/all mp etc)
Barrier - Increase DEF
Maybe temporary invincibility?