Okay, lets say i want to create a lemmings or worms type game/clone. I have mmf 1.5 and i would like to ask a couple things. First, we know the lemmings react to gravity, every single one of them. We also know they react to walls, obstacles, and lemming creations. We also know, that they each cant have there own little 4 or 6 custom movement sensors on them.
So, question: can i achieve the same thing with a single floor detector attached to each lemming? Would the lemming and the detector be created at the same time, or should i have a hundred so detectors in my frame somewhere?
About the worms, whether i use 4 or six, should they each come with their own 4 sensor sets? (top, down, left, rigth) To achieve that effect. And, how can i switch worms? Im sure theres a tutorial somewhere on this site but im tired of looking forever. Anyway, thanks.
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I actually have the download you mention but found it too difficult. And i reserve my judgement for things like that unless ive tried it out in a massive quick scrolling level.
The reason being, is that most custom movements on here rely on large amounts of detectors, long code, or complicated equations with no comments. And, after all that, the enemies still fall off the obstacles and around the playfeild and off the screen. However, i was able to understand this one and maybe i can get it to work. Because, having guys just going left and right sucks. Plus i need to get my ninjas to behave. Thanks.
All platforming problems can be mostly solved here: