It is here, the second Difinitive Competition. The first went wonderfully, even spurring one or two compos to be run after it. Then, the community kicked it into full gear, and we've had a ton of amazing stuff over the last few months. Well, I'm not sure if this can be considered a 'lull', but I feel like its time for #2.
The rules, again, are relatively simple. The #1 rule is that the game must be made in the timeframe of the compo. You can use any graphics/music/etc. you want. You can even make a game that has nothing to do with the theme if you want, but of course, this will give you a bad score. So here are the detailed rules:
1) The time frame is from Sunday, October 14 at Noon EST, to Sunday, October 21 at 11:59pm EST (please convert the times to your local timezone, EST is -0500). This gives you a smidge over 7 days to complete your entry. Though we will not be 100% strict on the time to submit, we will be relatively strict, and will not except submissions past a timeframe of our discretion. To be safe, get your game in on time.
2) Scoring / Reviews will be done by each entrant in the competition. You must give a score to each game other than your own. You'll have an additional 5 days after competition close to write your reviews (may be extended based on number of entrants). Though I hope some will go into detail, the minimum required from each perosn will be a score from 1-10 for each game, with at least one comment per game. Please take the THEME into consideration when scoring. This went very well in the last Difinitive Compo, but let me know if a lot of you have issues with this.
3) Theme. The theme for this competition will be revealed at noon on October 14th. It will be something that can be very broadly interpreted, so that it creates only a few restrictions.
That's it for the rules. Post a reply if you're going to participate, and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I will go into more detail when the theme is posted and the compo has started. Hopefully we can have a TDC admin give out some points or custom tages for the winner/winners. I will be participating, so that's 1. Let's do this!