Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
27th July, 2008 at 17:50:47 -
Okay, there's been a lot of fighting in the forums lately, so how about a better way to vent? There's no better way than a competition really. This competition is a bit more unique, a bit more challenging, and tons more fun.
I have it all laid out, but I don't want to rescan in everything if no one's going to participate. You just add your user name to this thread, and after registration is over with (after AUG1ST), then you'll be paired up with another klikker to make a game together or seperate. Once you have your pairings, you can either
A) team up for the week to eliminate other teams
B) work against the assigned partner in attempt to eliminate each other
At the end of each weekjudges are selected in order to pick one of the two games, the klikker that loses gets an elimination. 2 eliminations and you're out.
Object of the game is to be the last klikker standing by eliminating all the rest. When you receive a new pairing, you can choose if you want to start a new game or continue an old one.
No previous equipment is necessary. Registration ends Aug1st, and you'll be free to start on your game anytime after that.
I want to see how many people are interested in this 'tournament' type competition. So go ahead and sign up!
OH, by the way, Prizes:
-150$ donated from peblo
-I still have to talk to a few peoples to see if we could maybe get a little more prizes swung our way.
Edited by the Author.
Edited by an Administrator.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Well if I can work with someone I wouldn't mind doing design stuff. But as for working against someone... I'd totally lose in coding/graphics/sound/most music.
This sounds awesome. Would be cool to know the specifics but of course you'll need some time to get all that down on paper. Just briefly, would you have to enter it with MMF2, or would MMF1 be fine? Is there any theme? You should get a front page news post once you have the competition site set up.
-Dark Martin- The dark is most certainly not your friend
Registered 05/06/2008
Points 21
28th July, 2008 at 11:23:45 -
Although names from a hat would be a lot easier Peblo, its just as random.
Oh... uh yea, that could be a problem. You see, I don't have MMF2. I use TGF. I have TGF2, but I don't use it. Any chance we could all list what we use, and then be paired up from that? I guess?
Originally Posted by -Adam- Someone should make an app that chooses the names and pairs them randomly, and screen record it so everyone can see it's fair
Well that is pointless, anyone could just make an app that pairs people as they see fit, there would be no way to tell how it is pairing just from a screen recording. The results could just be hard-wired in. A fair way would be to put everyone's name in a list depending on the order they replied to this thread, and then have an app that sets the random seed to 1, and chooses pairs "randomly"- that app could then be uploaded to a link and anyone can download to see that it is fair.
That or you could take a screenshot of the events, and not worry whether it's fair or not. It's not an election to the president of the united states. If you're a good clicker it won't matter who you get paired with.
-Dark Martin- The dark is most certainly not your friend
Say you eliminate your assigned partner, you'd still have to 'defeat' the people who are working in teams as an individual right?
I imagined it as a bracket tournament system but I'm kind of confused.
This may sound pathetic, but I don't like the idea of being able to knock out your partner. You'd be minding your own business workin' away at your game, and when you log on, you find you've been stabbed in the back.
BTW, Mistah Bodgah and I would make a good team. (insert devilish grin)
What if those with the older products (MMF 1, TGF 1) get paired with people with the newer products (TGF2, MMF2 and Dev)?
Hey, guess what I did? I made a randomizer application! I have everyone on the list except for a few I'm confused about. Is Adam in? Peblo's isn't, right? Considering this is Peblo's competition and all, unless Peblo isn't a judge?
Because of the way it randomizes, the less people there are left, the longer it takes to come up with a result. Also, the Iconlist Object doesn't refresh the images until you click on it again.
Logiq here... err Leonard Herndon. Put me down for this.
Hello guys! I'm New! -- I've been new for a year now...haha
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
28th July, 2008 at 19:45:41 -
You might have to hold on, I'm in the middle of moving.
-The random name generation will be a simple MMF app where you can input a seed and have a consistent output (I haven't checked Jon's yet).
-The contest is self-sustained, which means it needs only organization which and a couple of dedicated judges at the end. If there is an odd number of people in the beginning rounds, I will step in temporarily.
-I'll also need 2 judges that aren't competing. DC mail me if you're interested.
More details tonight when I can live out of my cupboards instead of my car.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Yeah I'll have MMF1.5... when I install it on this computer. Can there be a group of "design people"? I know I'll be eliminated regardless but not having to outcode and outdraw people on my own would certainly help.
Wow, I'm really playing myself down. But I can create game systems like a mother and write dialogue quite well, so don't dread, future partner of Klik-ish suggestion.
I'd like to know about the MMF2/1.5/TGF issue, I'm still using MMF1.2.
Eternal Entertainment's Code'n'Art Man
E_E = All Indie
...actually Ell Endie, but whatever.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
29th July, 2008 at 00:56:45 -
I wish people would use the current version of the same product.
Chances are there's nothing really I can do to make things fair for everyone with a different product other than what I already have in the rules, besides ban everyone without MMF2
Just wait like a couple more hours and see if the additional rules make things more fair.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
If one person has MMF2 and the other MMF1.5, the idea would be you both work together to find the best solution. Afterall the whole point of the competition is that you work together to win (at least that's how I see it). So if there are problems with that, you'd give each other certain jobs (one person does graphics, planning the game out, the other does the coding and testing .etc).
...Or the team could work around the fact that they have different products. Just work as though you were both using the same product, then when the one with the older product is finished, they send it the one with the more recent one for optimization and building. Maybe the one with the more powerful product does coding, having an older product shouldn't limit graphics too much, and shouldn't limit music and sound at all.
Alternatively, one or both competitors could download and use the MMF2 demo and then have a judge or non-competitor build it.
I personally think it would be neat to have TGF guys teamed up with MMF2, it would be interesting. See what they make between. Plus you can always open higher program files with the demoes for MMF2 and MMF2D from
Yea, it is interesting. I've done it. Alot of TGFers are veterans, while people with the expensive MMF2 are serious enough to be good as well, however in my experience it's not practical. Sure you can import from the old to the new, but you can't collaborate back and forth. You pretty much make it in one and the other sits there saying, "good job. We're doing great." And downloading the demo is all well and good, but us TGFers still go faster and better in a familiar interface. Not just speed, but quality. It's harder for me to draw something in TGF2's animation editor because it's just not as streamlined. (IMHO. I know some of you disagree)
The quote thing doesn't seem to be working for some reason... so in response to OldManClayton:
First of all, the only way I was able to afford MMF2 was to use the money leftover from what my dad gave me to go to London with my high school orchestra. Second, I am a veteran from the TGF days, bought the home version, but all those games are either on a virus-ridden hard drive or my old computer, which I have yet to transfer the hard drive from.
Anyway, the one person doesn't have to do all of it, they refuse to do some things, maybe they only do music, sounds, and graphics so that the other one has to do all the programming or something. That way you can still just use TGF's graphics editor.
Now on to Bibin...
How old are you and how did you get this money for... what exactly did you do? Second, are you the same Bibin from the Sonic Retro forums?
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
29th July, 2008 at 02:42:02 -
Belfozormp Competition
Click to SURVIVE! Team up with a partner or fight solo in an epic quest for ultimate prizes and maybe even bragging rights(!)! Technical and graphical skills will be overshadowed by skills more oriented toward the enjoyment of the player, leveling the ground out for all game creators. Contest starts AUGUST 1ST! GOOD LUCK
1.SIGN UP before August 1ST, 0:00GMT
2.You'll be paired up with another clicker via random selection, where then at that time you either both agree to work on the same team, or to duel 1vs1 against each other! At this time you'll also receive your deadlines and guidelines for the current round.
3.Following the guidelines, create a game! After completion, submit it before the deadline to my DC mail with a link to the game.
4.The group of judges will swiftly pass judgment on your games~
-If you did a 1v1 duel, then whichever clicker ended up with the highest score moves on to the next round with a win, and the other takes a loss.
-If you partnered up, then the team with the highest score moves on, and all the rest takes a loss.
5.If you have two losses, you will be dropped from the tournament
6.Repeat until there is ONLY ONE!
*Basically the judges extra points to spend on whoever bribes them miscellaneous categories such as charm.
***Specified at the start of each round.
Additional Rules (for participants):
1.No additional help outside of yourself and your paired partner. Pretend you're in a closed arena with no internet.
2.Maximum file size is 5mb per game, including all and any DLL or external files needed.
3.The source code is not needed.
4.One entry from each competing person/group.
5.Bribing the judges is not allowed.
6.Games must be submitted before each deadline. If the deadline is missed, then the creator(s) get an automatic loss.
7.Rules subject to change until August 1ST.
8.A dedicated team of judges will be selected to judge the entries. The judges will not be able to participate in this competition.
9.There is no set deadlines currently as there is no real way to be sure how many rounds there will be. Expect about 5 rounds tops.
10.You do not have to start a new game at the start of each round. The game only has to follow the current rules and guidelines. It is suggested that you start a new game every round as your originality score will drop if the judge thinks it's appropriate.
11.Entries can be submitted to any site before the deadline. It is recommended you don't as your originality score will drop if the judge thinks it's appropriate or has seen the game before.
12.After choosing if you are teaming up with your paired partner, or facing them 1v1, you cannot change your mind, unless both agreed on.
13.If there is less than 4 competitors, then there can't be any teams.
14.KNP, TGF, CNC, MMF, TGF2 and MMF2 can be used.
15.In the event of an odd amount of people, a random person will receive an automatic win.
Coming soon.
Ask any other questions and I'll try my best to answer them as soon as possible.
Edited by the Author.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Ok I'm still in after signing up, but due to the fact I'd get an ASBO in 10 seconds if I ever crossed the pond, I'll have to let out a fair warning that I'm really not up for teaming on anything and will duel my matchee
Lol, I hate competitions that judge using points. They tend to screw over the really nice games. I'd bet something like Knytt Stories would never win any of them. But at least you have marks for Appeal, that kinda covers it.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Tell me if I get this right:
So the teams are the same all the way through the tournament?
And if the same team wins twice, the tournament would be over because all the other teams would have two losses?
Would just be a shame for it all to be over within 2 weeks
It says that we enter until we have 2 losses, at which point we are dropped (and that everyone who doesn't win the week, is given a loss)
I think it would be much better to have it either:
1) Teams are put against each other. So team A against team B, the winner goes through. Very much like Joe.H's diagram
2) Everyone goes through except the loser (which is the team with the lowest score). We do that until there is one remaining.
Doing where people are dropped out when they lose two times just seems a bit random to me, and it means the length of the tournament is quite short. It's like, if my team comes 2nd twice, then that is counted as 2 losses and so my team would be dropped. That just seems a bit silly to me..
much the same that football(soccer to you silly americans) is played.
Teams play each other twice, and they play everybody else. It would make it last much longer, but if there are too many teams you could just have it so that you play once.
This way it would always give people a chance to come back, as it seems unfair to drop somebody for losing two games, their game could have been great, but the other team's was just better. i could understand if they produced diarrhoea, but a proper bracket tournament would be the way to go if you're doing knockout
"-If you partnered up, then the team with the highest score moves on, and all the rest takes a loss. "
that's too drastic. the only team with the lowest score sould get a loss.
anyway, the temas go tohgether in the whole competition?
and if not, whose the game they made? i mean, who can continue it?
maybe any of the both teammembers, see a game in 2 continue'd be fun ;>
Edited by the Author.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
29th July, 2008 at 14:56:52 -
You get a new partner at the start of each round. Both team members can continue the game if they'd like.
I'm changing it so that only the top 50% of the teams win, and the bottom 50% lose, or 66%/33%, rounding toward the loss. That way no one is eliminated very quickly at all, and you can take a lower place without any real penalty.
That balances things out a bit more, and would last twice as long at least. What do you guys think?
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
How do you sign up? I think it could be fun to play. Also how do you decide whether you are playing as a team or going 1v1- if one person says "1v1" does that then force you to duel them? Consider this my "sign on" if that's the way to do it.
I've been updating my randomizer every time someone joins, in case it actually does get used. I also added a Select Random Winner feature, and a remove from list feature.
So is this donation going to be the new first prize, or will it be second prize, or will it be added to the $150 you have, or what? I know you haven't come up with alll the prizes yet...
i also think that everyone taking a loss except for the winner is too drastic. i think it needs to actually be structured like a tourney for it to work.
step 1. pair up all people
step 2. match up teams who decide to work together, and leave the ones who want to fight their partner out of the team pairings.
step 3. set deadlines, rules, theme?, etc. for that round.
step 4. repeat.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
29th July, 2008 at 21:29:45 -
Originally Posted by Random Cecil i also think that everyone taking a loss except for the winner is too drastic. i think it needs to actually be structured like a tourney for it to work.
step 1. pair up all people
step 2. match up teams who decide to work together, and leave the ones who want to fight their partner out of the team pairings.
step 3. set deadlines, rules, theme?, etc. for that round.
step 4. repeat.
i'm in as of now.
I thought of doing it that way other than I hate having to have one person sit out a round if it's odd, let alone a whole team.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
in the event that theres an odd number of teams. why dont you just group up 3 teams against each other. two take a loss and one takes a win. that still leaves only 1 man out if the number of contestants is odd atm.
the only upside to "winner takes all, all others take a loss" is that the tounament will end heck-a lot faster than traditional tournament matchups.
Now that I think about it, I don't like the idea of a team breaking up to fight each other. It would probably be better if the teams fought in a tournament bracket, and then at the end the winning team either splits top prize or splits up and the members fight each other in one final round.
I'll probably end up making only platformers, although I could make other games. I just like platformers the best. I'm not so great at graphics.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
29th July, 2008 at 22:33:00 -
Originally Posted by Random Cecil in the event that theres an odd number of teams. why dont you just group up 3 teams against each other. two take a loss and one takes a win. that still leaves only 1 man out if the number of contestants is odd atm.
the only upside to "winner takes all, all others take a loss" is that the tounament will end heck-a lot faster than traditional tournament matchups.
Edited by the Author.
Originally Posted by Peblo You get a new partner at the start of each round. Both team members can continue the game if they'd like.
I'm changing it so that only the top 50% of the teams win, and the bottom 50% lose, or 66%/33%, rounding toward the loss. That way no one is eliminated very quickly at all, and you can take a lower place without any real penalty.
That balances things out a bit more, and would last twice as long at least. What do you guys think?
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Shoot, i'm away in Poland on a stag do til Monday too - hope this doesn't cause too many problems. Can we extend the first round for 2 weeks or something, just to ease everyone in? I noticed i'm not the only one who'll miss the first few days.... (grovel, grovel)
If it means more people able to enter, I think we ought to extend it if we need to. It shouldn't be that big of a problem, and think about how you'd feel not getting to enter a compo because of a couple days' miss.
Even if you miss the first couple / few days, you should still be able to go solo and submit something basic, worst case scenario you take a loss and move on anyway (since you can lose twice if I'm not mistaken).
Originally Posted by Martin Bodger I just hope i get teamed up with a good programmer, Programming i'm not so good at yet, i can do a lot of things just not enough.
My only strong point is GFX so its a 50 50 chance i'll end up with a programmer.
50-50? why? and if everybody is a pixel artist? ;>
There's also the chance that your partner won't even want to work with you, and you'll have to go solo. So probably less than 50-50.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
30th July, 2008 at 11:05:51 -
I guess you guys have something like... 14 more hours to sign up, if I remember the way these timezones are supposed to work. There'll probably be a little bit of forgiveness if anyone signs up a bit late, but not overly late.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Originally Posted by Peblo I guess you guys have something like... 14 more hours to sign up, if I remember the way these timezones are supposed to work. There'll probably be a little bit of forgiveness if anyone signs up a bit late, but not overly late.
khm. there is 1day + 10hours to sing up, isn't it? its still july30. tomorrow will be july 31, and then august 1 ;>
Edited by the Author.
-Dark Martin- The dark is most certainly not your friend
Registered 05/06/2008
Points 21
30th July, 2008 at 13:13:39 -
Cool, just to be sure, i will only work in a team and i will ONLY make a Plaformer or a Zelda type game.
You'll have to wait and see what your partner wants to do. And if nothing else, you could just duel him. I don't think these people really have self-confidence issues, they just want to set the bar low so that when they do well, they look extra-awesome. I think all clickers are very confident in their skills, it's part of the job description.
Taking my bribes is one amongst your highest priorities.
-Dark Martin- The dark is most certainly not your friend
Registered 05/06/2008
Points 21
30th July, 2008 at 18:08:11 -
Originally Posted by AndyUK Thats not how teamwork works martin.
... all i'm saying is that i won't like working on a team that wants to make games in that genre, just designing those kinda games bore me.
I wouldn't want to go against someone, i'm not very good at competing by myself.
And sorry for saying that i refuse to work with people that want to make games in that genre, i guess i could give it a go, but a sports game on the other hand i just cannot bring myself to work on.>.<
Since i've moved over to using construct 100% i'm Not in, but i'm looking forward to see how this goes! I'm afraid though that in many cases the most experienced user will practically do the whole game himself since it's so hard to work as a team just over the internet. Especially if for example two coders are in the same group. It's not impossible though.. Things like making an AI engine and making a movement can easily be done seperately. Well.. we'll se how it goes
-Dark Martin- The dark is most certainly not your friend
Registered 05/06/2008
Points 21
31st July, 2008 at 00:42:28 -
Around 24 hours left until the Randomized Pair Up!!
I hop it doesn't start exactly at that time, I'll be out for a while tonight and till 12 tommorrow. Also Jon (or George) I'm always going to want to do teams.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
31st July, 2008 at 21:07:06 -
It probably won't start exactly on time since I work till about 3am.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Well poo. I have college orientation tomorrow, and then it's off to Gramma's in Indiana for the weekend. THEN I have in-car driver's ed in the evenings after 6 all week next week. I don't know if I'll have time for this. We'll see I guess.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
31st July, 2008 at 22:45:45 -
Late registration lasts for the duration of the first round. You'll can still register if you'd like after I start the round, for a small penalty of an automatic loss. After the first round, registration ends forever though.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
I'm very tempted to join but I'd either be too devoted or not devoted enough to this, so I know I'll regret it.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Option #1: Enter the competition late so you automatically gain a loss. Then if you get overly devoted it can only help your chances of winning, and if you're underdevoted, then you'll just be like "Well I did skip the first round, whatever."
Option #2: Enter the competition now and if you begin to feel regret or start spiralling out of control of your devotion, bow out gracefully and have Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the head to forget.
I don't know, I think the second one's my favorite.
The competition does not start until Peblo gives us guidelines. It's nine o'clock (21:00) here where I am so that will likely happen while I'm asleep, so whoever I get paired up with should come up with some ideas so when I log on tomorrow we won't have lost too much time. And they can't duel me! IT SHALL NOT PASS!
Blood of the Ancient One, Seen only as Shadow, Faster than Lightning, Fierce as the Greatest Dragon, Nearly Invisible, Floating in a Dream, Entered through the Demon Door, Destroyer of Evil in a Realm with a Red Sky Scarred, Who could I be ?
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
1st August, 2008 at 09:18:33 -
Some of us work jobs so we don't have to enter competitions.
Here's the list of people I have that have said they're in. Some people it was confusing if you wanted to compete or not so let me know as soon as possible via DC MAIL if you're not on the list and want to be, or you are on the list and don't want to be.
Jon & George Lambert
Martin Bodger
Mark Radon
Richard. L
Random Cecil
Bad Panda
Eternal Entertainment
Neo Monkey
Leighton James
Pisarz Ksiazkowicz
Ken McCarthy
Don Luciano
The Sheriff
Mr JackFaise
I'll have the teams and additional rules up in a bit, lemme at least go eat.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
1st August, 2008 at 10:02:34 -
Flava vs. chrilley
Don Luciano vs. The Sheriff
Richard. L vs. Bad Panda
Borgi vs. Eternal Entertainment
OldManClayton vs. Logiq
-Codemonkey- vs. Pixelthief
Jon222 vs. Bibin
Pisarz Ksiazkowicz vs. Wiiman
Sketchy vs. Bricnic
Phredreeke vs. Hempuli
Mark Radon vs. BeamSplashX
Jon & George Lambert vs. Xavi
MitchHM vs. Fish20
Cocodrilo vs. Random Cecil
≫Ben≪ vs. AndyUK
Mr JackFaise vs. Nikodemus
Martin Bodger vs. xrat
Leighton James vs. _Raven_
Ken McCarthy vs. falkon
*Basically the judges extra points to spend on whoever bribes them miscellaneous categories such as charm.
***Include your paired partner in your game. Level of exposure increases points.
Edited by an Administrator.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Are we supposed to post here or something if we want to duel or team?
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
1st August, 2008 at 11:18:16 -
Sorry the post was supposed to be edited but cecil posted too fast. If you could change that for me that'd be cool.
***Cameo: x/15
***Include your paired partner in your game. Level of exposure increases points.
It's vs. because it's a small reminder that even though you may be on a team, it's only a temporary alliance. There can only be ONE
And um, if you'd like to make it public that you're dueling or partnering I guess you can. It's not needed.
Edited by the Author.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
are there going to be different themes for each round? if so thats gonna contradict your "you may continue working on a game from a previous round" rule if the theme changes.
11.Entries can be submitted to any site before the deadline. It is recommended you don't as your originality score will drop if the judge thinks it's appropriate or has seen the game before.
Martin, Peblo said the game can go anywhere before the deadline, but you risk your originality score because the judge may feel that they've seen it before.
Well, crappledeepoopkus. My schedule is swamped. Logiq, we ought to sort something out. I could probably take a laptop with me on my trip and get some stuff done. DC mail me!
Originally Posted by Martin Bodger Um Andy can't you team up with me, my partner has bailed on me.
Don't act so childish man, you knew there was a chance you'd have to duel when you signed up. Be more confident and just pwn your partner. And switching partners to your liking might seem like cheating to some entrants.
Hey, the cameo category says to put your partner in the game, so if you and your partner are working together, then do both people have to be in the game? And what if you can't contact your partner?
-Dark Martin- The dark is most certainly not your friend
Registered 05/06/2008
Points 21
1st August, 2008 at 19:12:53 -
Originally Posted by Richard. L
Originally Posted by Martin Bodger Um Andy can't you team up with me, my partner has bailed on me.
Don't act so childish man, you knew there was a chance you'd have to duel when you signed up. Be more confident and just pwn your partner. And switching partners to your liking might seem like cheating to some entrants.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
1st August, 2008 at 19:50:48 -
Originally Posted by Jon & George Lambert Hey, the cameo category says to put your partner in the game, so if you and your partner are working together, then do both people have to be in the game? And what if you can't contact your partner?
It's all up to you. Well, actually it's all up to the judge judging your game at the end. Whatever is enough for 15 points.
Deadline is August 9th at Midnight, GMT.
You can't switch partners. The first round will weed out any inactive members pretty effectively, so just duel your partner instead.
If you can't contact your partner, you'll want to duel. Maybe.
Any stable releases of MMF2 are allowed. If HWA is stable then you can use it.
The themes will change each round. If you continue the game through the rounds, you can reedit the previous levels to include the theme.
..:.Phox.:.. , if you take a small penalty, you can play. Take <<Ben>>'s place and play with Andy UK.
Edited by the Author.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Well Ive had no contact from Phox yet and i dcmailed him yesterday.
I'm quite eager to get going and time is slipping away so we're going to have to duel.
I have to go away for the whole week but I'll be back a few hours before it's due - I think we're going to end up doing 1vs1 on this one, as he'll probably win. I do not want to skip this round though, my game is almost done (I stayed up all night working to make up for the entire week not being available). I just need to finish up a few bits, and re-do the engine I broke.
Wait, so I lose 15 points if Jon222 does not appear in my game?
is anyone gonna shoot me if I use a derivation of my shadow engine:
I programmed it fresh from the ground up already, but its basically the same. It sure does help the ambiance and make it peculiarly hard to spot that psycho with a chainsaw
I can't contact Logiq, and I have no clue what to make. I also have not much time to make a game. If I can't think of something, I may have to drop out.
If you really can't think of anything, look at all your favorite games, your entire game collection, and then think of an amalgamation of everything you like in each game. Or, you could make something unoriginal and just lose the originality points. Chances are that many of the ideas we think are original have actually been done before.
Originally Posted by -Codemonkey- Going against pixelthief scares me...
odds are mine won't be ready till at least week 2 so u might luck out :~)
I've gotta do some serious research on nodal pathfinding to get my creeping chainsaw stalker working right. I've done nothing but creepy ambient effects so far
I just wrote an entire greedy search algorithm in MMF for the node pathfinding in this game. Its extremely flexible and I might post it open source as an example for people who want to do AI in shooter games and whatnot. I just hope that whoever I pair up with in the next round has good drawing skills and likes to work together, because I realized my sprites are ugly as can be
I'm good with drawing backgrounds, but not with drawing people. Anything except for people. Anyone have any idea how Xavi would be a cameo in my game, because I know nothing about him besides his game B-bot.
sweet jebus things that are easy in C are so difficult in klik, yet things in klik are difficult in C. I've nearly killed my project by trying to do a recursive algorithm in fastloops, I had to limit it to a certain search depth or the whole thing would die.
nope. its all easier in C lol. fastloops are teh suck in klik. mmf kills my isometric engine after maps larger than 2000cubic tiles. my original c++ version handled 10000+ cubic tiles. both with map clipping.
are you making sure to optimize to only display on-screen stuff, and then doing collisions/movement/pathfinding directly from the array values instead of active objects? gridquest could use infinite sized maps because all I ever displayed was the 9x9 tiles onscreen, and anything that could ever need to know a position offscreen dug it directly from the .INI array.
Recursion seems to be my problem right now. I have a depth-first search algorithm for finding the shortest path for my AI construct through a series of nodes, but for each level of the search I had to copy/paste a loop, so if it ever exceeds a depth of X it will just be naive and take that path to nowhere
um, what happens if I try calling a fast loop from inside itself? I don't know what would happen when I wanted to terminate it and etc.
well my next idea is to clip the actual rendering of the map from the array. but yes. everything that needs to be onscreen IS only rendered. a 25x25 tile map. doesnt fill the screen. it also has z depth so its a triple loop.
loop y for 25 loops
-loop x for 25 loops
--loop z for (depth)# of loops.
im using backdrops instead of actives cause a 25 by 25 isometric map is 625 actives minimum not counting any objects on a higher z.
i also cant get rendering to work on the overlay object right, or use it with layers. i could probably work it out but its too much work for something ive already done in c++.
yea I've heard of people using the text blitter object (I *think* thats what it was, I've never used it) to display their sprites, through some trickery, which apparently will work much better than displaying the loaded background as 625 active objects.
My biggest problem with gridquest was that that 9x9 matrix took up 81 objects on its own, and TGF has a 256 limit, so there were TONS of object limit issues, especially when particle effects came into play. I suppose if you figured out the text blitter you might be able to do it more efficiently. I've never messed with the bugger so I wouldn't know
ask podunkian what he was using to display the tiles in his engines
I cooked up a freakin scary pathfinding engine in one sitting. Wait till I copy/paste this baby in, and make the old man with the chainsaw all the creepier :~)
Are you using backups? I have no idea what this bad object bug is that everyone keeps talking about. Here comes me:
I'm going to draw the character later this week. This one is more of a placeholder.
Well, here's how my game is working, it's a puzzle platformer called Summon Box. I stuck in some new character graphics because the old ones were to detailed and didn't fit in with the backdrops. Yes, a reason to have lower graphics quality.
It's pretty basic, but I have no idea what Jon222 is whipping up - I'm going against him for this one; he'll probably win since he has more time and mine isn't that impressive.
Edited by the Author.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
4th August, 2008 at 07:46:16 -
You aren't very good at this element of surprise.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
It's pretty basic, but I have no idea what Jon222 is whipping up - I'm going against him for this one; he'll probably win since he has more time and mine isn't that impressive.
Edited by the Author.
That was fun Bibin! And I'm still not sure If I'm supposed to finish the game this round or if I can work on it next round too. No offense or any but your the evil doctor who kidnaps the hero's friends in my game
-Dark Martin- The dark is most certainly not your friend
Registered 05/06/2008
Points 21
4th August, 2008 at 13:56:41 -
I don't think my main menu will be so "Great", i can't really think of one to fit the game so i'll just make it nice and simple.
I might be spending too much time working on small details but I want to make sure it looks good.
I'll probably work on this over the whole competition.
Make a game like cooking mama but with a panda. A sushi making panda and you have to make as much as you can in 30 seconds. Seaweed, then place on sticky rice, then shrimp, then roll etc
As much as I hate to say it, I may have to drop out. I figured I'd be the last person I know to drop out of a compo, but I have no motivation, and my brain is running on autopilot. Pleahglgrae... Maybe I'll have an inspiration tonight.
Maybe you could make a short, unoriginal minigame. If it turns out that Logiq doesn't make a game or finish one, then you get a win. That way you don't have to try so hard. The worst-case scenario is that you get a loss and continue to the next round.
So, if teams work together, what are they up against? Other team games? O_o I kind of thought trying to get clickers to do a cooperative compo was going to be a bit hard... I think it's more just the fact that it's a compo than the team thing that made people join.
Ooh, my head hurts. I've only slept 4 hours the last 2 days, and I work 9 hour shifts every day this week, except for tomorrow when I have a 14 ( ) hour shift. But the game is coming along nicely! The only sad part is that it is quite unoriginal. But what it lacks in originality it makes up for in shear 2D action gameplay joy!
Since this post is too short I will type on and on, even though this is well over four words. Today is veeeeeery hot in Texas maybe 105, good thing I have a pool. My family dog Chelsea is afraid of cars loud noises cuz she was left in a parking lot by her first owner. I've previously completed The World Ends With You on the Nintendo DS and I highly recommend it to fellow gamers.
Ugh... My game encountered a serious problem. The game is a simple platformer but it uses 80-97% of my CPU when running. And that won't do. I made a topic about in the code it forum, so if you wanna help you could read the details over there. I have to fix that problem or else I can't submit it.
if i cant fix it can i just submit mine as a demo and continue work in the next round? im pretty sure cocodrilo hasnt done anything. he hasnt responded or attempted contact and said hje was on vacation in the thread.
will i receive a loss regardless or a win? since we dueling.
Wait, if logiq doesn't make a game, it seems like a waste for this awesome little game to win by default, then I'll have to come up with something else next round. Why don't we just judge the games against all the others instead of against your partner? I don't want to have come up with and make huge projects every time if it's just going to win by default. A few more questions: I live in Ohio (eastern US time) When is the exact deadline hour for where I am? Two, about that cameo thing-- Whaa? Am I disqualified if I don't have Logiq appear in the game or something? I had another question, but I forgot it.
You won't win by default every round since we get a new partner every round. And as far as I understand you can't be disqualified as long as you make a game. You can earn extra points by having your partner in the appear as a cameo. The deadline is Aug 9 00:00 GMT which can be seen on this page
I thought it would take too long to make an original game, so i'm making a completely unoriginal game and hope everyone one else makes pong clones or forgets to enter. So ive almost finished already lolz
so here is a screen shot of my game.
I've been busy as hell aroun' the house and didn't even come close to the computer these last days.
From this we can conclude that unless I come up with a brilliant idea and some fast hands...
I'll be a first round loser
better go to work!
Profile edited as it messed the layout of the site up.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
7th August, 2008 at 08:55:25 -
Originally Posted by Eternal Entertainment You won't win by default every round since we get a new partner every round. And as far as I understand you can't be disqualified as long as you make a game. You can earn extra points by having your partner in the appear as a cameo. The deadline is Aug 9 00:00 GMT which can be seen on this page
That's right.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
im rebuilding my engine from the ground up. its gonna make your game look week pixelthief!!! my chainsaw weilding guys are gonna be so much scarier than yours! meh!
I was worried I wouldn't finish mine... I just started yesterday at lunch. But all I have left to do is make more levels, so I'll make it. I knew we'd have new partners every round, but I thought it'd be a waste to win this round by default if logiq doesn't make a game. If I knew whether he was or not, I'd just whip up something simple to qualify, so I could save this one for next round.
If you make a really good game now, strong contenders would less likely want to battle you. If you make something shitty now, and someone better gets paired with you, he'd probably try and kick your ass. I think it's smart do you best every round
Exactly! Plus the fact that each round has it's own guidelines to follow, therefore the kick-ass game you saved for the next round might not even be usable in the next one. So do your best and come up with another kick-ass one next round.
Yea, I see your point, but it still seems a shame if I don't have anyone to go up against. Oh well, the game probably isn't near as fun as I think it is anyway.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
7th August, 2008 at 17:45:19 -
I don't know why you'd hold off when you can continue the game regardless.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
haha its so pretty but its hardly a game yet lol. it actually runs pretty well on old crap computers. 20-45fps. kinda sluggish but i'll try and add graphic reduction options.
now i just got to add the title screen, menu, and some actual gameplay.
-Dark Martin- The dark is most certainly not your friend
Registered 05/06/2008
Points 21
7th August, 2008 at 20:41:00 -
Wow, nice 3D'ish thing ya go going there.
I won't bother asking how you did it, my head will probably explode.
its a loooot smoother than all those raycasting engines.
im actually using a lot of work from werbad's mmf 3d demo engine that i picked apart peice by peice.
the math he used and his 3Dpixelshader(for future use for walls. not used in my game yet). and combined it with the mode 7 ex object.
I only finished level 2 of my platformer today and I'm thinking there'll be 5 levels. The games called Bumbles Beginning
( it was Bumble's Journey but that's going to be the sequel). Pics of the title and level 1
I don't know if it was AndyUK's or Chrilley's game I tried to download just now, but my anti-virus prog went crazy! Evülness all over the screen! So please check your downloads!
I pretty much finished it. I'm going to upload it later tonight. The deadline for my area (ohio) is about 5 next morning, right? I'm pretty proud of it, since I made it in two days.
and i want to at least have a bit of fighting in it. right now its "get an objective, figure out how to complete it with hints hidden inside things youre guy randomly says."
grrrr why did my game have to turn out so serious. im only gonna be able to turn in a tech engine demo, with a watered down intro story, like 3 things to do, and just walk around. whatever. this is the first great idea/programming ive done in a long time. dont be too surprised if i drop out to make this game as good as it could be.
-Dark Martin- The dark is most certainly not your friend
Registered 05/06/2008
Points 21
8th August, 2008 at 13:13:31 -
Um Peblo, i'm gonna have to drop out of the compo, i can't finish it in time.
Additional Rules (for participants):
1.No additional help outside of yourself and your paired partner. Pretend you're in a closed arena with no internet.
2.Maximum file size is 5mb per game, including all and any DLL or external files needed.
3.The source code is not needed.
4.One entry from each competing person/group.
5.Bribing the judges is not allowed.
6.Games must be submitted before each deadline. If the deadline is missed, then the creator(s) get an automatic loss.
7.Rules subject to change until August 1ST.
8.A dedicated team of judges will be selected to judge the entries. The judges will not be able to participate in this competition.
9.There is no set deadlines currently as there is no real way to be sure how many rounds there will be. Expect about 5 rounds tops.
10.You do not have to start a new game at the start of each round. The game only has to follow the current rules and guidelines. It is suggested that you start a new game every round as your originality score will drop if the judge thinks it's appropriate.
11.Entries can be submitted to any site before the deadline. It is recommended you don't as your originality score will drop if the judge thinks it's appropriate or has seen the game before.
12.After choosing if you are teaming up with your paired partner, or facing them 1v1, you cannot change your mind, unless both agreed on.
13.If there is less than 4 competitors, then there can't be any teams.
14.KNP, TGF, CNC, MMF, TGF2 and MMF2 can be used.
15.In the event of an odd amount of people, a random person will receive an automatic win.
Originally Posted by Jon222 Nice game Codemonkey! The graphics were good and the game play was pretty fun. It was annoying yo start the game over every time you die though...
You can log off any time you like, but you can't ever leave.
haha it looks like almost everyone is submitting half games, or half assed games. round one should be the trial round. . im gonna fix up my games dialoge add a few more graphics and submit it as a tech demo. im dueling my partner so it shouldnt matter unless he was somehow quietly making an uber awesome game. and ill continue making it and formulate the story around next rounds guidlines.
No, no switching to trial round. That wouldn't be fair to those (like me) who finished their game. Poxolthorf, you're abstaining this round? How is it you're going to do that? Just going to take an automatic elimination? Or just going to skip this compo??
Peblo, you should ask Clickteam if they would donate one copy of MMF2 as a prize if the winner isn't using it. (Even though there aren't that many in the compo that don't) Just a thought.
its only the tech demo im uploading. theres nothing to do yet except walk around and interact with some of the environment i.e. knife trees and rocks, chop a tree and pick up the firewood, and talk to yourself lol. besides i havent sprited any enemies yet , and a wolf is a must.
i also want to sprite varied plant life to fill the randomly generated forest with. i have a story brewing in the back of my mind that is remeniscent of alice in wonderland.
Originally Posted by Eternal Entertainment Ahh! I still need to make so much! This is intense!
Ha, just realised if I complete my game it will be my first completed game ever!
Originally Posted by Eternal Entertainment Ahh! I still need to make so much! This is intense!
Ha, just realised if I complete my game it will be my first completed game ever!
similar feelings here too (not exactly the first, but will be in the firast 5 finished game )
you can't really do anything except wander around and check out the lighting system & AI; nothing will happen when the chainsaw guy catches up with you and the mansion isn't even half drawn, but its kinda neat to check out. I'd like to hear what kind of FPS people are getting with the detail on LOW (default); it ran @ 50 fps for me, but i dunno if that would be consistent
Originally Posted by Ploxolthorft I didn't have time to finish mine whatsoever so I'm forfeiting till next round, but I decided to throw up a tech demo:
you can't really do anything except wander around and check out the lighting system & AI; nothing will happen when the chainsaw guy catches up with you and the mansion isn't even half drawn, but its kinda neat to check out. I'd like to hear what kind of FPS people are getting with the detail on LOW (default); it ran @ 50 fps for me, but i dunno if that would be consistent
what is this file? i am missing a dll to play. And mmf2 can't load it.
couldn't do it. so I guess I'll forfeit this round. and seeing as I am already penalized for having entered late, I'm out? oh well... good luck to all others.
Profile edited as it messed the layout of the site up.
yeah and I just so happened to dig up the exact "chainsaw ripping off your head" sound from resident evil 4, but I was too lazy to animate the blood & gore... or anything else.
But the AI is fairly good, he'll hear you walking around if you run, and can't find you as easy if you hide with the flashlight off, and sneaks up behind you very very slowly if you stand still
looks neat! But using functions that center the mouse on the screen are extremely annoying; I got my mouse stuck so I had to alt-f4 it the first few times. It might be better to just detect the relative mouse position each frame instead of repositioning it...
Here is from me and sheriff. Hope u like it.
I didn't know what cameo means... and now it's a bit too late to do anything so... hf anyway.
Shift is the big bigie cannon use it wisely.
Oh and thanks for the comments. From me and sheriff.
The ships were actually meant to be skinny...
Adds a bit of realism to the ship design, and a different style of gameplay.
Damn! I tried the hardest I could but I still couldn't finish it!
And I just realised I forgot to include the controls!
up+ctrl - shuriken
down in mid-air - stab
You can cling to the wall by pressing against it an holding shift mid-air. From there you can walljump by pressing the opposite direction.
The Aim of this game(?) is to destroy all shadow-creatures. Then exit right. Or exit right before destroying them but that wouldn't be too fun now would it?
Graphics/Coding/Inability to finish on time, Fredrik Jardsell.
Originally Posted by Eternal Entertainment Damn! I tried the hardest I could but I still couldn't finish it!
And I just realised I forgot to include the controls!
up+ctrl - shuriken
down in mid-air - stab
You can cling to the wall by pressing against it an holding shift mid-air. From there you can walljump by pressing the opposite direction.
The Aim of this game(?) is to destroy all shadow-creatures. Then exit right. Or exit right before destroying them but that wouldn't be too fun now would it?
Graphics/Coding/Inability to finish on time, Fredrik Jardsell.
hrmmm uh when I click on the new game button, it brings up a quote about a wilted flower, then a few seconds later the game restarts to the intro. Can't play it at all
Yeah the level jump events in the KnP style architecture have always been fuzzy, on every single product afaik; if you delete a frame it might change all the pointers to the same # frames, instead of moving them back one, etc.
is there only one level? cause the game just ends after you walk off the right screen through that tunnel, which i assume would take you to another area. more frame inconsistencies?
Eh, hehe... I didn't really have time to make that much... The second area was the frame I deleted due to it being a buggy mess. So, yeah , the one frame is the only thing as of yet!
But I like it so I think I'm gonna continue it!
Thank you, thank you! Yup, the ninja is FAST, I'm going to make him more controllable in the future though. A problem one always encounter when making a game is that YOU become a god with the control when everyone else might have problems with it. Programmer's blindness?
I like it really much even though it's short and quite chaotic. Hopefully I can carry it over to the next round and make it ever so good!
i had to say something since i read it how you typed it and i read all the posts back to your last one and couldnt figure out what the hell you were talking about until i considered the absent comma as a possible error. then it made clear sense.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
10th August, 2008 at 08:20:40 -
How do you make that kitty face? :2
Okay round one is over, judgment day is here. I have like 25 something mails in my box, and this topic needs to be divided into chapters.
You'll get your scores sooner than later, no less than a couple days (two). Pairings will be right after that.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
10th August, 2008 at 08:56:10 -
Okay I did half the judging already, here's the scores!
Submitted (still working on scores):
Don Luciano & The Sheriff
Richard. L
Eternal Entertainment
-Nick- (reduction in points, penalty for joining late)
Mark Radon & BeamSplashX
Jon & George Lambert (same person)
Random Cecil
Martin Bodger
Leighton James
No Submittions:
0- Flava
0- Bad Panda
0- Logiq
0- Wiiman
0- xrat
0- sketchy
0- Pisarz Ksiazkowicz
0- Nikodemus
0- Ken McCarthy
0- Sketchy
0- Xavi
0- .hox:. (reduction in points, penalty for joining late (though a fraction of 0 is nothing)
0- Mr JackFaise
If you sent your game and I have your name on the bottom list, then quickly DC mail me so that I can get that sorted out for you. Though you took a loss for not submitting a game, it doesn't mean you can't come back in next round and sweep the board! Thanks for your patience guys.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Originally Posted by chrilley Who's this "Chillery " guy on that list?
He he, I hope he means you. Anything else would be a chilling experience! You could even say it sends chills down my spine not knowing. Or you could even say I had chilli for lunch! No, scratch that...
Sorry, i should have been clearer - i also mean't future deadlines as well as the first deadline. I was hoping it was an American midnight, giving us Brits and Europeans a few hours extra! lol
Please don't tell me it will impact the people who finished their game. -_- I hate it when this kind of stuff happens. And it's almost never in your own favor.
I'm getting ahead of myself. What do you mean?
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
11th August, 2008 at 02:04:16 -
It'll do nothing to the scores except display them differently.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
8 of 23? Guys, chill out. Give Peblo some breathing room. You won't die if you have to wait a few days.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
11th August, 2008 at 04:11:39 -
Truth be told I don't really care when you guys want the scores posted. They will be done in the next couple of days, and there's really nothing you can do to speed up the process. You guys are free to complain though!
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
I feel bad for the judges hey. They do probably almost as much work as those submitting the games, and don't have a chance to win anything. Does round 2 have an official starting date? Or just whenever you finish scoring round one?
Judges are like referees in football - they play a huge role but isn't it so much more fun to be playing rather than refereeing?? Respect to ref's though; i wouldn't wanna do it!
Yea, I usually try not to change it too often, but I just had to put up the accordion animation. I'll probably alternate between the LCBS logo and these types of things.
Once I get an inspiration for an avatar I'll just change it.
I'm thinking about making another platformer next round called Pink Fro Ninja. Thats why I was wondering about the double jump, the water, and wall jumping.
Edit: Ok, this one is for all you hardcore gamers out there, and NOT for the faint of heart!
Note: This is NOT the same as my entry for the compo. Same game yes, same version no. This is the deluxe version for those who dare and has nothing to do with my contending in the compo...
I present to you...
So if I understand this correctly- everyone from the first round will be able to participate in the next round, since you get 2 losses before you are eliminated, right? I can see this taking quite some time to finish 0_o
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Originally Posted by Bricnic So if I understand this correctly- everyone from the first round will be able to participate in the next round, since you get 2 losses before you are eliminated, right? I can see this taking quite some time to finish 0_o
Alot of people didn't make anything or dropped out. I have a feeling that may happen again in the future.
I forfeited the first round, but i'd still like to enter the next round if permitted. I'll probably make a suitable game either way, just for a challenge - it's not like I ever had any expectation of actually winning the comp. If my partner is worried I won't contribute, then they can always just "duel" me anyway.
It might be worth checking how many of the other dropouts are seriously intending on making a game this round, before matching partners.
Hahah, i just wanna see how this competition turns out.
If it goes well, it should become a tradition for TDC. Were once a year, a tournament is held and the winner can get a kool re-vamped GOTW image, mabey like have it animated so it looks like it shines.
that would be kool
Your just jealous that you're not as awesome as me.
(And my megaman avatar )
Wait, Hwat? I could just not make a game each round and I'd still get through? >.<
BTW, we need to start a "tourney 2" thread or something because the computer freezes when it loads the review of the entire thread on the reply screen.
Why would you get through the whole tournament by doing that OldManClayton? You get a loss after each time you don't submit a game, which means you're out on your second round with that tactic.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
12th August, 2008 at 21:07:36 -
There's a couple games left to judge, but I'll have everything up tonight (tomorrow at 3am more like it) when I get off work.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
13th August, 2008 at 20:28:55 -
By the way, 23 games, 1/2 hour each is just over 12 hours of work judging. Just so you guys don't think I'm just putting off judging. I work 70+ hours each week too so there's not much time.
I forgot by now which game belongs to who, so here's a bunch of txt files and you can find your score. In the event of a tie, DC mail me and we will set up a quick tiebreaker.
A note on the judging- First off, I'm a strict judge. Second, some people scored higher in areas that had a low score potential, instead of areas that allowed for high scoring. Cameo's hit a few games hard. Finishing a game might increase your score doublefold. Last, this doesn't make your game bad if you got a low score, it might just mean you focused on the wrong qualities. DC mail me if you think a score is unfair or wrong or if I missed something and we can discuss it.
I tried this game for the entire 30 minutes I allotted myself for each game and I still couldn't pass the first level. I can't tell if the game is too hard or if I just suck at it.
lol peblo its so hard because its the only level
Originally Posted by RickyG
Sure just like you can steal tic tacs from a 7-11. No one will catch you, except for God.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
14th August, 2008 at 07:47:04 -
Pairings up in a second.
Flava - 0
chrilley - 53/100
Chrilley wins!
Richard. L - 64
Bad Panda - 0
Richard L wins!
Borgi - 70
Eternal Entertainment - 60
Borgi wins!
OldManClayton - 46
Logiq - 0
OldManClayton wins!
-Codemonkey- - 43
Pixelthief - 0
-COdemonkey- wins!
Jon222 - 42
Bibin - 55
Bibin Wins!
Bricnic - 62
Sketchy - 0
Brinic wins!
-Nick- - 54
Hempuli - 66
Hempuli wins!
Jon & George Lambert - 21
Xavi - 0
Jon & George Lambert wins!
Fish20- 44
MitchHM - 68
MitchHM wins!
Cocodrilo - 15
Random Cecil - 50
Random Cecil wins!
AndyUK - 53
.hox:. - 0
AndyUK wins!
Leighton James - 39
_Raven_ - o
Leighton James wins!
falkon - 39
Ken McCarthy - 0
falkon wins!
Don Luciano & The Sheriff - 63
Mark Radon & BeamSplashX - 53
Martin Bodger & xrat - 22
Don Luciano & The Sheriff win!
chrilley 1-0
Richard L 1-0
Borgi 1-0
OldManClayton 1-0
-COdemonkey- 1-0
Bibin 1-0
Brinic 1-0
Hempuli 1-0
Jon & George Lambert 1-0
MitchHM 1-0
Random Cecil 1-0
AndyUK 1-0
Leighton James 1-0
falkon 1-0
Don Luciano 1-0
The Sheriff 1-0
Eternal Entertainment 0-1
Pixelthief 0-1
BeamSplashX 0-1
Jon222 0-1
-Nick- 0-1
xrat 0-1
Martin Bodger 0-1
Cocodrilo 0-1
Mark Radon 0-1
Fish20 0-1
Flava 0-1
Bad Panda 0-1
Logiq 0-1
Wiiman 0-1
sketchy 0-1
Pisarz Ksiazkowicz 0-1
Nikodemus 0-1
Ken McCarthy 0-1
Sketchy 0-1
Xavi 0-1
.hox:. 0-1
Mr JackFaise 0-1
MacAdaM 0-1
(autoloss for late join)
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
14th August, 2008 at 08:16:12 -
Chapter 2
This is the last round anyone can join late, and even then, you'll get an automatic loss. So if you want to participate then you might want to do it now.
Hempuli vs. MitchHM
Richard L vs. Don Luciano
falkon vs. Jon & George Lambert
Leighton James vs. Brinic
AndyUK vs. Bibin
The Sheriff vs. Borgi
Random Cecil vs. -Codemonkey-
chrilley vs. OldManClayton
xrat vs. Fish20
Jon222 vs. Martin Bodger
BeamSplashX vs. Cocodrilo
Pixelthief vs. Mark Radon
-Nick- vs. Eternal Entertainment
Flava vs.Sketchy
MacAdaM vs. Bad Panda
Logiq vs. Wiiman
.hox:. vs. Nikodemus
Pisarz Ksiazkowicz vs. Xavi
sketchy vs. Ken McCarthy
Mr JackFaise vs. no one atm (any upcoming challengers)/free win
Theme: The Arts
-5 Appeal
-5 Gameplay
+15 Sound
+5 Graphics
+5 Technical
+15 Ripped
*If you used any music/graphics/code besides your own, you'll recieve a reduction in points here. If you use all of your own stuff, you will recieve 15 points.
Aug 23rd, 11:59GMT
Edited by the Author.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Yo Peblo. Maybe you can up the 5 mb size limit a bit for this one? With Sound being important here, I really want to use alot of .wav's and .mp3's and that's gonne get it over 5 mb very quickly!
normally I'd say just compress your files into .ogg or use simpler midis instead of mp3's, but as art/music is the theme to the compo I'd have to agree that you should raise the 5 mb limit. I'm going to use ripped music either way
Agreed with the filesize rule change, 10mb or so would be nice Also would it be possible to put everyone on an (optional) mailing list, so we can know when each round is starting / ending / finished judging etc, instead of having to wade through this thread?
Oh and also- how are you going to know if we have plagiarised code, especially since you won't be looking at the source file? Even GFX will be hard to check. Are we supposed to give some sort of disclaimer? Do library gfx count as ripped?
So, team up is still allowed now? If so, wanna co-operate BeamSplashX ?
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
14th August, 2008 at 11:26:13 -
Yeah, I forgot about that rule. Raising the limit up to 20mb. Get a good host because if it takes me more than 20 min to download I won't get your game.
I can't really tell if you copy code, but I can tell if your coding level makes suspicious jumps. I have a slight idea of what everyone's abilities are from round one. You can rip music/graphics/code and turn yourself in though if you want. Maybe some people will be honest!
Yeah there's still teams.
Oh and sometimes the compo is updated on the front page, but if it isn't this time then we can start a mailing list.
Edited by the Author.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Making users trudge through pages of a topic is actually the worst idea ever. It took me ages to find the page with the results in, and there wasn't even a news post saying the results were in! I could've waited a month and missed the next deadline. Most people will not even know they are teamed up with anyone anymore and most people won't know their results.
Well Crapola, Splotches! fits this theme much better. Darg. I doubt I'd get enough points if I kept working on it instead of starting a new one. Now I must DC Mail Chrilley to see what he wants to do.
Really really-- we need to start a new topic or something. It freezes everytime it loads all 49 or 50 or whatever pages when I try to reply.
Just continue work on Splotches! then. There isn't any originality category so you can't lose points like that. Besides, it's likely that you'll get more points this time because the game would be largely enhanced.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
14th August, 2008 at 21:26:56 -
The theme is just a description of the points. It doesn't mean anything. Just do what you normally do, but focus on the areas that have higher scoring potential.
I'll go make a new topic for round 2. This is easily the longest topic on TDC, and it's not good to try to sort through it and find information.
As far as I know, Clickteam is still donating 100$, so there'll be a 1st place of 150$, 2nd place of 100$, and I'm still working on more.
And yeah Adam, I could rig the compo if I wanted but why.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
I know this is dredging up a dead topic, but... Man. These were the days. The days of glory. And of saying embarrassing things near daily on the Internet.