The scene's kinda changed a bit from the good old days. Looks like people are willing to spend a heck lot more time on their games than they used to. I mean, there's a few out there who work on their games for months, even a few that spend some years. And I think some klikers are making games a lot faster now.
Also, we've got HWA. Almost.
CCAs are obsolete now. Haven't seen one in a while
Oh, btw, check out the recent GOTWs for some good games. FIG, ROBMS, also there's Spectrum Spelunker, which is a bit out of the klik community, but it was made in MMF2 and won some cash:
Edited by an Administrator.
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Uh, there's a whole board on the CT forum dedicated to it, I think. You can play around with it, if you have MMF2 If it's the same as what Construct does, it pretty much uses the pixel shaders in your graphics card to make cool special effects. I think My First: Skydiving Academy used it:
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Welcome back, Nash! I still have a few of your games. A Castlevania engine (sinfused, I think?), The 3D dungeon crawler with turn-based fights, and your gameboy game for the TK competition.
Double post, heh. So are custom-coded movements still the l337 thing to do, or has MMF2 improved such that those aren't needed anymore?
I plan to make a quick game just to get my feet wet, but I don't want to use the built-in movements if they are just as crappy as they used to be since K&P.