I'm from Portugal (lovely country, once you get used to it) and I love to create my own games (specially the graphics ).
I was in the programming game about 2 years back but when the website I spent most of the time on and learnt quite a bit died, I stopped and now I have no programming skills whatsoever (and no program to use by the way).
I was wondering what sort of games are easy and good to learn when you have to start from scratch and what programs should I use in this early stage?
I hope I get a warm welcome by this community,
UrbanGames website currently under development.
Current project: N/A
Welcome! We're very glad to have you. Here we mostly use Clickteam's products. http://www.clickteam.com Wonderful programs that let you do everything in one package. They really are the best of all of those types of programs. If you need any help, just ask and we'll see what we can do. Look forward to your creations!
And, it seems to get a bit loopy around here sometimes, pay no heed to it.
Oh, the first type of game you try should probably be a platformer a la Mario, or what we call "bat and ball" a la arkanoid or breakout. Be sure to look through the articles page and clickteam's tutorials!
Welcome to TDC! No skills eh? Well no prob! Buy Multi Media Fusion 2 or The Games Factory 2. By personal EXP they're the best programs I've experienced so far. TGF costs around 60 to 65 U.S. Dollars (I think. ) and MMF2 is twice that, just the program is WAAAAAYYY better. Both products are made by Clickteam in 2006, and before that the programmers used the prequels. There were alot of Communities for Click products, but alot of them are now shut down. TDC is a Click product community, whilst it accepts Non-click product games. Both products we're excellent, but buggy. Visit Clickteam's site here. http://clickteam.com/eng/index.php If you use those, avoid coding for a while until you grab the concept. I'm still edging my way into it.
For an easier way to make these games use Construct. It's free, and much more simple. However It's not as good as either of the two Click products (that's what I think). What kind of game would you make? It's up to you.
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Oh, boy! A new victim user to brainwash make friends with!
You might consider downloading the TGF2 demo oof of Clickteam's website, and if you're looking for something easy to start with, try something like SMB, or an arcade-style game. Personally, I started just making little platformers with simple level design and a few enemies, but the starting point's different for everyone.
(Also, don't worry too much about making friends here. I'm fairly new too, and if you post a project, you're almost guaranteed to have someone looking forward to it. This place is real nice like that. )
Originally Posted by OldManClayton It's actually a relatively supportive atmosphere around here. Now that a few of the old codgers have left. That's a joke, btw.
Originally Posted by OldManClayton It's actually a relatively supportive atmosphere around here. Now that a few of the old codgers have left. That's a joke, btw.
lol old codgers would be... people over 20?
No. People over the date of 6/24/10 12:48 PM. Eastern standard time.
Originally Posted by OldManClayton It's actually a relatively supportive atmosphere around here. Now that a few of the old codgers have left. That's a joke, btw.
lol old codgers would be... people over 20?
That's why it's called a joke. Actually, by "old codgers" I meant a few of the more mean people that no longer visit.