I love Left 4 Dead, and my Steam ID is AsparagusTrevor. Versus mode is brilliant, it brings back memories of playing Aliens vs Predator back in the day. I'm not on much recently though, I got Call of Duty World at War and Fallout 3 for Christmas so I've been spending my unfortunately limited gaming time on those. I'm sure I'll be back on L4D when I'm done with CoD though.
I would be glad to buy this and play with you guys (non perverted) in fact i love FPS's and love zombies even more.
but first i have some questions about it
Is there any strategy involved, like blockading doors and forcing the Zombies to come in just one way, (bottleneck them)
Are they conventional zombies, like a head shot kills them in one hit. or are they different.
Also i wont be able to play online until i figure out a way to make my wireless internet to not go dead on me ( im on the opposite side of the house from the router im trying to get it moved.)
Originally Posted by RickyG
Sure just like you can steal tic tacs from a 7-11. No one will catch you, except for God.
Originally Posted by falkon I would be glad to buy this and play with you guys (non perverted) in fact i love FPS's and love zombies even more.
but first i have some questions about it
Is there any strategy involved, like blockading doors and forcing the Zombies to come in just one way, (bottleneck them)
Are they conventional zombies, like a head shot kills them in one hit. or are they different.
Also i wont be able to play online until i figure out a way to make my wireless internet to not go dead on me ( im on the opposite side of the house from the router im trying to get it moved.)
The strategy involved is helping teammates out. There's four of you humans, and you have to stick together to survive. If a teammate gets incapacitated then another teammember has to go and help them get back in play. If you're on the zombie side, there's the strategy of overpowering the humans in an effective way so they can't rely on being saved. It's a deep game disguised as a simple premise.
It's quite interesting to learn all the little quirks when you play as the infected. Like catching the last survivor as they all jump down a hole or falling into the elevator just when they thought they were safe to heal.
i play this game more or less every day, which is pretty impressive considering i usually go more for the retro type stuff. oh yeah.... i'm mrpineapple on steam by the way.
Originally Posted by falkon I would be glad to buy this and play with you guys (non perverted) in fact i love FPS's and love zombies even more.
but first i have some questions about it
Is there any strategy involved, like blockading doors and forcing the Zombies to come in just one way, (bottleneck them)
Are they conventional zombies, like a head shot kills them in one hit. or are they different.
Also i wont be able to play online until i figure out a way to make my wireless internet to not go dead on me ( im on the opposite side of the house from the router im trying to get it moved.)
Single heat shots mean instant death, cept for the witch and tank at least. They only unconventional thing about them is some can run. And some people don't like that .
There is strategy but it's mostly shooty shooty die die stuff. Strategy comes from placing explosives before big fights.
I was playing the dead air campaign on expert, it took us 6 hours to get to the last level, then I had to stop because I got tendinitis. This was a couple of days after its release... I still have tendinitis and its effecting my work, and I haven't really got to play any games at all since I got it....
It's those damn dual pistols! You have to rape your mouse when you use them.
(oh, and they have stolen the "hunter" and "smoker" idea from my zombie game, sub-zero condition)
Originally Posted by falkon We tottally owned today guys... Hope to do it again
No, you totally got us owned . Keep away from alarmed cars when we're all on low health! Where you there when we lowered the difficulty? Tough times them. Tough times.
Originally Posted by falkon We tottally owned today guys... Hope to do it again
No, you totally got us owned . Keep away from alarmed cars when we're all on low health! Where you there when we lowered the difficulty? Tough times them. Tough times.
says dr. "i like to shut people out of the safe room when theres hundreds of zombies around"
are we playing versus today?
I played with some yanks and they left me to die after being pounced and biled at the same time.
I had only taken 3 steps from the safe house lol.
And any other time I got knocked down they picked me up than run out without letting me heal, which was pointless since i can't keep up in those conditions leading to another beating and eventually death.
yeah if you have AI or just inexperienced players on your team then your versus game is going nowhere. and there comes a point when you have to leave the person to draw the special infected attacks
I've only been the Tank once and the survivors just ran away
Had much fun being the Boomer and got his achievement no probs! But the rest... How is it even possible to attack 2 people as a Smoker when you get killed for attacking just 1!
I got that score because it was in that area just outside the apartments on the first mission.
I slapped some cars around and in a panic they threw molotovs at me causing a huge fire to burn them all. It was carnage lol.
I haven't played in aaaages. Me and Piney had a public game but some utter n00b didn't like our constant screaming and voted me off. Had to make do with TF2
haha i got voted once or twice before but both times were amusing.
1. Some guy asks for help when i grab him with a smoker, and i say 'no don't help him lol' and i vote votekicked 0_0.
2. Some racist idiot kept calling everyone pakis and foreigners and became my best friend because i'm english too. Then as soon as he wanders off he gets pounced and someone else gets constricted by a smoker leaving me to deal with quite a few infected. He demands instant rescue and screams at me for not being good enough to shoot through a horde and run over to him instantly.
He tried to votekick me but it failed, i called him a nasty name and left anyway.
Seems like we're having one at 11pm GMT tonight. I think there's about 4 of us but it anyone else is up for it we could have our first big TDC versus match
Haha, we sucked on the last two levels of Dead Air tonight though! Good game still. We kicked ass on the first few levels. I hope eventually we can get enough people to play TDC versus.
I only got chance to come online about 2am, my missus was playing Jewel Quest til then, but everyone had gone. I will definitely join you guys again at some point, hopefully soon.
Goodness me, yes it's worth playing peblo. I can't stress that enough. It's even more fun when playing with people you know (as much as you can know someone over the internet)
Originally Posted by Dr. James Still need this big mother fudgin Versus
On Steam and such... Has anyone else here got TF2, HL2: DM and stuff like that?
I got all those, I only really ever played TF2 a decent amount, I used to play it a lot when it first came out. I lost interest in it though, the other players always seemed to be elitist wanker arseholes.
Good game on Saturday (or technically Sunday morning) by the way, Andy.
Apparently getting knocked down inside the helicopter at the end of No Mercy counts as a death (Isn't that right James? ¬_¬).
How we got to the end, I'll never know.
Yeah we kinda ruined it for ourselves lol. As I recall we waited so long for you to get into the safe room I took it upon myself to kill you to get the game moving (also for a laugh).
But everyone took that as a cue to suicide.
Anyone having trouble with L4D today? I've been logged into Steam all day and it's been trying to update L4D the whole time, but never actually starting. This means I can't even play L4D. Anyone having this trouble or just me? I've tried Verifying Game Cache, didn't work.
Well mine is still knackered and it's pissing me off now. I wouldn't mind if it'd let me run the damn game.
PS: Got your invite guys, can't play yet though. It seems to be actually updating now, slowly, after I switched languages to French (having tried everything else). Of course, it sounds like such an obvious fix, why didn't I think of it before?!? Might be able to join in later if it finished updating at a reasonable time. If not, I'll have to join in tomorrow if you guys are around.
EDIT: Doesn't look like it'll be sorted for tonight. It's reset downloading about 3 times now, goes back to zero every time. Highest it got to was 76%. Now it's just stuck on "Download Starting" again. Piece of crap.
Especially for me since I was about 2' away from getting 2 achievements! If only I set off for the 'copter sooner
Another game tonight? Getting back into the swing of this.
Originally Posted by Dr. James My UT2004 was doing that earlier. Maybe somethings up on their end? it's not fun downloading the 6gb UT2004 3-4 times in a day
Yeah, there must be a Steam problem or something cos I checked the forums and other people are having the same problem with other games. It's still happening to me, the update never finishes and goes back to 0% or just sticks on "Download Starting". I even tried reinstalling the game. I'm massively pissed off, it's the only damn Steam game I wanna play and I haven't been able to for two days.
EDIT: I've got it working now, had to delete L4D and re-download it all, took a good couple of hours but it's working now.
I've been thinking of picking this game up. I'm in the States though, so will lag be an issue?
Also, how does this game play? I know its a FPS, so it uses the mouse and probably WASD. And I know the premise is that you work together and kill zombies as you work towards a helicopter. But what about health and death? Is it possible to become infected?
Oh, and I don't have a Steam account. Anyone know if they have a refund policy?
Lag might be an issue if you want to play with us bunch. Seems to affect Falkon anyways.
There are 4 campaigns, each one split into 5 levels (including the finale where you defend one position for 10 minutes or so). You definitely need to work together (or if you're me make a run for the level end when in sight ). Health is replenished through healthpacks you carry and pills that give a health boost for a bit. You don't become infected in Campaign mode.
You can play as the zombies in Versus mode which is hella awesome. This supports up to 8 players, 4 on each team. Versus games last 2x as long since it alternates playing as human and zombies. Zombies are fun. L4D told me this.
ive played with a bunch of Americans that added me to their steam friends a few times and it's usually playable but then again i do have a fairly good internet connection when it wants to be.
Originally Posted by Dr. James Brilliant game that! Need moar versus, and such.
Yeah I had a lot of fun with that last night. Shame we lost a couple of people along the way and ended up with some dumb bots but it was still a good laugh. I always like playing versus, it's a nice change to play as infected.
yeah it's much better playing with friends rather than randoms.
I seem to get an unusually high amount of votekicks on random versus games. Either because i didn't follow some arrogant dick's orders to the letter or because i can't snipe off a hunter from 200 feet away whilst i'm reloading my autoshotty and in the middle of a mob rush.
Yea there was one guy last night on the finale (when I was an Infected), kept telling us to back off and let the smoker take the first person off the ladders. Only the smoker didn't get it and he went and shot me to shit! Meh. Think the only players I'll listen to are friends and people who sing.
Originally Posted by James May So, any other TDCers running around the PC version of this game? If so spit out your steam ID so we can all play kill the zombies together.
How often do you guys play? L4D is 50% this weekend. Any hesitation to pay $50 USD is absolved, I just need to know if I'll actually be playing it regularly.
Actually I bought it for my girlfriend for Valentines (go figure ), £30 in store! Thought it was a little steep. After she installed it and everything Steam went to the front page and BAM. 50% off. Nevermind
Think we might have another regular. Friend of mine, Tom, (who does a bit of writing for my games and co-produced Jetball) has just got the game so looks like we might be able to have more full versus matches in the future
No offence, but I've never understood the voicespam thing. Does it not hinder your teammates who wanna know for real when a hunter or a boomer or whatever is around?
So, I managed to get "Lamb 2 Slaughter" achievement today. You know, the one where you have to incap a survivor who's entered and left a saferoom. Bearing in mind I was playing single player campaign, not versus mode, not as a zombie! I noticed a few of you guys have unlocked this recently too. Did you get it for no reason too? Has the latest update caused a weird new bug?
I got mine ages ago in an actual versus game. However after the new update and during a random versus match the game did tell me i had unlocked something i already have unlocked. Which made me think my achievements had been reset. But they seem to be the same.
Had an epic moment shutting someone out of the safe room door the other night it even pushed him to the floor below (the train safe room bit, you know the one).
Oh and Steam now only connects to whitelisted L4D servers so if it's unplayable, well, you're fudged for a bit until more servers get whitelisted. It's also causing people to connect to servers in Antarctica and the moon so high pings are getting more common. Think the people I've seen in days with a ping under 30 have been nutters hosting local games.
Just so y'awl know.
They didn't thrash us that badly, they only won by one figure...
We need more practice in versus mode I reckon, or we need to find shitter people to play against.
Dustin Gunn Gnarly Tubular Way Cool Awesome Groovy Mondo
Registered 15/12/2004
Points 2659
28th March, 2009 at 09:41:33 -
Originally Posted by AsparagusTrevor So, I managed to get "Lamb 2 Slaughter" achievement today. You know, the one where you have to incap a survivor who's entered and left a saferoom. Bearing in mind I was playing single player campaign, not versus mode, not as a zombie! I noticed a few of you guys have unlocked this recently too. Did you get it for no reason too? Has the latest update caused a weird new bug?
I got it months ago, and now I get it every other time I start the game. I also constantly get the infection one, every time I get boomered.
Last nights was actually quite good. Did me some rofling at times. That poor random guy (he was random right?) being abused by Andy, me and Phizzy surprised he didn't leave.
Also: epic rock funtimes. I hid out on the corner rock on the Death Toll finale. Everyone else was dead. The 2nd zombie rush was made up of 3 zombies and 2 smokers. A tank appeared (music started) but faded out and the boat turned up . but set fire the petrol canister on the pier and didn't think the fire would reach me. I died
I tried checking my achievements earlier but they weren't loading up, I think I still had them but the page itself wouldn't open. I don't think I got any achievements though, kept saying my team members were.
Well that was the best bug ever.
Tank didn't appear on a versus finale so the game had to keep going until the enemy team died, and they were rate good too
thats because it cancels the bile if they melee you, even if it's just actually got them. Ive seen people go orange then suddenly go green again after the boomer was melee'd.
It still works. Tanks can't climb up it and they just get stuck. Last night I had to finish one off with pistols whilst Phizzy went back to the house. Took bloody ages.
The BBFC have classified the Game of the Year edition of L4D. Isn't that the game with the extra content that's coming? If it's been classified now, and they have to submit the whole finished thing, surely it shouldn't be long before we get the new content on Steam!
Its out April 21st! Yea it's already done and dusted but they're releasing it on disc at the same time so they have to wait a few weeks for it all to be evaluated.
But the L4D SDK isn't out yet which is why we haven't been seeing custom maps? I don't really follow that too much
Hope somebody ports over HL2 and TF2 maps.
I get the fade to black and the super awesome grayscale mode but that's pretty much it. On my settings I don't even see the city on the horizon on Death Toll's finale! Have to set it all to Low on my iMac, my Macbook can run it on high but... it's a laptop.
We did go a bit crazy with them that time. I think it's gotten to the point we expect to get through about 6 different players per campaign due to rage quitting.
Them new voice binds are to die for.
That mystery bloke was a mystery. Just a random who happened to be just like us but that was a really good game, the 2nd was ace too. Kinda gave up though and ran ahead a lot. And died a lot.
Done some more bindings now. But does L4D let you bind more than 2 actions to 1 key? I've added a bunch of character specific ones but it only seems to run the first 2 actions.
It runs really well on my 3 year old computer (2ghz C2D, x1600) on lowest settings. Could go higher but I prefer a constant smooth FPS rate. Theres a demo you should try or not, you might get hella addicted.
that blows because my laptop is 5 years old. i got it to run oblivion before, but that was with having tons of memory left over and my comp doesnt work that well anymore.
either way, where can i download this demo, i couldnt figure it out. it never hurts to try.
If you can run Oblivion, you shouldn't have a problem with Left 4 Dead - the Source engine is very adaptive, and the rule of thumb amongst players seems to be that L4D can tone right down to running comfortably off Counter Strike: Source specs, which is years old.
Update out tomorrow! Hoping they add some new achievements (like they add to all their major updates) for this new mode. Apparently it has leaderboards too
But... When did Highscores get renamed to Leaderboards?
Balls! My computers HDD is effed in the A so I gotta wait for my backups to finish (2 hours on a gigabit connection ). I've heard from the 360 guys that its awesome.
Needs more servers that don't kick us. I think we're gonna have to properly get on the comms rather than/aswell as just spamming voice commands if we're gonna survive lol
People leave on a whim. It's most annoying when someone ragequits after being incapacitated once. But at least someone else almost always replaces them straight away.
I thought they might do another half-price weekend with the DLC coming this week. But instead, they've got the Orange Box for £5.66. Can't believe it, major bargain!
Check your L4D stats :| Valve went and made them all fancy looking and it displays more detailed stuff. My total playtime is 144 hours! With a 96% accuracy on the Assault Rifle.
My stats are messed up; it's giving me a total time of 14 hours odd, despite it being recorded by Steam as an average of 22.7 hours every two weeks. Everything seems quite low, in fact, and the zombie kill count is higher on the actual game than it is on the steam stats. Not sure it's a very accurate service.
Yeah, I noticed they're not entirely accurate when I saw the amount of zombies I've killed doesn't match up to the amount counted on the Zombie Genocide achievement, by a huge number. Strange.
Originally Posted by Dr. James Infected and human getting alone. Don't know if I'll be on tonight again. Bioshock is still downloading D: Steam says 10 hours left but we'll see.
And L4Ds gonna be flooded with n00bs (no offence Cecil ) with that sale. The same thing happened with TF2 whenever they had a sale or free weekend.
The 24 hour freeplay scheme was brilliant, because it brought lots of new players who had never even heard of a boomer, let alone what to do when a smoker tongues a friend of yours. Which is what Left 4 Dead's all about, really - that panic of venturing into the unknown. All too soon the game becomes familiar, and you get people concentrating on 'succeeding', being overly professional, complaining when someone makes a mistake (mistakes are where L4D becomes the most fun!) and thoroughly missing the point. The people I play wiuth from here are quite refreshing, in that they don't seem to take the game too seriously. Although, the compulsive spamming of voice commands is enough to give a boulder a headache(James and Andy, I'm looking at you!).
Sounds like Pineapple isn't trying hard enough with his spammings then
Even my sister got into L4D from the free demo. Which is kinda ace considering its the first FPS she's played. Didn't do too badly either but her own PC can't run it.
New guys are fun on versus. We had a game last night where our opponents were playing way too seriously and votekicked anyone who slightly let them down. We won in the end since we were the only team to actually complete a level.
4 Versus matches... One after the other... Never again
That was pretty ace though just annoyed that I can't connect to my FTP server and upload some of these pics.
Those 3 AI teammates of mine made my temples throb with rage. They may be able to aim, but they somehow manage to even fall down cracks in the pavement...
Good work with running from my tank tonight, Andy. You swine!
friday is when the technician is coming to fix my damn internet connection problem. which intermitantly goes away. hopefully it wont be acting up then.
5pm EST. Should work out well enough for me. No raids scheduled for friday, and raids are normally scheduled for 8pm anyways. Either way, I should be able to make it.
Have you got room for two more tonight? I've pledged to play a few L4D games with Graham Linehan (Father Ted, IT Crowd, first series of Black Books, etc etc) tonight and as you're an alright group to play with, ideally we'll join you lot. Obviously I refuse to be on the same team as Dr. 'Olympic sprinter' James...
I'll be giving this week and next a miss, going on holiday for a week and I'll be getting a stupidly early night tonight so I can get up at 5am tomorrow and then drive for 7 hours. Should be fun.
I just started playing this. Damn, it's addictive. No more DoTA LAN parties.. just L4D from now on
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
lol whatever day that was when i was on last was hilarious. "whos the tank?... why hasnt it spawned?... i can hear the tank music where is it?... its broken! ;__ ;"
i was the tank and it wouldnt fricken spawn me. "you will now become the tank." and i immediately spawn a boomer...3 times in a row .
It happened once before, only that time we were against some really good players so it could have gone on indefinitely . Only ever seen that bug on Blood Harvest's finale.
everyone was expecting portal 2 and they announced l4d2. they showed us all the new characters. the new setting. the timeline. the new maps. some new weapons. the included modes. some awesome cg. some gameplay footage. what makes you think theyre a year and a half away from releasing? valve-time joke aside.
I think it's worth joining in on becauuuuse, and hears me out on this one, Valve are known to be OMGAWESOMES to the community. The Orange Box came out almost 2 years ago and contained HL2, ep1, ep2, Portal and TF2 for £27. They have given us soooo much content for TF2 its untrue. I can't even remember how many class updates we've had and totally needless "meet the" videos that preach to the crowd rather than advertise a game.
I firmly believe that if there's some kind of protest against the shenanigans then the dedicated community that Valve has built up over the years will be a weapon against them, and they will do something about the situation. Maybe it'll be in the form of L4D2 costing a lot less at launch, or a price cut for people who already own L4D1. Maybe they will release the L4D2 platform for free which works with previous L4D1 campaigns (with no enhancements), but the campaigns will be paid for, so servers and new mod content will be playable to people who only bought L4D1.
I don't get what the issue is. It's a sequel a year on, from a company that is well-known for coding loads and loads of free updates to their games (eg Team Fortress 2 on PC) without financial gain. This boycott smacks of consumers insisting they have this special treatment on every occasion from a company that's taken more effort to connect with their fanbase than pretty much every other company out there. So they're doing something different with the L4D franchise? That's their right, there's been enough difference between 1 and 2 to justify a new title. I reckon Valve's good service over the years has built a certain level of expectation in their fans, which in some turns to feelings of entitlement.
I don't get what all the fuss is over, either. Valve fans getting upset that they're releasing a sequel after a year? Are we just going to forget about Half-Life 2?
I think the fuss is over poor value for money. I guess most people (myself included) expected some extra official campaigns for l4d some time in the future instead of having to pay for an entirely new game. It doesn't matter if Valve usually offer better value. Actually if anything that only highlights what poor value we've gotten for l4d in terms of game content.
I see these anti L4D2 movements around, and I think people should wait for when the game is actually released before judging it.
Doug Lombardi, RPS interview
(...) trust us a little bit. We’ve been pretty good over the years, even with L4D going back just a few months, about supporting games post-launch. Gabe’s always talking about providing entertainment as a service – it’s not about making a game any more. That’s one point of it.
Yeah that is a good point actually. I too have played this loads. Almost consistently since Christmas day actually. In fact no even before then, since I was cheeky and downloaded a cracked version before that.
Don't tell Gabe!
I think I've put in 200 hours or so play now. But what I'm worried about with L4D2 is that everyone will suddenly stop playing these classic campaigns and move onto the new ones. I just hope they bring in the original campaigns to L4D2 so the current servers won't just empty out.
Some very awesome map guys remaking RE3 into a L4D campaign. I hope that once L4D2 is out map makers still build L4D1 campaigns.
And sorry I had to drop out last night. Had a busy phonecall to attend tooooooo.
You were replaced with the worst player we've ever had on our team. He was new though so we were gentle with him. We got to the boat at the end but I made the mistake of trying to get on the boat before the game was ready and it pushed me aside, and eventually into the water. Giving that stupid Tank time to pwn us all.
Still we managed to get a 'return to lobby' vote before the game ended.
What! Tanks are the best especially when other special infected all attack at the same time. Theres nothing more satisfying than smashing props around and knocking them all out .
It wasn't just you Adam I think on every bloody round some Tank got me. All except the first... Good fun though!
Very well. It seems that next week we'll have the ability to play custom campaigns so replayability is about to go through the roof (as if it hadn't already).
Speaking of which - big Friday game tomorrow night. I might be a bit late for it (picking up an immigrant from the airport) but I'll be on later. Should try and get that big fabled 8 player clickers Versus going soon.
Hey has anyone tried new campaigns yet? We should all find a good one and master it before everyone else so we can go around hardcore pwning them and making them ragequit.
Also that Pepper bloke is kind of a klikker too so we can probably get an 8 player going now. Or just use 8 friends instead.
On another note that game was ace last night. Me and Phizzy outran a Tank on Blood Harvest's 2nd map, chased us to the saferoom and I let it in. It chased me, got stuck crawling which gave me time to escape and then lock the door .
But now we have more frequent players we should really get back into versus matches. I reckon.
That was the most insane mess of a game of L4D ive ever taken part in. Not only did i have to take care of Ryan whilst James and Phizzy dashed to the exit setting off every alarm possible. I also had to deal with every horde and every Tank you guys ran past.
I mean i could have just follow you guys to the exit, but then Ryan would have lasted about 10 seconds.
Defo! I built a Crysis capable PC recently for £500, would have been less without needless things like BluRay, stupid amount of ram etc. Capable PC's don't need to cost much anymore. That's probably thanks to the recession and some good optimisation.
Well the only computer I have now has an integrated graphics solution. It will run certain 3D applications but Portal was too shakey to play and Telltale games' games barely scrape by. I may have to build myself a big rig sometime soon, because I've always wanted to make one out of NEW parts and not PII-era parts.
well i recently built myself a new PC from new parts and i have to admit its very satisfying to know i can run anything. i still havnt gotten round to getting my new graphics card though.
The L4D2 demo is available to preload now! Only a few days off release. It may be a demo but its the whole "The Parish" campaign! No versus though... Booooo.
Was reading the required specs and it doesn't seem to want Pixel Shader 3.0 (2.0 will do). So I guess it has the same requirements as the first game after all.
Originally Posted by Dr. James The L4D2 demo is available to preload now! Only a few days off release. It may be a demo but its the whole "The Parish" campaign! No versus though... Booooo.
Was reading the required specs and it doesn't seem to want Pixel Shader 3.0 (2.0 will do). So I guess it has the same requirements as the first game after all.
i HAVE it preordered. i think i just misread james' post. you can start downloading content (awkwardly named 'view preload info' when you right click the uninstalled demo) so its ready to play WHEN the demo is released. which should be sometime today
I preloaded as soon as it was available and told myself a false release date (a couple of days late) so I wouldn't get all excited the day before launch . Yea it's only a demo but I bloody love the original!
I just hope some team of ace modders update the original L4D1 maps for 2. That would be so very epic.
Demo= wow. Totally different feel to L4D1 as well. I was worried it would be L4D1 but better so the L4D1 servers would dry up. But it's not like that at all, it's more complex, there's loads going on but theres still a place for the first game!
Cannot wait for the full game!
Had an epic moment last night. Everyone was laying into the tank and I was on full health, ran right up to it with a frying pan and BAM! Killed it .
+ Hordes don't come from a specific point. Occasionally they will do but they seem to spawn from all directions.
+ Melee weapons replace pistols. You can still use gun and even melee weapons to "push back" as its now called. But they've added the melee timer from Versus and Survivor to campaign too.
+ Injections work great.
+ New music isn't great. Some of it sounds like the original tracks with some random new music on top.
+ New weapons are a good addition. I'm not just sticking to the autoshotty like in the first game. They all seem a lot better balanced. The melee weapons feel really good too.
+ Graphics look better and it all seems more effecient. I can up the settings with no slowdown, plus the base Low settings look better than the Low L4D1 settings. Theres some good use of bloom lighting too.
+ Some of the new special infected don't seem to add much. Mostly the charger and spitter, neither has been a problem. The wandering witch is good though. She doesn't get startled as easily too. I cr0wned her on my first play through .
+ Guns are higher? It's like they come in at the side of the screen now.
so i loved it. yes. but it also killed my graphics cards/drivers/computer. i have no idea what happened but after i quit, i went to go play l4d. and it crashed. couldnt ctrl+alt+dlt or alt+tab or anything. just kept doing a sound repeat like when you change settings. had to hard reboot.
tried again. same. tried l4d2 demo again. crashed, same deal. tried hl2 + eps. all crashed same deal. tried BF2. same deal. really pissed me off!! tried everything. reinstalling drivers. updating drivers. system rollback. nothing.
during one of the crashes i got out of the game into a 4bit desktop with a message saying my "nv4_disp display driver has stopped working normally". whatever the fuk that means. google. google. GOOGLE. every forum/answer i get says its faulty hardware. most likely the PSU (power supply) is failing and losing voltage when i play a game causing memory to corrupt. so i take everything unnecessary out of my pc. only my card and a stick of ram is in there. still crashes. same deal.
uninstall all my drivers once again. find my mobo driver disc and dust it off. install everything on it. install nvidia omega drivers instead.
Originally Posted by cEcil = MC^2 so i loved it. yes. but it also killed my graphics cards/drivers/computer. i have no idea what happened but after i quit, i went to go play l4d. and it crashed. couldnt ctrl+alt+dlt or alt+tab or anything. just kept doing a sound repeat like when you change settings. had to hard reboot.
tried again. same. tried l4d2 demo again. crashed, same deal. tried hl2 + eps. all crashed same deal. tried BF2. same deal. really pissed me off!! tried everything. reinstalling drivers. updating drivers. system rollback. nothing.
during one of the crashes i got out of the game into a 4bit desktop with a message saying my "nv4_disp display driver has stopped working normally". whatever the fuk that means. google. google. GOOGLE. every forum/answer i get says its faulty hardware. most likely the PSU (power supply) is failing and losing voltage when i play a game causing memory to corrupt. so i take everything unnecessary out of my pc. only my card and a stick of ram is in there. still crashes. same deal.
uninstall all my drivers once again. find my mobo driver disc and dust it off. install everything on it. install nvidia omega drivers instead.
now it works. WHAT THE F**K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im scared to play the demo again.
Shit, not that old problem! It's very common, and I used to have this pretty much every game I played for a good couple of years before I finally fluked a fix. I changed the clock speeds of my pre-overclocked card to stock settings and turned the fan up to 100% using RivaTuner. Haven't had the problem since.
thing is, its dual sli cards that have been working for quite awhile now. well over a year. and it baffles me that they just stop working over night. and RIGHT after i play l4d2 demo. never had the problem ever before. i dont think my cards are overclocked but i shall try and configure the clock speeds. ill be using omega drivers from now on. not sure about the fans either. pc was ice cold when shit kept crashing. i have 3 pc fans + 1 on each card stock and at the time had an external fan sucking/blowing air out of my open tower.
im just glad they work atm so i can continue playing. played l4d and the l4d2 demo a bit and it seems to be working fine now. now im just scared it will happend again.
A lot of people have the problem, and different fixes have worked for different people. Have a search on Google and nVidia forums, also the Steam forum has some threads about it too.
P.S. L4D2 demo preload today, you can download the demo ready for when it's released for us non-pre-orderers Nov 3rd.
Only reason I haven't pre-ordered yet is I wanna buy the DVD-ROM version, and I'll probably find it cheaper elsewhere than on Steam like most new games.
You can preorder it from Game and the like, you even get the baseball bat item ingame.
But yea. The L4D king guy has spilled some last minute details, I actually stopped reading after the 2nd point so I'll be going through this with you guys too. The 2nd point alone made me very happy indeed.
The UCI in Hard Rain, the construction workers, are wearing Ear Muffs, and are therefore immune to pipe bombs.
Chet confirmed the Left4Dead maps will be importable into the full game. They may even be available on purchase.
The DLC code included in demo was merely test code left in by one of the Developers. DLCs not being considered yet.
Chet said only 10 Survival Maps will be included at launch, one of these being the playground from Hard Rain.
He also said they may consider releasing Custom Maps and Campaigns, if not at least provide a way of promoting your maps.
He also stated that the original Survivors, Zoey, Bill, Francis and Louis, are neither dead nor undead, but he provided no other details.
Realism Mode Details: As previously speculated RM disables all glowing outlines, requiring players to stick together.
Realism Mode: The Witch is also an Insta-kill, along with the removal of Hero Closets she's something to avoid. Defibs, however are included
Originally Posted by Cecil = MC ^ 2 thing is, its dual sli cards that have been working for quite awhile now. well over a year. and it baffles me that they just stop working over night. and RIGHT after i play l4d2 demo. never had the problem ever before. i dont think my cards are overclocked but i shall try and configure the clock speeds. ill be using omega drivers from now on. not sure about the fans either. pc was ice cold when shit kept crashing. i have 3 pc fans + 1 on each card stock and at the time had an external fan sucking/blowing air out of my open tower.
im just glad they work atm so i can continue playing. played l4d and the l4d2 demo a bit and it seems to be working fine now. now im just scared it will happend again.
Something else I tried which seemed to work when Source games were arsing up, try disabling Multi-core Rendering.
Bloody hell, demo's not out 'til tomorrow for UK. I should've known when it said '3rd Nov' in big letters on Steam, Valve actually meant 'sometime whenever'.
EDIT: Scratch that, it seems to have popped up now, even though timer said 7am 4 Nov, got a pop up saying it's available now. Strange. Won't seem to decrypt files though, won't go past 37%, so it's as good as unavailable.
EDIT 2: Finally got it working, played through the demo. The new gore engine is mental, blowing chunks or gaping holes out of zombies, spilling guts out, it's got some crazy attention to detail. The pipe-bomb explosions are much better than the weedy vaporising effect in L4D, sending bits of bodies flying everywhere. It still manages to run smooth. Apart from that, pretty much more of the same, just improved in most aspects. I like the melee weapons, the machete is pretty good for taking down a horde quickly and bloodily.
Demo is out, just played The Parish campaign. Doesn't seem that different from the first game to me - the melee weapons are cool, but that's not really enough for me to spend £20+ on the game.
why are you complaining about more of the same? thats the whole point. if they changed HOW it played then it wouldnt be l4d. They added to WHAT you play, and thats the point, isnt it. thats what sequel usually IS. MORE of the SAME. 5 new campaigns. 4 new characters. theres 2 new modes? theres like a bunch of uncommon infected. theres like 3 or 4 new special infected. a shitton of melee weapons. incindiary ammo? adrenaline? boomer bile in a jar? shock paddles? oh and not to mention theres like how many new basic weapons and variations of basic weapons? so much more attention to detail. its a totally new ballgame folks. COMPLETELY worth the 40$ or £20+ or whatever you have to pay for it. it was on sale if you prepurchased it on steam too so thats your fault if you have to pay full price now.
the only thing i would say is NOT worth it is if you live in australia. poor f**ks.
My preorder was £26 but yea, compared to what else good quality (and new) games I could buy for that... It's a no brainer (GET IT ZOMBIES NO-BRAINER). I think it sits quite comfortably between more or the same and different game. I mean there's a lot of new gameplay things in there, 5 new campaigns, new modes (scavenge and realism). The demo is kinda poor though in that the maps are waaay too short, but I guess they can't put you in the later maps for a demo.
For me it's worth it. But then again I just bought Rock Band 2, Band in a Box and an extra guitar for £150 so a £20 FPS with more replayability than all the Mario games combined is nothing.
Originally Posted by Cecil = MC ^ 2 why are you complaining about more of the same? thats the whole point. if they changed HOW it played then it wouldnt be l4d. They added to WHAT you play, and thats the point, isnt it. thats what sequel usually IS. MORE of the SAME. 5 new campaigns. 4 new characters. theres 2 new modes? theres like a bunch of uncommon infected. theres like 3 or 4 new special infected. a shitton of melee weapons. incindiary ammo? adrenaline? boomer bile in a jar? shock paddles? oh and not to mention theres like how many new basic weapons and variations of basic weapons? so much more attention to detail. its a totally new ballgame folks. COMPLETELY worth the 40$ or £20+ or whatever you have to pay for it. it was on sale if you prepurchased it on steam too so thats your fault if you have to pay full price now.
the only thing i would say is NOT worth it is if you live in australia. poor f**ks.
I personally would rather save my £20+ for something else, is all I'm saying. There are many things putting me off L4D2 - I don't like the characters as much, and The Parish level isn't as good as any of the original L4D levels in my opinion (excluding Crash Course). I have no doubt that L4D2 is going to be a great game, and will probably be better than the first - but I'll probably wait for the price to drop to below £15 before I buy it. The main reason is that I am at uni and so have no money - I'm still saving up for other games that have been released, so L4D2 isn't really a priority for me at the moment.
wasnt really gettin hot there flava. guess it sounded a bit though.
i think its just a matter of you cant really afford to spend the money on it more than it isnt "worth" the £20+ is all. cause i really doubt anyone will find that it isnt "worth" it.
I suppose the fact people buy Fifa 09, Fifa 10, Fifa 11, or countless other full priced games that are glorified roster updates. Compared to those, L4D2 has plenty new content.
I reckon a lot of the additions of L4D2 would've changed the original game too much if they were added, personally I'd prefer to keep the two separate. To me, the demo felt different enough to be fresh, but similar enough not to alienate fans of the original. Left4Dead+ maybe?
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
5th November, 2009 at 12:30:58 -
I live in Australia lol. Sucks to be me. Time to get my overseas friends to send me a gift copy
Originally Posted by AsparagusTrevor Left4Dead+ maybe?
I think it's more than that. We had a L4D2 game last night and a L4D1 just after, the 2 feel totally different. Maybe its because its a new game but it doesn't have the speed of the first game, there's a lot more time spent selecting weapons and its slower to move through maps. I'll still be playing L4D1 once 2 is out, even if they port the original maps over.
On a side note I wonder if people will port the L4D2 maps to the first game?
I don't know how much of that speed difference is just our own choice of play style in L4D1. Also our teammates in the L4D2 demo yesterday appeared to be new to the whole thing, hence making us all die 10 times lol.
Well L4D2 is out in 12 hours time (for those buying on Steam), shops will be selling it on the 20th.
The excitement!
(well mines crushed because I'm working tomorrow D
That's a photo of some people in some rain being excited for the release.
HOLY HELL there it is in my Steam list. Got a couple of Red Bulls and Coke in the fridge to keep me up through the night. Aw man can't believe its here and sitting on my computer .
Shame there's such bad ping between us European and American players. Someone should totally build a server in the middle of the ocean.
i played through dead center, dark carnival, and the parish. sweat jesus it was awesome. once im done with the campaigns its time for some realism play. cant wait for more!!!
Dead Centre, Dark Carnival (OMFG the finale to this is unfreakinbelivable) and Swamp Fever.
This is such a massive improvement on the original game. Makes L4D1 (and I'm stealing this quote from somewhere) look like a proof of concept.
Ok just finished the last 2 and wow. The backtracking in Hard Rain makes it feel a bit uneventful but holyhellfire the weather. It's mentally beautiful. The Parish's finale is also epicly great. Bloody good game this. Already got 12 achievements without even trying too .
I've never even come close to playing it before, but I'd like to give the second one a shot after reading the posts above. Back when I had time I sank plenty of hours into Team Fortress Classic and UT2003, but that was the last time I got into an online game.
You can turn the gore off, which I think is forced off for Australian and German versions.
Tried playing Scavenge and Versus with randoms last night... yea. Didn't work out too well . The new SI are great though. The spitter pretty much stops camping, so no more corner hiding during a boomer attack. Jockey and Charger are great in the right areas. Flying Tank is impossible to kill
Very good. Very very good. Very very extremely good. Breathed new life into the game I'd gotten bored of a while ago, back loving it like it's all brand new.
Goddamn is it a lot harder though! Took me nearly two hours to finish the first campaign, with three deaths!! I would've finished the whole of L4D1 in that time! Loving the melee weapons, the chainsaw is awesome. Everything is improved, maybe with the exception of the characters who we all loved. Anyway, might take me a few games to get used to it, then I'll be back in the Friday Night gang!
We had to restart so many times during rolling creshendo events and in the finales, and I'm not new to these kind of games. Funnily enough the most tense (IMO) campaign, Hard Rain is a cake walk. It never gets too difficult on that campaign. Even the finale is easy.
The Parish's finale is one of the best moments in gaming ever mygod.
Loved the Dark Carnival finale, and the campaign in general actually. I'm still shit at it though, getting slightly better. Only two of us (CPU players) managed to survive the DC finale, the other two were getting bummed by a Tank as I jumped on the helicopter.
I don't know if it's the unfamiliarity of the levels compared to knowing the L4D1 levels back to front, but the whole thing just seems much more tense, especially the finales.
The finales really are tougher, hordes come from all directions now and they sometimes spawn 2 Tanks at once. Plus you can't camp in corners thanks to the Spitter. Haven't played a campaign yet where everyone survived (which is good, the reason why I run in L4D1 is because the standard game is way too easy).
Yeah, I've just played Hard Rain and died 4 times in the finale, with two Tanks spawning just as the boat arrived, fortunately Nick held them off while the other three of us escaped! I counted 5 Tanks on that finale, but I did discover that Boomer Bile works well on Tanks though, keeps them preoccupied while you can concentrate on escaping.
UPDATE: I finished the rest of the campaigns now. Had a lot of trouble on The Parish finale, took about 6 attempts and a shitload of running with only two of us escaping.
So the L4D2 SDK was released today. Wonder how long it will take to port the L4D1 campaigns into it? The Spitters gonna make No Mercy decent for the infected team, fo sho.
btw. anyone achieve "nothing special" yet? if so what map did you do it on and how exactly did you do it? me and a couple guys have been trying on blood harvest forever. we can get to the finale but the bots always fuck it up. for some reason the cpus spawn out of the closets automatically when the finale starts.
its nigh impossible to have a clickers game spanning 2 continents. when i play with you guys my ping is always like 400 - 600 and it lags too much. we should have "Clickers America" and "Clickers UK"
If you love left 4 dead then you are going to love my game in progress. It is starring Bill and his own unique experiences going through the origanal left 4 dead campaigns! Look it up on projects!!!
l4d2 mutation this week sucks balls. anyone else think so?
all they did was make it realism mode then took away ammo caches.
so theres still defibs, still health kits, still chapter spawns, still weapon caches, etc etc.
and they called it 'iron man'? wtf. easy f**kin sh*t.
they should have made it realism mode. took away ammo caches. made weapons one time use, so once you pick it up its gone (no infinite weapons caches). no chapter spawns (just bring the bodies into the next chapters safe room so you can come back and defib them). and no health kits (maybe the couple throughout the level but none of that 4 kits per safe room sh*t).
worst mutation yet. they better step it up for the final mutation.
Originally Posted by alastair john jack Seems a bit disgusting, don't think I'd enjoy it.
I don't mind the disgusting part, just the dull, unimaginative and somewhat cliche part.
This its the most close minded remark on TDC. Imagination comes with new gameplay ideas such as we have in l4d where you absolutely must work together as a team or else you all die. It is not dull either, the characters are all very entertaining, especially Ellis, I love his Kieth rants.
L4D/L4D2 are not bad games and it can be fun but to be honest it's not my favourite game. It can also be infuriating if your bundled with noobs who go commando and end up dead, noobs that keep using grenade launchers right next to the team or noobs that throw molotovs constantly usually for 1 zombie(usually on my back up route away from a tank).
I only usually play survival now (dont have the time for campaigns these days) and tbh the campaigns are all bit dull to me after a few run throughs, and yes I do know the director changes the odd thing but its not enough to make me keep playing. Perhaps with a decent team it would be fun again.
Originally Posted by nim Almost 7 years later and I still haven't played this game
Might as well wait for probable L4D3 with VR capabilities then
I believe the original game and the sequel both are about 20 bucks off steam. I would've imagined the original one being brought even further down in price, but apparently not.