Posted By
Rikus Administrator
Crazy for NewsRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
8th April, 2009 at 03:36:05 -
So I asked Flava to add another addition to the dc store.
I want folks to be able to buy tags at the dc store. You know the ones you see next to everyones name. Now I already created about 10 or so but I want more I want you to be able to buy the tag that fits you or heck over time you might just want to collect them all.
However tags come with a price they will not be cheap, wich i think will be part of the fun.
Now if you would like to see one of your tags inside the dc store post them here,
here is a example of the size:
16x16 is the largest you can do. And the file has to be png or gif. You can put everyting in there you want, cell phone maybe or a little dog, or a skull matrix, whatever, if it looks cool go for it or sprite one yourself. The tags we select to be included in the store you will get 25 points for each tag that makes into the store that has a different subject to it, feel free to make more if you wish
Ps. Now lets hope Flava can actually code this in but I am sure he will (go flava
Edited by an Administrator
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled PsychoRegistered 08/11/2008
Points 377
8th April, 2009 at 03:41:27 -
Can we get the ones we create for free or half off? :3
An old and washed up once-kid
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 03:45:03 -
can we have a list and image of each one that already exist?
this sounds fun though.
Rikus Administrator
Crazy for NewsRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
8th April, 2009 at 03:47:09 -
Here is a couple:
Edited by an Administrator
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled PsychoRegistered 08/11/2008
Points 377
8th April, 2009 at 03:58:21 -
Awesomesauce. Will make some soon- or whenever.
An old and washed up once-kid
Registered 01/12/2008
Points 188
8th April, 2009 at 04:04:06 -
Oh man- that's totally cool! I'll see if I can make some too!
Will work for pencils and sharpie markers.
Jon Lambert Administrator
Vaporware MasterRegistered 19/12/2004
Points 8235
8th April, 2009 at 04:07:05 -
They are in a 16 x 16 grid with no spaces. In order, the tags would be:
I surrender!
Common User
Uncommon User
Rare User
Super Rare User
The Rarest User of All
It's-a me, Mario!
Sandwich Time!Whoo!
JoyCheck & KeyCheck Widgets
For easy implementation of customizable joystick and keyboard controls.
Rikus Administrator
Crazy for NewsRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
8th April, 2009 at 04:27:08 -
There we go! Jon just dared everyone to create some tags! Well done Jon!
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 04:48:16 -
so far
cardboard box
private first class
lance corporal
Rikus Administrator
Crazy for NewsRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
8th April, 2009 at 04:51:04 -
For some reason I really love the box! I would pay good dc points for that
Zombie is cool to
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
8th April, 2009 at 04:55:09 -
-Fusion 2 Dev Owner
-Fusion 2 Owner
-Games Factory 2 Owner
-Fusion Original Owner
-Clickteam Fan
-Attention Getter
-Note Worthy
-Sonic Speed
I might make some game maker and construct icons next Edited by UrbanMonk
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 04:58:14 -
i would do more enlisted ranks but they get really tall
Rikus Administrator
Crazy for NewsRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
8th April, 2009 at 05:00:44 -
Ohhh Urban monk I love the MMF2 owner tfg owner thing, nice one good idea! Sonic rules!
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 05:05:25 -
ghost buster
Rikus Administrator
Crazy for NewsRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
8th April, 2009 at 05:07:00 -
ohhhhhhh who do i want to call!
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 05:12:32 -
on steam
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled PsychoRegistered 08/11/2008
Points 377
8th April, 2009 at 05:15:59 -
I've got some cookin up- expect some soon.
Dang, I love this idea- We should also make some default user profiles too for the noobs, lol. (I needed a good excuse to draw)
An old and washed up once-kid
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
8th April, 2009 at 05:21:31 -
-Games Factory Original Lover
-Scirra Fan
-Construct User
-GameMaker User
-Lazy Icon Maker
-Notepad Lover
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 05:24:48 -
Registered 01/12/2008
Points 188
8th April, 2009 at 05:25:50 -
The last one I did was just for fun...
Name these whatever you want- I'm not a good name "thinker-upper"
Will work for pencils and sharpie markers.
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
8th April, 2009 at 05:25:57 -
Awesome, why didn't I think of Pokeballs?
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 05:27:39 -
i... dont... know? why didn't you?
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
8th April, 2009 at 05:29:26 -
That was a rhetorical question, it means "wow that was a good idea"
Get it? <- That's rhetorical too btw
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 05:48:36 -
lol and i was just going along to be a jackass
MORE! to go with on steam
playing hl
playing hl2
playing tf2
playing cs
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
8th April, 2009 at 05:54:12 -
You're right! you provoked me!
-The cake is a lie
-TDC Spirit!
Edited by UrbanMonk
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 06:06:30 -
damn i forgot a portal one.
how bout some companion cube
companion cube
and i think this is my last one. at least for today
so here are all of mine
cardboard box
ghost buster
on steam
playing hl
playing hl2
playing tf2
playing cs
companion cube
private first class
lance corporal
sergent Edited by Cecilectomy
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled PsychoRegistered 08/11/2008
Points 377
8th April, 2009 at 07:42:18 -
In order:
-Some dog
-Just some planet
-TDC flag
-An awesome carrot
-Badly drawn Radiation design
-Apparently a pile of sand
-The "I bought this tag" tag
-Badly drawn wind
-Neat design
-Rikus Kras!
Edit: Spelling... Edited by W3R3W00F
An old and washed up once-kid
Registered 18/05/2008
Points 1242
8th April, 2009 at 08:06:35 -
Mr G
Registered 31/12/2008
Points 178
8th April, 2009 at 08:24:06 -
These were premade, but would suit nice to this site:
Oldies Guy:
Bronze Member:
Silver Member:
A Bug:
Birtday Lad:
Colorful Personality:
I'm watching you:
I've Got An Idea!:
Shocking Personality:
Defensive Person:
World Inhabitant:
Solgryn Solgryn dot orgRegistered 20/12/2008
Points 12572
8th April, 2009 at 09:41:40 -
Here are some
= Flash User (I am using flash a little, trying to learn the code)
= Thinks blob is cool
Dr. James MD Addict
Registered 08/12/2003
Points 11941
8th April, 2009 at 12:09:19 -
Originally Posted by Cecil
How possible is it Admins that if you highlight this icon on a profile that the text reads their Steam ID? If thats possible how aboot an Xbox Live, PSN and Wii one?
On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 12:28:24 -
it shouldnt be too difficult for them. as long as its an option in a users profile to add their steam id / psn / xbl / wii friend code etc they can use the asp or java (whichever they use to display the hover text bubble) to append a string together that says like "(dc user) is on (network): (id)"
now getting it to display only if theyre actually on would probably be impossible
Solgryn Solgryn dot orgRegistered 20/12/2008
Points 12572
8th April, 2009 at 12:57:29 -
Yea great idea! With the steam/Wii etc. stuff, that would be nice... you could also make a BRAWL icon and you could see each others brawl friend codes, if anyone have brawl? I do =D
Dr. James MD Addict
Registered 08/12/2003
Points 11941
8th April, 2009 at 13:03:27 -
Originally Posted by solgryn Yea great idea! With the steam/Wii etc. stuff, that would be nice... you could also make a BRAWL icon and you could see each others brawl friend codes, if anyone have brawl? I do =D
Ah yea, forgot the Wii uses individual codes. Maybe (again, only if they can do this) only add icons for the more popular games like Kart, Brawl, AC to prevent it being flooded.
I has Brawl :3 haven't played a proper game in a while though, just been practising timing with Ike (86% accuracy oooooo oh yea).
On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13
Solgryn Solgryn dot orgRegistered 20/12/2008
Points 12572
8th April, 2009 at 15:08:19 -
Ah yea, forgot the Wii uses individual codes. Maybe (again, only if they can do this) only add icons for the more popular games like Kart, Brawl, AC to prevent it being flooded.
I has Brawl :3 haven't played a proper game in a while though, just been practising timing with Ike (86% accuracy oooooo oh yea).
Add me
my code:
OMC What a goofballRegistered 21/05/2007
Points 3516
8th April, 2009 at 15:08:49 -
Can't make any at the moment since I'm at school, but we'll see if my site's favicon works just for fun:
"Member of the goobersquad."
Sketchy Cornwall UKRegistered 06/11/2004
Points 1971
8th April, 2009 at 15:13:01 -
Country flags, so people can see where you're from
"Icons - in GIF and PNG formats — representing most countries in the world as small (16x11) pixel icons. These flag icons are available for free use for any purpose with no requirement for attribution."
Jon Lambert Administrator
Vaporware MasterRegistered 19/12/2004
Points 8235
8th April, 2009 at 19:36:58 -
So is Sketch going to get 247x25=6175 points?!!
Sandwich Time!Whoo!
JoyCheck & KeyCheck Widgets
For easy implementation of customizable joystick and keyboard controls.
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 19:55:46 -
i dont think any of the people who posted premade icons should get points for them. thats like saying "hey you worked hard on your icons but this guy over here? he linked us to some amazing ones he DIDNT make. we'll give him the points."
no offense, the flags are great and an amazing idea. i just dont see how it would be fair to give points for them if theyre used.
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
8th April, 2009 at 20:01:26 -
HEY, I worked hard to rip all of those icons!
I had to download all of the programs then use a resource hacker to extract the icon data.
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled PsychoRegistered 08/11/2008
Points 377
8th April, 2009 at 20:04:27 -
Somebody already suggested flags though. He made a thread and people started putting them in their sigs. Really, why pay for flag-tags when you could put them in your sig for free?
An old and washed up once-kid
Sketchy Cornwall UKRegistered 06/11/2004
Points 1971
8th April, 2009 at 20:12:50 -
Originally Posted by ωξяξW○○F Really, why pay for flag-tags when you could put them in your sig for free?
It's called patriotism
Also, you can put any of the other tags in your sig too, so how is a flag any different?
And no, I'm obviously not expecting to get any points for suggesting it - I have plenty already
btw: I'd pay (points not $) to be able to use new smileys in my posts - the current ones are old and boring, and quite limited.
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 20:13:57 -
im sure they have plans for this. i mean they have other smileys. theyre just hoarding them for themselves!!!
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
8th April, 2009 at 20:15:06 -
I think the flags ought to count as one tag, then after you by the "flag" tag, it'll let you select a flag.
I'm sure all of this would be a pain to code though.
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
8th April, 2009 at 20:18:39 -
the stuff theyre doing isnt really complicated to do. its just the admins have lives.
Spitznagl CabinetmakerRegistered 06/12/2008
Points 4260
8th April, 2009 at 23:01:09 -
Some Ideas
Wii owner
Hero of time
Happy dude
Color pro
8bit master or some other name for one of those 2
Ski TDC is my stress ballRegistered 13/03/2005
Points 10130
8th April, 2009 at 23:04:11 -
That hero of time one is great
Spitznagl CabinetmakerRegistered 06/12/2008
Points 4260
8th April, 2009 at 23:46:57 -
And here's some more
X360 owner
PS3 owner
Click Mechanic
I've got a Brain!
Real mens eat meat! Edited by Spitznagl
Jon C-B I create vaporwareRegistered 23/04/2008
Points 237
9th April, 2009 at 00:37:41 -
Here's a few of mine...
DS Owner
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled PsychoRegistered 08/11/2008
Points 377
9th April, 2009 at 01:30:41 -
"It's called patriotism. "
It's called "Being intelligible with your earnings"; but if you MUST waste points on something that gives you no more Patriotism than putting it in your sig, spend away. |,
IMO it sounds alright- nothing wrong with it, but if there's something more interesting than Flag-tags I'll save up for it instead. Edited by W3R3W00F
An old and washed up once-kid
OMC What a goofballRegistered 21/05/2007
Points 3516
9th April, 2009 at 02:29:50 -
flag tags FTW!
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled PsychoRegistered 08/11/2008
Points 377
9th April, 2009 at 02:45:50 -
I think I'd want a BOM tag.
OMC certainly made the best superhero on TDC.
An old and washed up once-kid
Jon Lambert Administrator
Vaporware MasterRegistered 19/12/2004
Points 8235
9th April, 2009 at 02:53:59 -
Wanted to get them in before someone else...
Brawler (friend code)
I Choose You! (pokemon friend code)
Went to the City (ACCF friend code)
Sandwich Time!Whoo!
JoyCheck & KeyCheck Widgets
For easy implementation of customizable joystick and keyboard controls.
Fifth QuadrupedRegistered 07/05/2003
Points 5819
9th April, 2009 at 04:14:42 -
Methinks there might be something better to represent Pokémon than a P... A Pokéball might be best, though that's already been posted here... Maybe a Pikachu head, or something?
Anyway, there totally needs to be a paw-print:
Go Moon!
Chloe Sagal under the influence of FUNRegistered 19/02/2009
Points 607
9th April, 2009 at 04:48:32 -
ur enlisted ranks are off? u are doing the american rank system right? if so it seems like ur mixing up marines and army insignia. Edited by Chloe Sagal
Spitznagl CabinetmakerRegistered 06/12/2008
Points 4260
9th April, 2009 at 05:00:48 -
Again, some more
The only current-gen console which hasn't been done:
PSP owner
Because they complain about colors, and get mad when we tell'em they're wrong:
Color Blind
Death to Sega
Nes controller
Snes controller
I also wanted to draw sega consoles, but they're all black so...
And specially for Pixelthief:
I make sandwich games
Dustin Gunn Gnarly Tubular Way Cool Awesome Groovy MondoRegistered 15/12/2004
Points 2659
9th April, 2009 at 05:30:33 -
- I'm on a boat
Rikus Administrator
Crazy for NewsRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
9th April, 2009 at 06:12:23 -
Love what everyone has done so far! The boat rocks!
I made flava aware of the topic and it has been confirmed he is working on a tag section for the store with some other updates, it should be ready next week! Keep them coming! I also changed the rules for the points a bit to make it more fair
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
RedEnchilada formerly RedEchidnaRegistered 01/08/2008
Points 301
9th April, 2009 at 15:03:17 -
Could be either "Blue Screen of Death" or "Doesn't Know How to Code". Try flipping a coin or something.
woooooooooooooooooaah maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Silveraura God's GodRegistered 08/08/2002
Points 6747
9th April, 2009 at 15:57:49 -
Satisfied Windows Vista owner.
Klikmaster Master of all things KlikRegistered 08/07/2002
Points 2599
9th April, 2009 at 19:33:29 -
I should have guessed you'd submit that Brandon
Here are mine:
- Lolly
- Sweetie
- Warning Sign
- beachball
- Inspired by my current avatar Edited by Klikmaster
OMC What a goofballRegistered 21/05/2007
Points 3516
9th April, 2009 at 23:47:00 -
I call it... "Chuck Norris approved."
I'll try to make some later.
Jon Lambert Administrator
Vaporware MasterRegistered 19/12/2004
Points 8235
10th April, 2009 at 02:49:43 -
Less so the last two, but I can't believe people haven't already posted these...
Sandwich Time!Whoo!
JoyCheck & KeyCheck Widgets
For easy implementation of customizable joystick and keyboard controls.
Otter RatingRegistered 29/06/2008
Points 464
11th April, 2009 at 04:19:55 -
I just made two.
Guitar! Or muscisian, should've done an accordion for OMC
Some people will say this is racist, but I would literally pay 500 DC points for this! Call me a redneck, I don't care...
Otter RatingRegistered 29/06/2008
Points 464
11th April, 2009 at 04:44:29 -
Originally Posted by OldManClayton
I call it... "Chuck Norris approved."
I'll try to make some later.
That was what it said on the sophomore shirts for my highschool
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled PsychoRegistered 08/11/2008
Points 377
11th April, 2009 at 05:37:16 -
Sorry- Tomatokid already made a Guitar. Plus I already thought of making an accordian for OMC. It was 32 by 32 though.
An old and washed up once-kid
Spitznagl CabinetmakerRegistered 06/12/2008
Points 4260
11th April, 2009 at 07:11:02 -
That's so fun
Might be a girl
Come get some!
D&D veteran
I'm a stormtrooper
Goes to church
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
11th April, 2009 at 07:38:54 -
that should read "amish" not "goes to church"
Muz Registered 14/02/2002
Points 6499
13th April, 2009 at 13:38:54 -
It should read dwarf
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Chaoz (Tri-Life Gaming)
Registered 29/07/2005
Points 11
15th April, 2009 at 08:26:42 -
- One happy feller.
- One sad feller.
Might make some more, if i'm bored enough
chrilley Insane BeaverRegistered 05/01/2002
Points 704
18th April, 2009 at 21:38:02 -
- Fuzzy Panda!
- Happy fellah!
- Pac-Man
- Pile o' Poo (or goo)
- Shiny Star
- Lovely
- Fellow Beavah!
I see some of them are a little hard to make out what they're supposed to be... oh well.
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
18th April, 2009 at 23:33:26 -
Mkingy Registered 05/07/2003
Points 4771
19th April, 2009 at 00:24:30 -
Originally Posted by Adam Phant
Registered 03/12/2007
Points 263
19th April, 2009 at 01:54:08 -
RICH TAG: Edited by Fish20
All your base are in another castle, take this.
Silveraura God's GodRegistered 08/08/2002
Points 6747
19th April, 2009 at 04:12:08 -
So that after you buy it, it means nothing anymore!
Instead make it so that once you reach like 5000 points, you'll get one that says "I'm Rich!"
Then if you fall below 1000, it'll change to a broken $ sign that says "I used to be rich. " Edited by Silveraura
Muz Registered 14/02/2002
Points 6499
19th April, 2009 at 07:18:42 -
Originally Posted by Dustin Gunn
Lol, I want to add that just because of this clip:
[Clip is NSFW, though, lots of typical rap swearing ] Edited by Muz
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Rikus Administrator
Crazy for NewsRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
21st April, 2009 at 00:45:58 -
Hopefully flava wont mind that I went into his code
Alrighty, prices adjusted, changed the price to a bit more higher, the sale is over
I also added some new tags, ohhhh. Also tags will come and go over time so if you like one get it while its hot.
And if you want to make some more feel free to do so!
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
Rikus Administrator
Crazy for NewsRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
21st April, 2009 at 00:46:40 -
Oh and if you did not get your points or the right amound let me know!
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
Jason Orme Using Klik Products Since 1998Registered 24/05/2002
Points 960
21st April, 2009 at 08:48:25 -
Turtle Power!
Cecilectomy noPERegistered 19/03/2005
Points 305
21st April, 2009 at 10:25:36 -
haha i dont think going into flava's code is a good idea.
and damn those tags are expensive.
Rikus Administrator
Crazy for NewsRegistered 02/12/2001
Points 980502
21st April, 2009 at 10:25:56 -
Woot thanks Jason, sending you some points! Already added to the store!
Be sure to follow us on the twitters for the latest and greatest: @dailyclick
Jason Orme Using Klik Products Since 1998Registered 24/05/2002
Points 960
21st April, 2009 at 17:20:32 -
Woo! thanks. Although I don't appear to have received any points
Edit: Got em, thanks Edited by Jason Orme
RedEnchilada formerly RedEchidnaRegistered 01/08/2008
Points 301
27th April, 2009 at 22:46:45 -
Does a lot of coding
And a counteractive version of Brandon's:
Unsatisfied Vista owner
Down with Vista!
(Sorry, just had to do it) Edited by RedEnchilada
woooooooooooooooooaah maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Muz Registered 14/02/2002
Points 6499
28th April, 2009 at 15:32:31 -
Someone needs to make a pi tag.
Or one with MMF symbol - MMF user
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
29th April, 2009 at 00:12:25 -
Originally Posted by UrbanMonk
-Fusion 2 Dev Owner
-Fusion 2 Owner
-Games Factory 2 Owner
-Fusion Original Owner
-Clickteam Fan
-Attention Getter
-Note Worthy
-Sonic Speed
I might make some game maker and construct icons next
-Games Factory Original Lover
-Scirra Fan
-Construct User
-GameMaker User
-Lazy Icon Maker
-Notepad Lover
Silveraura God's GodRegistered 08/08/2002
Points 6747
29th April, 2009 at 00:20:26 -
Originally Posted by RedEchidna
Does a lot of coding
And a counteractive version of Brandon's:
Unsatisfied Vista owner
Down with Vista!
(Sorry, just had to do it)
It's not like theres an "Anti-360" or "Anti-PS3". This hardly seems necessary.
OMC What a goofballRegistered 21/05/2007
Points 3516
29th April, 2009 at 01:05:37 -
Originally Posted by UrbanMonk
-Games Factory Original Lover
chrilley Insane BeaverRegistered 05/01/2002
Points 704
29th April, 2009 at 13:18:48 -
What about a Click & Create tag?
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
29th April, 2009 at 14:30:23 -
I'll have to dig around for my old copy of click & create, but sure I'll make a tag for that too.
RedEnchilada formerly RedEchidnaRegistered 01/08/2008
Points 301
29th April, 2009 at 14:32:54 -
Originally Posted by BrandonC Originally Posted by RedEchidna
Does a lot of coding
And a counteractive version of Brandon's:
Unsatisfied Vista owner
Down with Vista!
(Sorry, just had to do it)
It's not like theres an "Anti-360" or "Anti-PS3". This hardly seems necessary.
It was just a joke.
woooooooooooooooooaah maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
chrilley Insane BeaverRegistered 05/01/2002
Points 704
29th April, 2009 at 14:54:26 -
Originally Posted by UrbanMonk I'll have to dig around for my old copy of click & create, but sure I'll make a tag for that too.
Pisarz Ksiazkowicz (Maciej Janiszewski) Borg droneRegistered 06/12/2007
Points 61
30th April, 2009 at 07:05:11 -
Some Trek icons:
1. Starfleet officer
2. Borg drone
3. Random Borg drone Edited by Pisarz Ksiazkowicz (Maciej Janiszewski)
Resistance is Futile.
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
11th May, 2009 at 13:39:13 -
- Big Gulp
Sorry, I forgot how to make the background transparent!!! D:
Edited by Nuklear41
Silveraura God's GodRegistered 08/08/2002
Points 6747
11th May, 2009 at 17:35:52 -
Originally Posted by Pisarz Ksiazkowicz (Maciej Janiszewski) Some Trek icons:
1. Starfleet officer
2. Borg drone
3. Random Borg drone
Starfleet Officier WIN!
Nuklear41 Possibly Insane
Registered 12/01/2008
Points 2395
12th May, 2009 at 07:20:06 -
- Propane & Propane Accessories
- Government wiped my memory
- Dang ol' yo man
- I'm worried about being a slut
- Beefaroni fun to eat!
Edited by Nuklear41
[DELETED] Likes to put dots on paperRegistered 08/12/2008
Points 118
13th June, 2009 at 11:55:18 -
Wasn't sure if to post in this thread, but I'm curious since the tags store apparently has limited time tags and such, is there any plan or idea about how often they will change etc?
OMC What a goofballRegistered 21/05/2007
Points 3516
14th June, 2009 at 03:16:26 -
Awesome, but small.
Registered 18/12/2007
Points 131
14th June, 2009 at 22:34:50 -
i luv cheezburges
Hey guys, if you need a spritist or someone to create anything about art:
and all sort of other things, then just send me an email or PM me!
Rob Westbrook
Registered 25/05/2007
Points 193
18th June, 2009 at 01:20:47 -
<- Caffeine/Coffee Addict!
For the night time clickers? Possibly animate the steam, what do people think?
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.
Registered 18/12/2007
Points 131
18th June, 2009 at 13:22:25 -
Nice! You should make a cappuccino one! (I'm too young for coffee, I have cappuccino's instead )
Hey guys, if you need a spritist or someone to create anything about art:
and all sort of other things, then just send me an email or PM me!
Registered 18/06/2009
Points 150
19th June, 2009 at 19:22:01 -
I've got 2:
A generic sword:
AND PI!:A generic sword:
Have Fun!
I am no longer not a taco.
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled PsychoRegistered 08/11/2008
Points 377
20th June, 2009 at 00:23:57 -
Originally Posted by Rob Westbrook <- Caffeine/Coffee Addict!
For the night time clickers? Possibly animate the steam, what do people think?
All for that, my friend.
An old and washed up once-kid
Registered 16/04/2008
Points 436
20th June, 2009 at 20:41:15 -
- Abducted